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P: Synchronize the counts images pending upload across all clients

Contributor ,
Jun 24, 2023 Jun 24, 2023

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Synchronise the counts of images over all platforms in the cloud rapidly so that users really know how much is left to synchronise.


I work using multiple devices. I can take photos on an iPhone (or import via SD card reader to my iPhone from my camera). I might want to look at them on iPad, or on Lightroom Mobile on Mac Mini, or using Lightroom Classic on my main PC.

Let's say I take 200 images on the phone. 


It will tell me that say 32/200 are uploaded. But if I look on the iPad it will only know that 32 are in the cloud and it may tell me 7/32 are downloaded. Later I may look again and it tells me 28/42 are downloaded. By this point the iPhone may be telling me that 50/200 are uploaded. Yet if I go to the PC it may tell me that 6/50 are downloaded.

It's a mess.

If, at the point of saying "I've got 200 to upload to the cloud" that number got put into the cloud as a holding number all the devices could say how many of the 200 that the cloud knows will eventually be in the cloud are downloaded to the individual device.


The same is true if I create a collection in Lightroom Classic on my PC and say to synchronise that with the cloud. Let's say a selection of 450 images is going from PC to cloud - then the cloud ought to be able to tell my iPhone or iPad or Mac Mini that they are downloading a given number out of that 450 and not just out of however many have reached the cloud at that point from the PC.

It would be great if you could synchronise the numbers over all devices as soon as there are new files heading to the cloud from any one of them.

Idea No status
Android , iOS: iPhone , iPadOS , macOS , Web , Windows






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