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An error occurred during image generation: error request_task: 400 Bad Request

New Here ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 15.28.22.png

i have a problem whit my photoshop beta 

When I want to use the Generative Fill feature, I encounter this error

I have deleted and reinstalled it several times, turned off the firewall, changed the DNS, but the problem still persists.

Thank you for helping me to solve this problem

my laptop is macbook pro m1 2021







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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

Everyone, please update to the latest Ps beta: Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.0.0 20230801.m.2265 3a00623 x64




New Here ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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I'm having the same issue





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New Here ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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genarate fill





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New Here ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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error request task 400 bad request





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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Hi @Gatita TVV31667956ejce could you share what you were doing, what was your workflow when this error message showed?


It may help if we could see your Photoshop System Info. Launch Photoshop, and select Help >System Info...and copy/paste the text in a reply.  






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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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New Here ,
Aug 17, 2023 Aug 17, 2023

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Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.5.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
Number of Launches: 2
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Version: 10 10.0.19045.3324
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:5, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 8
Logical processor count: 16
Processor speed: 2904 MHz
Built-in memory: 16322 MB
Free memory: 10452 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 12034 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
Crash Handler: Adobe
DCX Version: 7.1.3
SAM SDK Version: 4.1.4
ACP.local Status:
- SDK Version:
- Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible
- Core Sync Running:
- Min Core Sync Required:
Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.0
Content Credential Helper Version: Not Available
D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled.
Manta Canvas: Enabled.
Alias Layers: Disabled.
Highbeam: Enabled.
Image tile size: 1024K
Image cache levels: 4
Font Preview: Medium
HarfBuzz Version: HarfBuzz Not Initialized
TextEngine: Unified Text Engine
======= GPU
Native API stable: True
OpenGL API stable: True
OpenCL API stable: True
GPUDeny: 0
GPUForce: 0
useGPU: 1
useOpenCL: 1
isGPUCapable: 1
GPUName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
IsNativeGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1
HasSufficientRAM: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 4,017 MB
Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB
UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1
UseOpenCLChecked: 1
Windows remote desktop: 0
Windows available feature level: 12.1
Windows required feature level: 12.0
Windows has required feature level: 1
Display: 1
Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1080, right=1920
------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
Launch GPUSnifferThread

[1 ms]
Start RunAllAPIs

[1 ms]
"D:\photoshop\files\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=173935 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.5.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

[501 ms]
Start sniffer 2023-08-17 15:52:26
# Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.5.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
D:\photoshop\files\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=173935 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.5.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

{138 ms}
Start platform native
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,920, 1,080)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 4,017 MB
VRAM: 4,017 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 8,557 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: 2023-07-12 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 1 month
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 7298
End platform native
{281 ms}

{281 ms}
Start platform OpenGL
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,920, 1,080)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 4,212 MB
VRAM: 4,212 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 8,557 MB
API version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 536.67)
Device version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 536.67)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: 2023-07-12 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 1 month
Driver version:
GLSL version: 1.20 (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler)
End platform OpenGL
{328 ms}

{328 ms}
Start platform OpenCL
# displays: 0

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: DISCRETE
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 4,294 MB
VRAM: 4,294 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA)
Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 77 GB / s
Compute score: 910.061
Device name string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Device vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
Platform name string: NVIDIA CUDA
Platform vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
End platform OpenCL
{432 ms}

Exit code kExitNormal
End sniffer 2023-08-17 15:52:26
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[502 ms]
Finish RunAllAPIs

[1706 ms]
Start GetSnifferResult

[1706 ms]
Finish GetSnifferResult

------- Sniffer output
======= GPU
License Type: Subscription
Serial number:
Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on
Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on
Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on
Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off
Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off
Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off

Application folder: D:\photoshop\files\Adobe Photoshop 2023\
Temporary file path: C:\Users\BIKALS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
Startup, 237.8G, 77.1G free
Required Plugins folder: D:\photoshop\files\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\Plug-ins\
Primary Plugins folder: D:\photoshop\files\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Plug-ins\

Installed components:
ACE.dll ACE 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
act_tracing.dll Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved 1.0.58
AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library dfba77e
AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0
AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2023/01/28-17:08:16 79.4c0bb7e 79.4c0bb7e
AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program
AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.8567dec 79.8567dec
AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AGM.dll AGM 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
AIDE.dll AIDE 2023/04/04-19:10:45 79.8b163e2 79.8b163e2
aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434
AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2023 27.1.0
aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434
ARE.dll ARE 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
BIB.dll BIB 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
boost_chrono.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_regex.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_system.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
CoolType.dll CoolType 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL
DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.10.1+230125-1155.1.dml-1.10.177341d
dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2
dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodsp.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacore.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0
dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataUI.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvanet.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaui.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvavulcansupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O
icucnv71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuin71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuuc71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2023/03/10-17:55:06 79.6dcde51 79.6dcde51
libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A)
libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0
libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
libzip.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
LogSession.dll LogSession
mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.14.20230410.1.429e1e3
mkl_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_core.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_sequential.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
MPS.dll MPS 2023/03/30-19:06:20 79.fb3b9df 79.fb3b9df
onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.14.20230410.1.429e1e3
opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2
pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377
Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.5.2
PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)
PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
ScCore.dll ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.e41acba 79.e41acba
svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library
VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library
WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support
WRServices.dll WRServices Build
Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
UPIC 2.6.0

Required plugins:

Accented Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Adaptive Wide Angle 24.6 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”
Angled Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Average 24.6 - from the file “Average.8bf”
Bas Relief 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
BMP 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Camera Raw 15.4 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Camera Raw Filter 15.4 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Chalk && Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Chrome 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Cineon 24.6 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”
Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Color Halftone 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Colored Pencil 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Conté Crayon 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Craquelure 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crop and Straighten Photos 24.6 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”
Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Crosshatch 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crystallize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Cutout 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Dark Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
De-Interlace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dicom 24.6 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”
Difference Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Diffuse Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Displace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dry Brush 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Entropy 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Export Color Lookup Tables 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Extrude 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
FastCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”
Fibers 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Film Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Filter Gallery 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Fresco 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glowing Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Graphic Pen 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halftone Pattern 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halide Bottlenecks 24.6 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”
HDRMergeUI 24.6 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”
HSB/HSL 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
IFF Format 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Ink Outlines 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
JPEG 2000 24.6 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”
Kurtosis 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Lens Blur 24.6 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”
Lens Correction 24.6 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”
Lens Flare 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Liquify 24.6 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”
Matlab Operation 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Maximum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mean 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Measurement Core 24.6 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”
Median 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mezzotint 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Minimum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
MMXCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”
Mosaic Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Multiprocessor Support 24.6 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”
Neon Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Note Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
NTSC Colors 24.6 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”
Ocean Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
OpenEXR 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Paint Daubs 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Palette Knife 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Patchwork 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Paths to Illustrator 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
PCX 24.6 - from the file “PCX.8bi”
Photocopy 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Picture Package Filter 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Pinch 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Pixar 24.6 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”
Plaster 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Plastic Wrap 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Pointillize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Polar Coordinates 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Portable Bit Map 24.6 - from the file “PBM.8bi”
Poster Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Radial Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Radiance 24.6 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”
Range 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Render Color Lookup Grid 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Reticulation 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Rough Pastels 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Save for Web 24.6 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”
ScriptingSupport 24.6 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”
Shear 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Skewness 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Smart Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Smudge Stick 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Solarize 24.6 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”
SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li”
Spatter 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Spherize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Sponge 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Sprayed Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stained Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stamp 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Standard Deviation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Substance NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf”
Sumi-e 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Summation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Targa 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Texturizer 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Torn Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Twirl 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Underpainting 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Vanishing Point 24.6 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”
Variance 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Water Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Watercolor 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Wave 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
WIA Support 24.6 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”
Wind 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Wireless Bitmap 24.6 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”
ZigZag 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

Optional and third party plugins: NONE

Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE

Plugins that failed to load: NONE

Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:

Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
CDO: 1.138.1
CmdN: 1.18.5
CDP: 1.162.1
Projects: 1.7.0
Loaded at: 95 ms - launch time impact: 18 ms
ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 13011 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Beta Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 98 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Share Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 99 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12575 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\"
CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.0.2
Substance 3D (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 13013 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Adjustments Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 13014 ms - launch time impact: 1 ms
Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Facepile (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 13015 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 13016 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
IC popup message (Loaded)
Loaded at: 12460 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Multilayer Protection (Loaded)
Loaded at: 12461 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Discover Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 13018 ms - launch time impact: 19 ms
Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "Required Folder"
Scan time: 0 ms - entries: 27


Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\index.html”
com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”
com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\extensions\capture\capture.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “D:\photoshop\files\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “D:\photoshop\files\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\manager.html”

Installed TWAIN devices: NONE





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Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.6.0 20230612.m.2205 9cfa76c x64
Number of Launches: 6
Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit
Version: 11 or greater 10.0.22621.2134
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:1 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
Physical processor count: 2
Processor speed: 1094 MHz
Built-in memory: 3919 MB
Free memory: 2493 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 2111 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
Crash Handler: Adobe
DCX Version: 7.1.5
SAM SDK Version: 4.1.4
ACP.local Status:
- SDK Version:
- Core Sync Status: Unknown
- Core Sync Running: Unavailable
- Min Core Sync Required:
Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.0
Content Credential Helper Version: NA
D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled.
Manta Canvas: Enabled.
Alias Layers: Disabled.
Highbeam: Enabled.
Image tile size: 128K
Image cache levels: 4
Font Preview: Medium
HarfBuzz Version: 4.3.0
TextEngine: Unified Text Engine
======= GPU
Native API stable: True
OpenGL API stable: True
OpenCL API stable: True
GPUDeny: 0
GPUForce: 0
useGPU: 1
useOpenCL: 1
isGPUCapable: 1
GPUName: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600
IsNativeGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1
HasSufficientRAM: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 2,182 MB
Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB
UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1
UseOpenCLChecked: 1
Windows remote desktop: 0
Windows available feature level: 12.1
Windows required feature level: 12.0
Windows has required feature level: 1
Display: 1
Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=768, right=1366
------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
Launch GPUSnifferThread

[9 ms]
Start RunAllAPIs

[9 ms]
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=356138 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230612.m.2205 9cfa76c x64

[8414 ms]
Start sniffer 2023-08-22 23:12:32
# Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230612.m.2205 9cfa76c x64
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=356138 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230612.m.2205 9cfa76c x64

{744 ms}
Start platform native
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,366, 768)
Dimensions: (1,366 768)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 2,182 MB
VRAM: 128 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 2,054 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: 2023-05-24 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 3 months
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 12677
End platform native
{1045 ms}

{1045 ms}
Start platform OpenGL
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,366, 768)
Dimensions: (1,366 768)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 2,188 MB
VRAM: 134 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 2,054 MB
API version: 4.6 (4.6.0 - Build
Device version: 4.6 (4.6.0 - Build
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: 2023-05-24 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 3 months
Driver version:
GLSL version: 4.60 (4.60 - Build
End platform OpenGL
{1340 ms}

{1340 ms}
Start platform OpenCL
# displays: 0

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 1,643 MB
VRAM: 1,643 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 )
Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 NEO )
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 10 GB / s
Compute score: 55.2616
Device name string: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600
Device vendor string: Intel(R) Corporation
Platform name string: Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
Platform vendor string: Intel(R) Corporation
End platform OpenCL
{7052 ms}

Exit code kExitNormal
End sniffer 2023-08-22 23:12:38
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[8414 ms]
Finish RunAllAPIs

[9582 ms]
Start GetSnifferResult

[9582 ms]
Finish GetSnifferResult

------- Sniffer output
======= GPU
License Type: Subscription
Serial number:
Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on
Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on
Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on
Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off
Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off
Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off

Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\
Temporary file path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
Startup, 148,4G, 96,9G free
Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\Plug-ins\
Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Plug-ins\

Installed components:
ACE.dll ACE 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
act_tracing.dll Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved 1.0.58
AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library dfba77e
AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0
AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2023/01/28-17:08:16 79.4c0bb7e 79.4c0bb7e
AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program
AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.8567dec 79.8567dec
AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AGM.dll AGM 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
AIDE.dll AIDE 2023/04/04-19:10:45 79.8b163e2 79.8b163e2
aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434
AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2023 27.1.0
aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434
ARE.dll ARE 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
BIB.dll BIB 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
boost_chrono.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_regex.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_system.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
CoolType.dll CoolType 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL
DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.10.1+230125-1155.1.dml-1.10.177341d
dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2
dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodsp.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacore.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0
dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataUI.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvanet.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaui.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvavulcansupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O
icucnv71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuin71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuuc71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2023/03/10-17:55:06 79.6dcde51 79.6dcde51
libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A)
libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0
libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
libzip.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
LogSession.dll LogSession
mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.14.20230410.1.429e1e3
mkl_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_core.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_sequential.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
MPS.dll MPS 2023/03/30-19:06:20 79.fb3b9df 79.fb3b9df
onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.14.20230410.1.429e1e3
opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2
pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377
Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.5.2
PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)
PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.7
PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.7
ScCore.dll ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.e41acba 79.e41acba
svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library
VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library
WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support
WRServices.dll WRServices Build
Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
UPIC 2.6.0

Required plugins:

Accented Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Adaptive Wide Angle 24.6 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”
Angled Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Average 24.6 - from the file “Average.8bf”
Bas Relief 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
BMP 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Camera Raw 15.4 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Camera Raw Filter 15.4 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Chalk && Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Chrome 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Cineon 24.6 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”
Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Color Halftone 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Colored Pencil 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Conté Crayon 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Craquelure 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crop and Straighten Photos 24.6 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”
Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Crosshatch 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crystallize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Cutout 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Dark Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
De-Interlace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dicom 24.6 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”
Difference Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Diffuse Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Displace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dry Brush 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Entropy 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Export Color Lookup Tables 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Extrude 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
FastCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”
Fibers 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Film Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Filter Gallery 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Fresco 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glowing Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Graphic Pen 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halftone Pattern 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halide Bottlenecks 24.6 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”
HDRMergeUI 24.6 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”
HSB/HSL 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
IFF Format 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Ink Outlines 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
JPEG 2000 24.6 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”
Kurtosis 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Lens Blur 24.6 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”
Lens Correction 24.6 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”
Lens Flare 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Liquify 24.6 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”
Matlab Operation 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Maximum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mean 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Measurement Core 24.6 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”
Median 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mezzotint 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Minimum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
MMXCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”
Mosaic Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Multiprocessor Support 24.6 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”
Neon Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Note Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
NTSC Colors 24.6 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”
Ocean Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
OpenEXR 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Paint Daubs 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Palette Knife 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Patchwork 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Paths to Illustrator 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
PCX 24.6 - from the file “PCX.8bi”
Photocopy 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Picture Package Filter 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Pinch 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Pixar 24.6 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”
Plaster 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Plastic Wrap 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Pointillize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Polar Coordinates 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Portable Bit Map 24.6 - from the file “PBM.8bi”
Poster Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Radial Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Radiance 24.6 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”
Range 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Render Color Lookup Grid 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Reticulation 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Rough Pastels 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Save for Web 24.6 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”
ScriptingSupport 24.6 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”
Shear 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Skewness 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Smart Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Smudge Stick 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Solarize 24.6 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”
SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li”
Spatter 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Spherize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Sponge 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Sprayed Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stained Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stamp 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Standard Deviation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Substance NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf”
Sumi-e 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Summation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Targa 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Texturizer 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Torn Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Twirl 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Underpainting 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Vanishing Point 24.6 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”
Variance 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Water Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Watercolor 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Wave 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
WIA Support 24.6 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”
Wind 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Wireless Bitmap 24.6 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”
ZigZag 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

Optional and third party plugins: NONE

Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE

Plugins that failed to load: NONE

Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:

Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
CDO: 1.138.1
CmdN: 1.18.5
CDP: 1.162.1
Projects: 1.7.0
Loaded at: 491 ms - launch time impact: 20 ms
ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 26933 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Beta Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 519 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Share Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 525 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 22585 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Neural Filters (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Substance 3D (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 26938 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Adjustments Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 26949 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Facepile (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 26954 ms - launch time impact: 2 ms
Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 26960 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
IC popup message (Loaded)
Loaded at: 16358 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Multilayer Protection (Loaded)
Loaded at: 16364 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Discover Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 26970 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Scan time: 0 ms - entries: 19


Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.DesignLibraryPanel.html\index.html”
com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.DesignLibraryPanel.html\extensions\capture\capture.html”
com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.DesignLibraryPanel.html\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.DesignLibraryPanel.html\manager.html”

Installed TWAIN devices: NONE





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Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
Number of Launches: 181
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Version: 10 10.0.19045.3324
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:5, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 10
Logical processor count: 20
Processor speed: 2394 MHz
Built-in memory: 48798 MB
Free memory: 31291 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 38015 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
Crash Handler: Adobe
DCX Version: 7.1.3
SAM SDK Version: 4.1.4
ACP.local Status:
- SDK Version:
- Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible
- Core Sync Running:
- Min Core Sync Required:
Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.0
Content Credential Helper Version: 0.5.3
D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled.
Manta Canvas: Enabled.
Alias Layers: Disabled.
Highbeam: Enabled.
Image tile size: 1024K
Image cache levels: 4
Font Preview: Medium
HarfBuzz Version: 4.3.0
TextEngine: Unified Text Engine
======= GPU
Native API stable: True
OpenGL API stable: True
OpenCL API stable: True
GPUDeny: 0
GPUForce: 0
useGPU: 1
useOpenCL: 0
isGPUCapable: 1
GPUName: NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000
IsNativeGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1
HasSufficientRAM: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 8,018 MB
Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB
UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1
UseOpenCLChecked: 0
Windows remote desktop: 0
Windows available feature level: 12.1
Windows required feature level: 12.0
Windows has required feature level: 1
Display: 1
Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1080, right=1920
------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
Launch GPUSnifferThread

[0 ms]
Start RunAllAPIs

[0 ms]
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=6135130 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

[1022 ms]
Start sniffer 2023-08-23 09:56:19
# Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=6135130 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

{172 ms}
Start platform native
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,920, 1,080)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 8,018 MB
VRAM: 8,018 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 25,584 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: 2021-01-22 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 31 months
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 7857
End platform native
{423 ms}

{423 ms}
Start platform OpenGL
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,920, 1,080)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=Quadro RTX 4000/PCIe/SSE2 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: Quadro RTX 4000/PCIe/SSE2
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 8,407 MB
VRAM: 8,407 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 25,584 MB
API version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 461.40)
Device version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 461.40)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: 2021-01-22 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 31 months
Driver version:
GLSL version: 1.20 (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler)
End platform OpenGL
{713 ms}

{713 ms}
Start platform OpenCL
# displays: 0

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: Quadro RTX 4000
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: DISCRETE
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 8,589 MB
VRAM: 8,589 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 CUDA)
Device version: 1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 CUDA)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 343 GB / s
Compute score: 2,140.7
Device name string: Quadro RTX 4000
Device vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
Platform name string: NVIDIA CUDA
Platform vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
End platform OpenCL
{929 ms}

Exit code kExitNormal
End sniffer 2023-08-23 09:56:20
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[1022 ms]
Finish RunAllAPIs

[4069 ms]
Start GetSnifferResult

[4069 ms]
Finish GetSnifferResult

------- Sniffer output
======= GPU
License Type: Subscription
Serial number:
Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on
Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on
Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on
Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off
Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off
Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off

Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\
Temporary file path: C:\Users\ISMATU~1.OMA\AppData\Local\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
Startup, 930.9G, 754.9G free
Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\Plug-ins\
Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Plug-ins\

Installed components:
ACE.dll ACE 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
act_tracing.dll Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved 1.0.58
AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library dfba77e
AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0
AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2023/01/28-17:08:16 79.4c0bb7e 79.4c0bb7e
AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program
AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.8567dec 79.8567dec
AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2023/03/23-08:56:37 79.a8d4753 79.a8d4753
AGM.dll AGM 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
AIDE.dll AIDE 2023/04/04-19:10:45 79.8b163e2 79.8b163e2
aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434
AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2023 27.1.0
aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434
ARE.dll ARE 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
BIB.dll BIB 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
boost_chrono.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_regex.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_system.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
CoolType.dll CoolType 2023/04/13-10:44:44 79.e061fb0 79.e061fb0
CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL
DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.10.1+230125-1155.1.dml-1.10.177341d
dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2
dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodsp.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacore.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0
dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataUI.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvanet.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaui.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvavulcansupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O
icucnv71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuin71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuuc71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2023/03/10-17:55:06 79.6dcde51 79.6dcde51
libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A)
libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0
libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
libzip.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
LogSession.dll LogSession
mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.14.20230410.1.429e1e3
mkl_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_core.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_sequential.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
MPS.dll MPS 2023/03/30-19:06:20 79.fb3b9df 79.fb3b9df
onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.14.20230410.1.429e1e3
opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2
pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377
Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.7
PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.5.2
PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)
PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.7
PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
ScCore.dll ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.e41acba 79.e41acba
svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library
VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library
WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support
WRServices.dll WRServices Build
Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
UPIC 2.6.0

Required plugins:

Accented Edges 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Adaptive Wide Angle 24.7 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”
Angled Strokes 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Average 24.7 - from the file “Average.8bf”
Bas Relief 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
BMP 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Camera Raw 15.5 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Camera Raw Filter 15.5 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Chalk && Charcoal 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Charcoal 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Chrome 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Cineon 24.7 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”
Clouds 24.7 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Color Halftone 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Colored Pencil 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Conté Crayon 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Craquelure 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crop and Straighten Photos 24.7 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”
Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Crosshatch 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crystallize 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Cutout 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Dark Strokes 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
De-Interlace 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dicom 24.7 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”
Difference Clouds 24.7 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Diffuse Glow 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Displace 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dry Brush 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Entropy 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Export Color Lookup Tables 24.7 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Extrude 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
FastCore Routines 24.7 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”
Fibers 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Film Grain 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Filter Gallery 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Fresco 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glass 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glowing Edges 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Grain 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Graphic Pen 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halftone Pattern 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halide Bottlenecks 24.7 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”
HDRMergeUI 24.7 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”
HSB/HSL 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
IFF Format 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Ink Outlines 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
JPEG 2000 24.7 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”
Kurtosis 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Lens Blur 24.7 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”
Lens Correction 24.7 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”
Lens Flare 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Liquify 24.7 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”
Matlab Operation 24.7 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Maximum 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mean 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Measurement Core 24.7 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”
Median 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mezzotint 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Minimum 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
MMXCore Routines 24.7 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”
Mosaic Tiles 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Multiprocessor Support 24.7 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”
Neon Glow 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Note Paper 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
NTSC Colors 24.7 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”
Ocean Ripple 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
OpenEXR 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Paint Daubs 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Palette Knife 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Patchwork 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Paths to Illustrator 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
PCX 24.7 - from the file “PCX.8bi”
Photocopy 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Picture Package Filter 24.7 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Pinch 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Pixar 24.7 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”
Plaster 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Plastic Wrap 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Pointillize 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Polar Coordinates 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Portable Bit Map 24.7 - from the file “PBM.8bi”
Poster Edges 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Radial Blur 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Radiance 24.7 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”
Range 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Render Color Lookup Grid 24.7 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Reticulation 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Ripple 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Rough Pastels 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Save for Web 24.7 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”
ScriptingSupport 24.7 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”
Shear 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Skewness 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Smart Blur 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Smudge Stick 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Solarize 24.7 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”
SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li”
Spatter 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Spherize 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Sponge 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Sprayed Strokes 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stained Glass 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stamp 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Standard Deviation 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Substance NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf”
Sumi-e 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Summation 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Targa 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Texturizer 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Tiles 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Torn Edges 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Twirl 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Underpainting 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Vanishing Point 24.7 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”
Variance 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Water Paper 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Watercolor 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Wave 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
WIA Support 24.7 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”
Wind 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Wireless Bitmap 24.7 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”
ZigZag 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

Optional and third party plugins: NONE

Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE

Plugins that failed to load: NONE

Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:

Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
CDO: 1.141.0
CmdN: 1.18.8
CDP: 1.165.0
Projects: 1.7.0
Loaded at: 242 ms - launch time impact: 1841 ms
ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12380 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Beta Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 248 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Share Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 253 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 11327 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\"
CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.0.2
Substance 3D (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12384 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Adjustments Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12387 ms - launch time impact: 2 ms
Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Facepile (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12391 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12394 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
IC popup message (Loaded)
Loaded at: 11200 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Multilayer Protection (Loaded)
Loaded at: 11204 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Discover Panel (Loaded) 2306.76.0.24 - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12399 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "Required Folder"
Scan time: 0 ms - entries: 27


Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\index.html”
com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”
com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\extensions\capture\capture.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\manager.html”

Installed TWAIN devices: NONE





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Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
Number of Launches: 17
Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit
Version: 11 or greater 10.0.22621.2506
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:13, Stepping:1 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 8
Logical processor count: 16
Processor speed: 2304 MHz
Built-in memory: 32469 MB
Free memory: 20814 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 24952 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
Crash Handler: Adobe
DCX Version: 7.1.3
SAM SDK Version: 4.1.4
ACP.local Status:
- SDK Version:
- Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible
- Core Sync Running:
- Min Core Sync Required:
Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.0
Content Credential Helper Version: 0.5.3
D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled.
Manta Canvas: Enabled.
Alias Layers: Disabled.
Highbeam: Enabled.
Image tile size: 1024K
Image cache levels: 4
Font Preview: Medium
HarfBuzz Version: 4.3.0
TextEngine: Unified Text Engine
======= GPU
Native API stable: True
OpenGL API stable: True
OpenCL API stable: True
GPUDeny: 0
GPUForce: 0
useGPU: 1
useOpenCL: 1
isGPUCapable: 1
GPUName: NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU
IsNativeGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1
HasSufficientRAM: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 6,016 MB
Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB
UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1
UseOpenCLChecked: 1
Windows remote desktop: 0
Windows available feature level: 12.2
Windows required feature level: 12.0
Windows has required feature level: 1
Display: 1
Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1080, right=1920
Display: 2
Display Bounds: top=-1080, left=157, bottom=0, right=2077
Display: 3
Display Bounds: top=-1097, left=-1763, bottom=-17, right=157
------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
Launch GPUSnifferThread

[1 ms]
Start RunAllAPIs

[1 ms]
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=20282615 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

[1212 ms]
Start sniffer 2023-11-15 13:40:52
# Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=20282615 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

{73 ms}
Start platform native
# displays: 3
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,536, 864)
Dimensions: (1,536 864)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU index=0)

Display 1
Display: \\.\DISPLAY9
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (157, -1,080) -> (2,077, 0)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU index=0)

Display 2
Display: \\.\DISPLAY10
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (-1,763, -1,097) -> (157, -17)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU index=0)

# devices: 3
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 3
GPU accessible RAM: 6,016 MB
VRAM: 6,016 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 17,023 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: 2021-07-12 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 28 months
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 9400

Device 1
Name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics
Preferred: FALSE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 17,151 MB
VRAM: 128 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 17,023 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: 2022-02-03 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 21 months
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 39520

Device 2
Name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics
Preferred: FALSE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 17,151 MB
VRAM: 128 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 17,023 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: 2022-02-03 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 21 months
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 39520
End platform native
{270 ms}

{270 ms}
Start platform OpenGL
# displays: 3
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,536, 864)
Dimensions: (1,536 864)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 index=0)

Display 1
Display: \\.\DISPLAY9
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (157, -1,080) -> (2,077, 0)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 index=0)

Display 2
Display: \\.\DISPLAY10
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (-1,763, -1,097) -> (157, -17)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,080)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 3
GPU accessible RAM: 6,308 MB
VRAM: 6,308 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 17,023 MB
API version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 471.41)
Device version: 2.1 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 471.41)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: 2021-07-12 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 28 months
Driver version:
GLSL version: 1.20 (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler)
End platform OpenGL
{396 ms}

{396 ms}
Start platform OpenCL
# displays: 0

# devices: 2
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: DISCRETE
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 6,442 MB
VRAM: 6,442 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA)
Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 233 GB / s
Compute score: 4,979.29
Device name string: NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU
Device vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
Platform name string: NVIDIA CUDA
Platform vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation

Device 1
Name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics
Preferred: FALSE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 13,618 MB
VRAM: 13,618 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 )
Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 NEO )
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 52 GB / s
Compute score: 267.785
Device name string: Intel(R) UHD Graphics
Device vendor string: Intel(R) Corporation
Platform name string: Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
Platform vendor string: Intel(R) Corporation
End platform OpenCL
{1122 ms}

Exit code kExitNormal
End sniffer 2023-11-15 13:40:53
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[1212 ms]
Finish RunAllAPIs

[2161 ms]
Start GetSnifferResult

[2161 ms]
Finish GetSnifferResult

------- Sniffer output
======= GPU
License Type: Subscription
Serial number: 96040549301960625717
Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on
Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on
Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on
Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off
Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off
Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off

Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\
Temporary file path: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
Startup, 201.4G, 11.4G free
Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Required\Plug-ins\
Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Plug-ins\

Installed components:
ACE.dll ACE 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
act_tracing.dll Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved 1.0.58
AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library dfba77e
AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0
AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2023/01/28-17:08:16 79.4c0bb7e 79.4c0bb7e
AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program
AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.b4ac713 79.b4ac713
AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2023/02/09-06:26:14 79.c0204b2 79.c0204b2
AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2023/02/09-06:26:14 79.c0204b2 79.c0204b2
AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2023/02/09-06:26:14 79.c0204b2 79.c0204b2
AGM.dll AGM 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
AIDE.dll AIDE 2023/02/18-12:18:34 79.78f7814 79.78f7814
aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434
AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2023 27.1.0
aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434
ARE.dll ARE 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
BIB.dll BIB 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
boost_chrono.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_regex.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_system.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
CoolType.dll CoolType 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL
DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.9.1+220902-1323.1.dml-1.9.d6f03b3
dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2
dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodsp.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacore.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0
dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataUI.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvanet.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaui.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvavulcansupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O
icucnv71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuin71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuuc71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2023/02/06-19:10:37 79.02b25b1 79.02b25b1
libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A)
libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0
libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
libzip.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
LogSession.dll LogSession
mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.13.20221021.1.b353e0b
mkl_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_core.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_sequential.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
MPS.dll MPS 2023/02/16-16:16:44 79.52a7d42 79.52a7d42
onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.13.20221021.1.b353e0b
opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2
pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377
Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.5.2
PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)
PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
ScCore.dll ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.099073f 79.099073f
svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library
VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library
WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support
WRServices.dll WRServices Build
Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
UPIC 2.6.0

Required plugins:

Accented Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Adaptive Wide Angle 24.6 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”
Angled Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Average 24.6 - from the file “Average.8bf”
BackgroundFilter NO VERSION - from the file “BackgroundFilter.8bf”
Bas Relief 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
BMP 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Camera Raw 16.0.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Camera Raw Filter 16.0.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Chalk && Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Chrome 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Cineon 24.6 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”
Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Color Halftone 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Colored Pencil 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Conté Crayon 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Craquelure 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crop and Straighten Photos 24.6 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”
Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Crosshatch 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crystallize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Cutout 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Dark Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
De-Interlace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dicom 24.6 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”
Difference Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Diffuse Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Displace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dry Brush 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Entropy 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Export Color Lookup Tables 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Extrude 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
FastCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”
Fibers 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Film Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Filter Gallery 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
FineStructuresFilter NO VERSION - from the file “FineStructuresFilter.8bf”
Fresco 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glowing Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Graphic Pen 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halftone Pattern 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halide Bottlenecks 24.6 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”
HDR Efex Pro 2 5.0.5 - from the file “HDR Efex Pro 2.8bf”
HDRMergeUI 24.6 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”
HotPixelsFilter NO VERSION - from the file “HotPixelsFilter.8bf”
HSB/HSL 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
IFF Format 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Ink Outlines 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
JPEG 2000 24.6 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”
Kurtosis 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Lens Blur 24.6 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”
Lens Correction 24.6 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”
Lens Flare 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Liquify 24.6 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”
Matlab Operation 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Maximum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mean 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Measurement Core 24.6 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”
Median 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Merge to HDR Efex Pro 2 5.0.5 - from the file “HDR Efex Pro 2.8bf”
Mezzotint 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Minimum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
MMXCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”
Mosaic Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Multiprocessor Support 24.6 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”
Neon Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Nik 6 Analog Efex NO VERSION - from the file “NikCollection.8bf”
Nik 6 Color Efex NO VERSION - from the file “NikCollection.8bf”
Nik 6 Dfine NO VERSION - from the file “NikCollection.8bf”
Nik 6 Perspective - from the file “PhotoshopPlugin-filterPerspectiveEfex64.8bf”
Nik 6 Perspective automation - from the file “PhotoshopPlugin-automationPerspectiveEfex64.8li”
Nik 6 Silver Efex NO VERSION - from the file “NikCollection.8bf”
Nik 6 Viveza NO VERSION - from the file “NikCollection.8bf”
Nik Collection 6 Palette - from the file “SelectivePalette.8li”
Nik Collection Service NO VERSION - from the file “NikCollection.8bf”
Note Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
NTSC Colors 24.6 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”
Ocean Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
OpenEXR 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Paint Daubs 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Palette Knife 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Patchwork 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Paths to Illustrator 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
PCX 24.6 - from the file “PCX.8bi”
Photocopy 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Picture Package Filter 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Pinch 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Pixar 24.6 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”
Plaster 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Plastic Wrap 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Pointillize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Polar Coordinates 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Portable Bit Map 24.6 - from the file “PBM.8bi”
Poster Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Radial Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Radiance 24.6 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”
Range 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Render Color Lookup Grid 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Reticulation 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Rough Pastels 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Save for Web 24.6 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”
ScriptingSupport 24.6 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”
ShadowsFilter NO VERSION - from the file “ShadowsFilter.8bf”
Sharpener Pro 3: (1) RAW Presharpener 5.0.5 - from the file “SHP3RPS.8bf”
Sharpener Pro 3: (2) Output Sharpener 5.0.5 - from the file “SHP3OS.8bf”
Shear 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Skewness 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
SkinFilter NO VERSION - from the file “SkinFilter.8bf”
SkyFilter NO VERSION - from the file “SkyFilter.8bf”
Smart Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Smudge Stick 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Solarize 24.6 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”
SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li”
Spatter 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Spherize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Sponge 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Sprayed Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stained Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stamp 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Standard Deviation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
StrongNoiseFilter NO VERSION - from the file “StrongNoiseFilter.8bf”
Substance NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf”
Sumi-e 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Summation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Targa 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Texturizer 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Torn Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Twirl 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Underpainting 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Vanishing Point 24.6 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”
Variance 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Water Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Watercolor 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Wave 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
WIA Support 24.6 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”
Wind 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Wireless Bitmap 24.6 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”
ZigZag 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

Optional and third party plugins: NONE

Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE

Plugins that failed to load: NONE

Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:

Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/UXP/Extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-6.7.0\"
CDO: 1.141.0
CmdN: 1.18.8
CDP: 1.165.0
Projects: 1.7.0
Loaded at: 131 ms - launch time impact: 41 ms
ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 7951 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Beta Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 134 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Share Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 137 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 6284 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\"
CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.1.0
Substance 3D (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Adjustments Panels (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Facepile (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 7954 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 7957 ms - launch time impact: 1 ms
Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
IC popup message (Loaded)
Loaded at: 6287 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Multilayer Protection (Loaded)
Loaded at: 6288 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Discover Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 7961 ms - launch time impact: 20 ms
Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "Required Folder"
Scan time: 0 ms - entries: 32


Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\index.html”
com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”
com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\extensions\capture\capture.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\manager.html”

Installed TWAIN devices: NONE





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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i got the same error while doing generative fill over photoshop ai my internet is working fine and all other apps are running smoothly 







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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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It may help if we could see your Photoshop System Info. Launch Photoshop, and select Help >System Info...and copy/paste the text in a reply.  






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New Here ,
Sep 06, 2023 Sep 06, 2023

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Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d  x64

Number of Launches: 1

Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit

Version: 10 10.0.19045.3324

System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:12, Stepping:3 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, HyperThreading

Physical processor count: 2

Logical processor count: 4

Processor speed: 2993 MHz

Built-in memory: 10145 MB

Free memory: 6489 MB

Memory available to Photoshop: 7092 MB

Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %

Crash Handler: Adobe

DCX Version: 7.1.3

SAM SDK Version: 4.1.4

ACP.local Status:

 - SDK Version:

 - Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible

 - Core Sync Running:

 - Min Core Sync Required:

Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.0

Content Credential Helper Version: Not Available

D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled.

Manta Canvas: Enabled.

Alias Layers: Disabled.

Highbeam: Enabled.

Image tile size: 128K

Image cache levels: 4

Font Preview: Medium

HarfBuzz Version: HarfBuzz Not Initialized

TextEngine: Unified Text Engine

 ======= GPU

Native API stable: True

OpenGL API stable: True

OpenCL API stable: True

GPUDeny:               0

GPUForce:              0

useGPU:                1

useOpenCL:             1

isGPUCapable:          1

GPUName:               AMD Radeon HD 8600M Series

GPUVendor:             AMD

IsNativeGPUCapable:    1

IsOpenGLGPUCapable:    1

IsOpenCLGPUCapable:    1

HasSufficientRAM:      1

  GPU accessible RAM:                 2,039 MB

  Required GPU accessible RAM:        1,500 MB

UseGraphicsProcessorChecked:   1

UseOpenCLChecked:              1

Windows remote desktop:  0

Windows available feature level:     11.1

Windows required feature level:      12.0

Windows has required feature level:  0

Display: 1

  Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=768, right=1366

 ------- Sniffer output

[0 ms]

  Launch GPUSnifferThread


[39 ms]

  Start RunAllAPIs


[39 ms]

  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=415857906 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64


[15669 ms]

  Start sniffer 2023-09-06 22:06:50

  # Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

  C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=415857906 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64


  {951 ms}

  Start platform native

    # displays:                   1

    Display 0

      Display:                      \\.\DISPLAY1

      Main:                         TRUE

      Built in:                     FALSE

      Stereo:                       FALSE

      Bounds:                       (0, 0) -> (1,366, 768)

      Dimensions:                   (1,366 768)

      Physical size:                (0 0)

      Pixel size:                   (0 0)

      Dynamic range:                (0 1)

      Potential dynamic range:      (0 1)

      Reference dynamic range:      (0 0)

      Attached Device:              (DeviceID name=Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 index=0)


    # devices:                    2

    Device 0

      Name:                         Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

      Preferred:                    TRUE

      Power Envelope:               UNKNOWN

      Attachment:                   UNKNOWN

      # attached displays:          1


      GPU accessible RAM:                2,259 MB

      VRAM:                                112 MB

      Dedicated System RAM:                  0 MB

      Shared System RAM:                 2,147 MB

      API version:                  12.0 (12.0)

      Device version:               12.0 (12.0)

      Vendor name:                  INTEL

      Model:                        INTEL_HD_4600

      Driver date:                  2017-10-16  000000.000000-000

      Driver age:                   71 months

      Driver version:     

      Supports UMA:                 SUPPORTED

      D3D-ID:                       1046


    Device 1

      Name:                         AMD Radeon HD 8600M Series

      Preferred:                    FALSE

      Power Envelope:               UNKNOWN

      Attachment:                   UNKNOWN

      # attached displays:          0

      GPU accessible RAM:                2,039 MB

      VRAM:                              2,039 MB

      Dedicated System RAM:                  0 MB

      Shared System RAM:                 5,318 MB

      API version:                  12.0 (12.0)

      Device version:               12.0 (12.0)

      Vendor name:                  AMD

      Driver date:                  2022-08-02  000000.000000-000

      Driver age:                   13 months

      Driver version:               27.20.20913.2000

      Supports UMA:                 UNSUPPORTED

      D3D-ID:                       26208

  End platform native

  {6574 ms}


  {6574 ms}

  Start platform OpenGL

    # displays:                   1

    Display 0

      Display:                      \\.\DISPLAY1

      Main:                         TRUE

      Built in:                     FALSE

      Stereo:                       FALSE

      Bounds:                       (0, 0) -> (1,366, 768)

      Dimensions:                   (1,366 768)

      Physical size:                (0 0)

      Pixel size:                   (0 0)

      Dynamic range:                (0 1)

      Potential dynamic range:      (0 1)

      Reference dynamic range:      (0 0)

      Attached Device:              (DeviceID name=Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 index=0)


    # devices:                    1

    Device 0

      Name:                         Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

      Preferred:                    TRUE

      Power Envelope:               INTEGRATED

      Attachment:                   UNKNOWN

      # attached displays:          1


      GPU accessible RAM:                2,264 MB

      VRAM:                                117 MB

      Dedicated System RAM:                  0 MB

      Shared System RAM:                 2,147 MB

      API version:                  4.3 (4.3.0 - Build

      Device version:               4.3 (4.3.0 - Build

      Vendor name:                  INTEL

      Model:                        INTEL_HD_4600

      Driver date:                  2017-10-16  000000.000000-000

      Driver age:                   71 months

      Driver version:     

      GLSL version:                 4.30 (4.30 - Build

  End platform OpenGL

  {6892 ms}


  {6892 ms}

  Start platform OpenCL

    # displays:                   0


    # devices:                    2

    Device 0

      Name:                         Hainan

      Preferred:                    TRUE

      Power Envelope:               DISCRETE

      Attachment:                   UNKNOWN

      # attached displays:          0

      GPU accessible RAM:                2,147 MB

      VRAM:                              2,147 MB

      Dedicated System RAM:                  0 MB

      Shared System RAM:                     0 MB

      API version:                  2.1 (OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3240.7))

      Device version:               1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (3240.7))

      Vendor name:                  AMD

      Driver date:                  UNKNOWN

      Driver age:                   UNKNOWN

      Driver version:               UNKNOWN

      Bandwidth:                    25 GB / s

      Compute score:                191.493

      Device name string:           Hainan      

      Device vendor string:         Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

      Platform name string:         AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing

      Platform vendor string:       Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.


    Device 1

      Name:                         Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

      Preferred:                    FALSE

      Power Envelope:               INTEGRATED

      Attachment:                   UNKNOWN

      # attached displays:          0

      GPU accessible RAM:                1,708 MB

      VRAM:                              1,708 MB

      Dedicated System RAM:                  0 MB

      Shared System RAM:                     0 MB

      API version:                  1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 )

      Device version:               1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 )

      Vendor name:                  INTEL

      Model:                        INTEL_HD_4600

      Driver date:                  UNKNOWN

      Driver age:                   UNKNOWN

      Driver version:               UNKNOWN

      Bandwidth:                    12 GB / s

      Compute score:                158.343

      Device name string:           Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

      Device vendor string:         Intel(R) Corporation

      Platform name string:         Intel(R) OpenCL

      Platform vendor string:       Intel(R) Corporation

  End platform OpenCL

  {12864 ms}


  Exit code kExitNormal

  End sniffer 2023-09-06 22:07:02

[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]


[15677 ms]

  Finish RunAllAPIs


[19231 ms]

  Start GetSnifferResult


[19231 ms]

  Finish GetSnifferResult


 ------- Sniffer output

 ======= GPU

License Type: Subscription

Serial number: 


Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on 

Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on 

Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on 

Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off 

Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off 

Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off 


Application folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\

Temporary file path: C:\Users\RAFIQU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\

Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled

Scratch volume(s):

  Startup, 223.0G, 49.0G free

Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\Required\Plug-ins\

Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\Plug-ins\


Installed components:

   ACE.dll   ACE 2023/02/15-13:42:29   79.533c8ff   79.533c8ff

   act_tracing.dll   Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved   1.0.58   

   AdobeLinguistic.dll   Adobe Linguisitc Library   dfba77e   

   AdobeOwl.dll   Adobe Owl   5.5.0   

   AdobePDFL.dll   PDFL 2023/01/28-17:08:16   79.4c0bb7e   79.4c0bb7e

   AdobePIP.dll   Adobe Product Improvement Program   

   AdobeSVGAGM.dll   AdobeSVGAGM   79.b4ac713   79.b4ac713

   AdobeXMP.dll   Adobe XMP Core 2023/02/09-06:26:14   79.c0204b2   79.c0204b2

   AdobeXMPFiles.dll   Adobe XMP Files 2023/02/09-06:26:14   79.c0204b2   79.c0204b2

   AdobeXMPScript.dll   Adobe XMP Script 2023/02/09-06:26:14   79.c0204b2   79.c0204b2

   AGM.dll   AGM 2023/02/15-13:42:29   79.533c8ff   79.533c8ff

   AID.dll   AID DLL   

   AIDE.dll   AIDE 2023/02/18-12:18:34   79.78f7814   79.78f7814

   aifm.dll   AIFM   1.0   23.68434

   AILib.dll   Adobe Illustrator 2023   27.1.0   

   aiport.dll   AIPort   1.0   23.68434

   ARE.dll   ARE 2023/02/15-13:42:29   79.533c8ff   79.533c8ff

   AXE8SharedExpat.dll   AXE8SharedExpat 2022/12/13-13:20:11   79.002995e   79.002995e

   AXEDOMCore.dll   AXEDOMCore 2022/12/13-13:20:11   79.002995e   79.002995e

   BIB.dll   BIB 2023/02/15-13:42:29   79.533c8ff   79.533c8ff

   BIBUtils.dll   BIBUtils 2023/02/15-13:42:29   79.533c8ff   79.533c8ff

   boost_chrono.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   boost_date_time.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   boost_filesystem.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   boost_regex.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   boost_system.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   boost_threads.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   CoolType.dll   CoolType 2023/02/15-13:42:29   79.533c8ff   79.533c8ff

   CRClient.dll   Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL   

   DirectML.dll   DirectML Redistributable Library   1.9.1+220902-1323.1.dml-1.9.d6f03b3   

   dnssd.dll   Bonjour   3,0,0,2   

   dvaaccelerate.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvaappsupport.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvaaudiodevice.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvaaudiodsp.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvacore.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvacrashhandler.dll   Adobe Audition CC 2017   10.0.0   

   dvamarshal.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvamediatypes.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvametadata.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvametadataapi.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvametadataUI.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvanet.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvaplayer.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvascripting.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvatransport.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvaui.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dvavulcansupport.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   dynamic-torqnative.dll   Unified Extensibility Platform   uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5   

   dynamiclink.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   ExtendScript.dll   ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45   82.4   82.4

   filterport.dll   FilterPort   1.1   O

   icucnv71.dll   International Components for Unicode    Build 14.0.04ee3a5   

   icuin71.dll   International Components for Unicode    Build 14.0.04ee3a5   

   icuuc71.dll   International Components for Unicode    Build 14.0.04ee3a5   

   ippcc.dll   ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippcck0.dll   ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippccl9.dll   ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippccy8.dll   ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippcore.dll   core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippcv.dll   ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippcvk0.dll   ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippcvl9.dll   ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippcvy8.dll   ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippi.dll   ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippik0.dll   ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippil9.dll   ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippiy8.dll   ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ipps.dll   ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippsk0.dll   ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippsl9.dll   ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippsy8.dll   ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippvm.dll   ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippvmk0.dll   ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippvml9.dll   ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   ippvmy8.dll   ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math.   2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)   

   JP2KLib.dll   JP2KLib 2023/02/06-19:10:37   79.02b25b1   79.02b25b1

   libeay32.dll   The OpenSSL Toolkit   1.0.2zf   

   libifcoremd.dll   Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler   10.0 (Update A)   

   libiomp5md.dll   Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library   5.0   

   libmmd.dll   Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler   Mainline   

   libzip.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   LogSession.dll   LogSession   

   mediacoreif.dll   photoshopdva   22.0.0   

   Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll   Microsoft® Windows® Operating System   1.13.20221021.1.b353e0b   

   mkl_avx2.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_avx512.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_core.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_def.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_mc3.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_sequential.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_vml_def.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll   Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library   2022.1   

   MPS.dll   MPS 2023/02/16-16:16:44   79.52a7d42   79.52a7d42

   onnxruntime.dll   Microsoft® Windows® Operating System   1.13.20221021.1.b353e0b   

   opencv_world452.dll   OpenCV library   4.5.2   

   pdfport.dll   PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27   79.625377   79.625377

   Plugin.dll   Adobe Photoshop 2023   24.6   

   PlugPlugExternalObject.dll   Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit)   11.5.2   

   PlugPlugOwl.dll   Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)   


   PSRes.dll   Adobe Photoshop 2023   24.6   

   PSViews.dll   Adobe Photoshop 2023   24.6   

   ScCore.dll   ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45   82.4   82.4

   ssleay32.dll   The OpenSSL Toolkit   1.0.2zf   

   SVGRE.dll   SVGRE   79.099073f   79.099073f

   svml_dispmd.dll   Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler   Mainline   

   VulcanControl.dll   Vulcan Application Control Library   

   VulcanMessage5.dll   Vulcan Message Library   

   WinRTSupport.dll   Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support   

   WRServices.dll   WRServices    Build

   Unified Extensibility Platform  uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5

   UPIC  2.6.0



Required plugins:


   Accented Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Adaptive Wide Angle 24.6 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”

   Angled Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Average 24.6 - from the file “Average.8bf”

   Bas Relief 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   BMP 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Camera Raw 15.2 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”

   Camera Raw Filter 15.2 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”

   Chalk && Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Chrome 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Cineon 24.6 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”

   Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”

   Color Halftone 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Colored Pencil 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Conté Crayon 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Craquelure 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Crop and Straighten Photos 24.6 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”

   Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Crosshatch 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Crystallize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Cutout 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Dark Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   De-Interlace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Dicom 24.6 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”

   Difference Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”

   Diffuse Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Displace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Dry Brush 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Entropy 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Export Color Lookup Tables 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”

   Extrude 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   FastCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”

   Fibers 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Film Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Filter Gallery 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Fresco 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Glowing Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Graphic Pen 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Halftone Pattern 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Halide Bottlenecks 24.6 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”

   HDRMergeUI 24.6 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”

   HSB/HSL 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   IFF Format 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Ink Outlines 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   JPEG 2000 24.6 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”

   Kurtosis 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Lens Blur 24.6 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”

   Lens Correction 24.6 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”

   Lens Flare 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Liquify 24.6 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”

   Matlab Operation 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”

   Maximum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Mean 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Measurement Core 24.6 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”

   Median 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Mezzotint 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Minimum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   MMXCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”

   Mosaic Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Multiprocessor Support 24.6 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”

   Neon Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Note Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   NTSC Colors 24.6 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”

   Ocean Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   OpenEXR 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Paint Daubs 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Palette Knife 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Patchwork 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Paths to Illustrator 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   PCX 24.6 - from the file “PCX.8bi”

   Photocopy 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Picture Package Filter 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”

   Pinch 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Pixar 24.6 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”

   Plaster 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Plastic Wrap 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Pointillize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Polar Coordinates 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Portable Bit Map 24.6 - from the file “PBM.8bi”

   Poster Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Radial Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Radiance 24.6 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”

   Range 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Render Color Lookup Grid 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”

   Reticulation 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Rough Pastels 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Save for Web 24.6 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”

   ScriptingSupport 24.6 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”

   Shear 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Skewness 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Smart Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Smudge Stick 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Solarize 24.6 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”

   SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li”

   Spatter 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Spherize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Sponge 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Sprayed Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Stained Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Stamp 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Standard Deviation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Substance NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf”

   Sumi-e 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Summation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Targa 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Texturizer 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Torn Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Twirl 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Underpainting 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Vanishing Point 24.6 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”

   Variance 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”

   Water Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Watercolor 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”

   Wave 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   WIA Support 24.6 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”

   Wind 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

   Wireless Bitmap 24.6 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”

   ZigZag 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”


Optional and third party plugins: NONE



Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE



Plugins that failed to load: NONE


Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:


   Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/UXP/Extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-6.7.0\"

   CDO: 1.141.0

        CmdN: 1.18.8

        CDP: 1.165.0

        Projects: 1.7.0

      Loaded at: 643 ms - launch time impact: 64 ms

   ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"

   CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"

      Loaded at: 48823 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms

   Beta Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"

   CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"

   Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"

      Loaded at: 658 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms

   Share Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"

      Loaded at: 669 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms

   Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"

      Loaded at: 23672 ms - launch time impact: 24 ms

   CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\"

   CAPTURE: 2.0.41  STOCK: 4.0.2

   Substance 3D (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"

   Adjustments Panels (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"

   Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"

   Photoshop Facepile (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"

      Loaded at: 48839 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms

   Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"

      Loaded at: 48847 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms

   Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"

   Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"

   IC popup message (Loaded)

      Loaded at: 24163 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms

   Multilayer Protection (Loaded)

      Loaded at: 24178 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms

   Discover Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"

      Loaded at: 48854 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms

   Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "Required Folder"

   Scan time: 0 ms - entries: 27 




   Libraries  1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\index.html”

   com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded  1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”

   com.adobe.capture.extension  2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\extensions\capture\capture.html”

   Export As  4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”

   Export As  4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”

   com.adobe.cclibraries.manager  1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\manager.html”


Installed TWAIN devices: NONE






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Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
Number of Launches: 14
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Version: 10 10.0.19045.3324
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 2
Logical processor count: 4
Processor speed: 2295 MHz
Built-in memory: 16291 MB
Free memory: 10432 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 12009 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
Crash Handler: Adobe
DCX Version: 7.1.3
SAM SDK Version: 4.1.4
ACP.local Status:
- SDK Version:
- Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible
- Core Sync Running:
- Min Core Sync Required:
Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.0
Content Credential Helper Version: Not Available
Sophia Info:
-Ps_Feature_Flag campaignID:56808 variationID:172683
D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled.
Manta Canvas: Enabled.
Alias Layers: Disabled.
Highbeam: Enabled.
Image tile size: 128K
Image cache levels: 4
Font Preview: Medium
HarfBuzz Version: 4.3.0
TextEngine: Unified Text Engine
======= GPU
Native API stable: True
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useOpenCL: 0
isGPUCapable: 0
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Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB
UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1
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Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1200, right=1920
Display: 2
Display Bounds: top=276, left=1920, bottom=1044, right=3286
------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
Launch GPUSnifferThread

[3 ms]
Start RunAllAPIs

[3 ms]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=420894783 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

[2065 ms]
Start sniffer 2023-08-14 23:27:59
# Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=420894783 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

{496 ms}
Start platform native
# displays: 0

# devices: 0
End platform native
{697 ms}

{697 ms}
Start platform OpenGL
# displays: 2
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY2
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,920, 1,200)
Dimensions: (1,920 1,200)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 index=0)

Display 1
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (1,920, 276) -> (3,286, 1,044)
Dimensions: (1,366 768)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 2
GPU accessible RAM: 1,744 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 1,711 MB
API version: 3.1 (3.1.0 - Build
Device version: 3.1 (3.1.0 - Build
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: 2016-05-19 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 87 months
Driver version:
GLSL version: 1.40 (1.40 - Intel Build
End platform OpenGL
{1287 ms}

{1287 ms}
Start platform OpenCL
# displays: 0

# devices: 0
End platform OpenCL
{1967 ms}

Exit code kExitNormal
End sniffer 2023-08-14 23:28:00
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[2067 ms]
Finish RunAllAPIs

[16737 ms]
Start GetSnifferResult

[16737 ms]
Finish GetSnifferResult

------- Sniffer output
======= GPU
License Type: Subscription
Serial number: 91198705682269962157
Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on
Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on
Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on
Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off
Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off
Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off

Application folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\
Temporary file path: C:\Users\SHERIF~1\AppData\Local\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
Startup, 150.1G, 57.0G free
Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\Required\Plug-ins\
Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\Plug-ins\

Installed components:
ACE.dll ACE 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
act_tracing.dll Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved 1.0.58
AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library dfba77e
AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0
AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2023/01/28-17:08:16 79.4c0bb7e 79.4c0bb7e
AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program
AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.b4ac713 79.b4ac713
AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2023/02/09-06:26:14 79.c0204b2 79.c0204b2
AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2023/02/09-06:26:14 79.c0204b2 79.c0204b2
AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2023/02/09-06:26:14 79.c0204b2 79.c0204b2
AGM.dll AGM 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
AIDE.dll AIDE 2023/02/18-12:18:34 79.78f7814 79.78f7814
aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434
AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2023 27.1.0
aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434
ARE.dll ARE 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2022/12/13-13:20:11 79.002995e 79.002995e
BIB.dll BIB 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
boost_chrono.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_regex.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_system.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
CoolType.dll CoolType 2023/02/15-13:42:29 79.533c8ff 79.533c8ff
CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL
DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.9.1+220902-1323.1.dml-1.9.d6f03b3
dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2
dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodsp.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacore.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0
dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataUI.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvanet.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaui.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvavulcansupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O
icucnv71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuin71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuuc71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2023/02/06-19:10:37 79.02b25b1 79.02b25b1
libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A)
libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0
libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
libzip.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
LogSession.dll LogSession
mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.13.20221021.1.b353e0b
mkl_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_core.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_sequential.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
MPS.dll MPS 2023/02/16-16:16:44 79.52a7d42 79.52a7d42
onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.13.20221021.1.b353e0b
opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2
pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377
Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.5.2
PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)
PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
ScCore.dll ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.099073f 79.099073f
svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library
VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library
WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support
WRServices.dll WRServices Build
Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
UPIC 2.6.0

Required plugins:

Accented Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Adaptive Wide Angle 24.6 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”
Angled Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Average 24.6 - from the file “Average.8bf”
Bas Relief 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
BMP 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Camera Raw 15.5 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Camera Raw Filter 15.5 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Chalk && Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Charcoal 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Chrome 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Cineon 24.6 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”
Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Color Halftone 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Colored Pencil 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Conté Crayon 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Craquelure 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crop and Straighten Photos 24.6 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”
Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Crosshatch 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crystallize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Cutout 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Dark Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
De-Interlace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dicom 24.6 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”
Difference Clouds 24.6 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Diffuse Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Displace 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dry Brush 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Entropy 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Export Color Lookup Tables 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Extrude 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
FastCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”
Fibers 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Film Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Filter Gallery 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Fresco 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glowing Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Grain 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Graphic Pen 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halftone Pattern 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halide Bottlenecks 24.6 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”
HDRMergeUI 24.6 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”
HSB/HSL 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
IFF Format 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Ink Outlines 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
JPEG 2000 24.6 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”
Kurtosis 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Lens Blur 24.6 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”
Lens Correction 24.6 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”
Lens Flare 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Liquify 24.6 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”
Matlab Operation 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Maximum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mean 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Measurement Core 24.6 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”
Median 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mezzotint 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Minimum 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
MMXCore Routines 24.6 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”
Mosaic Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Multiprocessor Support 24.6 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”
Neon Glow 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Note Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
NTSC Colors 24.6 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”
Ocean Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
OpenEXR 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Paint Daubs 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Palette Knife 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Patchwork 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Paths to Illustrator 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
PCX 24.6 - from the file “PCX.8bi”
Photocopy 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Picture Package Filter 24.6 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Pinch 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Pixar 24.6 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”
Plaster 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Plastic Wrap 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Pointillize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Polar Coordinates 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Portable Bit Map 24.6 - from the file “PBM.8bi”
Poster Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Radial Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Radiance 24.6 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”
Range 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Render Color Lookup Grid 24.6 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Reticulation 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Ripple 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Rough Pastels 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Save for Web 24.6 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”
ScriptingSupport 24.6 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”
Shear 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Skewness 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Smart Blur 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Smudge Stick 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Solarize 24.6 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”
SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li”
Spatter 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Spherize 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Sponge 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Sprayed Strokes 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stained Glass 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stamp 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Standard Deviation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Substance NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf”
Sumi-e 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Summation 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Targa 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Texturizer 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Tiles 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Torn Edges 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Twirl 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Underpainting 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Vanishing Point 24.6 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”
Variance 24.6 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Water Paper 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Watercolor 24.6 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Wave 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
WIA Support 24.6 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”
Wind 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Wireless Bitmap 24.6 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”
ZigZag 24.6 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

Optional and third party plugins: NONE

Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE

Plugins that failed to load: NONE

Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:

Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/UXP/Extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-6.7.0\"
CDO: 1.141.0
CmdN: 1.18.8
CDP: 1.165.0
Projects: 1.7.0
Loaded at: 675 ms - launch time impact: 304 ms
ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 43215 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Beta Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 699 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Share Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 718 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 27076 ms - launch time impact: 50 ms
CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\"
CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.0.2
Substance 3D (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Adjustments Panels (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Facepile (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 43225 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 43237 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
IC popup message (Loaded)
Loaded at: 27116 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Multilayer Protection (Loaded)
Loaded at: 27143 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Discover Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 43252 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "Required Folder"
Scan time: 0 ms - entries: 23


Retouching tools 1.4.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\drive-download-20220325T180002Z-001\index.html”
Beautify v2 2.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\drive-download-20220325T141303Z-001\index.html”
Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\index.html”
NBP Freqsep Control 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.NBP.FreqsepControl\index.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
Pro Workflow X 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.ProWorkflowX.ext\index.html”
Infinite Color 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\drive-download-20220325T141312Z-001\index.html”
PIXEL JUGGLER v2.2 2.2.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\PixelJuggler\index.html”
com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\extensions\capture\capture.html”
com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”
BEAUTY RETOUCH v3.3 3.3.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\BeautyRetouch\index.html”
MUA Retouch v1.0 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\drive-download-20220325T180356Z-001\index.html”
Beautify 1.6.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.mwh.beautifyv160\index.html”
Retouch Pro 0.1.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.nextus.retouch\index.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22\manager.html”

Installed TWAIN devices: NONE





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
community guidelines
Adobe Employee ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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@Exquisite_Melody5D51 the most recent Ps beta is: Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.0.0 20230801.m.2265 3a00623 x64


Do you still see this issue if you update?






Community guidelines
Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
community guidelines
Community Beginner ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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this is beta as you saw in the previously sent screenshot 





Community guidelines
Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Community Beginner ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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now it crashes once it launched so we made up a new problem





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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I have also a error request_task: 400 Bad Request i just want to use the generative fill in






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Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.6.0 20230603.m.2196 77b00e0 x64 Anzahl der Starts: 31 Betriebssystem: Mac OS 12.6.3 Systemarchitektur: Intel CPU-Familie:6, Modell:5, Stepping:4 mit MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, Hyper-Threading Physischer Prozessor: 8 Logischer Prozessor: 16 Prozessor-Taktfrequenz: 3200 MHz Eingebauter Speicher: 65536 MB Freier Speicher: 40037 MB Für Photoshop verfügbarer Arbeitsspeicher: 60619 MB Von Photoshop verwendeter Arbeitsspeicher: 70 % Absturz-Handler: Adobe DCX Version: 7.1.3 SAM SDK Version: 4.1.4 ACP.local Status: - SDK Version: - Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible - Core Sync Running: - Min Core Sync Required: Client-SDK-Version für Live-Bearbeitung: 4.0.0 .Inhaltsurhebernachweise-Helfer-Version: 0.5.3 Präzises Farbmanagement für HDR-Anzeige: Deaktiviert. Manta-Leinwand: Aktiviert. .Alias-Ebenen: Deaktiviert. Fernlicht: Aktiviert. Touch Bar – Eigenschaftsfeedback: Aktiviert. Bildkachelgröße: 1024 KB Bildcache: 4 Schriftvorschau: Mittel HarfBuzz – Version: 4.3.0 TextEngine: einheitliches Textmodul ======= GPU
Native API stabil: Wahr OpenGL API stabil: Wahr OpenCL API stabil: Wahr GPUDeny: 0
GPUForce: 0
useGPU: 1
useOpenCL: 1
isGPUCapable: 1
GPUName: AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64
GPUVendor: AMD
IsNativeGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1
HasSufficientRAM: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 17,163 MB
Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB
UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1
UseOpenCLChecked: 1
Anzeige: 1 Anzeigebegrenzungen: oben= 0, links= 0, unten= 1440, rechts= 2560 Monitor mit hoher DPI-Rate Hauptanzeige Anzeige: 2 Anzeigebegrenzungen: oben= 0, links= 2560, unten= 1080, rechts= 4480 Monitor mit hoher DPI-Rate ------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
Launch GPUSnifferThread

[1 ms]
Start RunAllAPIs

[1 ms]
"/Applications/Adobe Photoshop (Beta)/Adobe Photoshop (Beta).app/Contents/MacOS/sniffer" -baseTimeMS=960189 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230603.m.2196 77b00e0 x64

[678 ms]
Start sniffer 2023-08-15 15:36:08
# Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230603.m.2196 77b00e0 x64
sniffer -baseTimeMS=960189 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.6.0 20230603.m.2196 77b00e0 x64

{25 ms}
Start platform native
# displays: 2
Display 0
Display: 69970564
Main: TRUE
Built in: TRUE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (2,560, 1,440)
Dimensions: (5,120 2,880)
Physical size: (599.3 340.242)
Pixel size: (0.117051 0.11814)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 2)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 index=0)

Display 1
Display: 59617476
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (2,560, 0) -> (4,480, 1,080)
Dimensions: (3,840 2,160)
Physical size: (598.38 336.589)
Pixel size: (0.155828 0.155828)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: DISCRETE
Attachment: EMBEDDED
# attached displays: 2
GPU accessible RAM: 17,163 MB
VRAM: 17,163 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 1.0 (1.0)
Device version: 1.0 (1.0)
Vendor name: AMD
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
End platform native
{187 ms}

{187 ms}
Start platform OpenGL
# displays: 2
Display 0
Display: 69970564
Main: TRUE
Built in: TRUE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (2,560, 1,440)
Dimensions: (5,120 2,880)
Physical size: (599.3 340.242)
Pixel size: (0.117051 0.11814)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 2)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=16915713 index=0)

Display 1
Display: 59617476
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (2,560, 0) -> (4,480, 1,080)
Dimensions: (3,840 2,160)
Physical size: (598.38 336.589)
Pixel size: (0.155828 0.155828)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=16915713 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 OpenGL Engine
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: DISCRETE
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 2
GPU accessible RAM: 16,368 MB
VRAM: 16,368 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 2.1 (2.1 ATI-4.8.101)
Device version: 2.1 (2.1 ATI-4.8.101)
Vendor name: AMD
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
GLSL version: 1.20 (1.20)
CGL ID: 16915713
Display mask: 2047
End platform OpenGL
{199 ms}

{199 ms}
Start platform OpenCL
# displays: 0

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: DISCRETE
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 17,163 MB
VRAM: 17,163 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 (Aug 8 2022 21:29:33))
Device version: 1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 )
Vendor name: AMD
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 276 GB / s
Compute score: 3,190.16
Device name string: AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine
Device vendor string: AMD
Platform name string: Apple
Platform vendor string: Apple
End platform OpenCL
{676 ms}

Exit code kExitNormal
End sniffer 2023-08-15 15:36:08
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[678 ms]
Finish RunAllAPIs

[2643 ms]
Start GetSnifferResult

[2643 ms]
Finish GetSnifferResult

------- Sniffer output
======= GPU
Lizenztyp: Abonnement Seriennummer: 94070999131089994227 GUIDBucket: Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off Anwendungsordner: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop (Beta)/ Der virtuelle Speicher von Photoshop hat asynchronen E/A aktiviert Arbeitsvolume(s): Start, 931.5 GB, 393.6 GB frei Ordner Erforderliche Zusatzmodule: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop (Beta)/Adobe Photoshop (Beta).app/Contents/PlugIns/Required/ Ordner Primäre Zusatzmodule: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop (Beta)/Plug-ins/ Installierte Komponenten dvametadata.framework dvametadata AdobeXMPScript.framework AdobeXMPScript 79.a8d475349 79.a8d475349 libdynamic-napi.framework Torq Native local ICUUnicode.framework ICUUnicode 14.0.04ee3a5 ICUConverter.framework ICUConverter 14.0.04ee3a5 AdobeCrashReporter.framework AdobeCrashReporter boost_system.framework boost_system AdobeACE.framework AdobeACE 6.0.1 79.27b150cfb6. dvanet.framework dvanet AdobeOwl.framework AdobeOwl mediacoreif.framework mediacoreif dvascripting.framework dvascripting dvaappsupport.framework dvaappsupport AdobeAXE8SharedExpat.framework AdobeAXE8SharedExpat 6.0.0 79.002995e5. AIDE.framework AIDE 5.4.0 79.8b163e26 boost_chrono.framework boost_chrono dynamiclink.framework dynamiclink dvaaccelerate.framework dvaaccelerate dvametadataUI.framework dvametadataUI AdobeARE.framework AdobeARE 3.0.0 79.625377 AdobePDFPort.framework AdobePDFPort 4.0.0 79.625377 ICUInternationalization.framework ICUInternationalization 14.0.04ee3a5 boost_filesystem.framework boost_filesystem AdobeBIB.framework AdobeBIB 4.0.0 79.27b150cfb6. AdobeXMPFiles.framework AdobeXMPFiles 79.a8d475349 79.a8d475349 AdobeLinguistic.framework dvaplayer.framework dvaplayer filterport.framework filterport PlugPlugOwl.framework PlugPlugOwl libzip.framework libzip AdobeAGM.framework AdobeAGM 7.1.0 79.27b150cfb6. AdobeSVGRE.framework AdobeSVGRE 9.3.0 "BUILDVERSION_HELPER" AdobePDFL.framework AdobePDFL 17.0.0 79 . 49d0f7fa dvavulcansupport.framework dvavulcansupport dvacore.framework dvacore aiport.framework aiport AdobePIP.framework AdobePIP AdobePDFSettings.framework AdobePDFSettings 1.7 AdobeAXEDOMCore.framework AdobeAXEDOMCore 6.0.0 79.002995e5. dvatransport.framework dvatransport AdobeXMP.framework AdobeXMPCore 79.a8d475349 79.a8d475349 AdobeJP2K.framework AdobeJP2K 4.0.0 79.6dcde51 dvaaudiodevice.framework dvaaudiodevice LogSession.framework LogSession dvaaudiodsp.framework dvaaudiodsp PlugPlugExternalObject.framework AdobeSVGAGM.framework AdobeSVGAGM 4.0.0 79.8567dec. dvametadataapi.framework dvametadataapi WRServices.framework WRServices 17.5.1 AdobeBIBUtils.framework AdobeBIBUtils 4.0.0 79.27b150cfb6. boost_threads.framework boost_threads CloudAILib.framework CloudAILib SPBasic.framework SPBasic AdobeCoolType.framework AdobeCoolType 8.3.0 79.27b150cfb6. boost_regex.framework boost_regex dvamediatypes.framework dvamediatypes AdbePM.framework AdbePM 1 boost_date_time.framework boost_date_time dynamic-torqnative.framework Torq Native local AdobeMPS.framework AdobeMPS 79.fb3b9dfa dvaui.framework dvaui MacMemory.framework MacMemory AILib.framework AILib ICUData.framework ICUData 14.0.04ee3a5 dvamarshal.framework dvamarshal aifm.framework aifm Einheitliche Erweiterungsplattform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5 UPIC 2.6.0 Erforderliche Zusatzmodule: Adaptive Weitwinkelkorrektur 24.6.0, © 2014-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Adaptive Wide Angle.plugin”" Aquarell 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Basrelief 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Bereich 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Bildpaket-Filter 24.6 © 1993-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“ChannelPort.plugin”" Blendenflecke 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" BMP 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Buntglas-Mosaik 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Buntstiftschraffur 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Camera Raw 15.4.1 (1510), Copyright © 2023 Adobe Systems Incorporated - aus der Datei "“Camera Raw.plugin”" Camera Raw-Filter 15.4.1 (1510), Copyright © 2023 Adobe Systems Incorporated - aus der Datei "“Camera Raw.plugin”" Chrom 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Cineon 24.6 © 2002-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Cineon.plugin”" Color Lookup-Raster rendern 24.6 © 2012-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Export3DLUT.plugin”" Color Lookup-Tabellen exportieren 24.6 © 2012-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Export3DLUT.plugin”" Conté-Stifte 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" De-Interlace 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Diagonal verwischen 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Dicom 24.6 © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“dicom.plugin”" Differenz-Wolken 24.6 © 1993-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Clouds.plugin”" Distorsion 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Dunkle Malstriche 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Durchschnitt 24.6 © 1993-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Average.plugin”" Entropie 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Erfassungsbereich 24.6 © 1993-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“MeasurementCore.plugin”" Extrudieren 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Farbpapier-Collage 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Farbraster 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Fasern 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" FastCore-Routinen 24.6 © 1990-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“FastCore.plugin”" Feuchtes Papier 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Filtergalerie 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Fluchtpunkt 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“VanishingPoint.plugin”" Fotokopie 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Fotos freistellen und gerade ausrichten (Filter) 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Fotos freistellen und gerade ausrichten 24.6 © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“CropPhotosAuto.plugin”" Fresko 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Für Web speichern 24.6.0, © 1999-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Save for Web.plugin”" Gekreuzte Malstriche 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Gerissene Kanten 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Glas 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Grobe Malerei 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Grobes Pastell 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Halide Bottlenecks 24.6 © 2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“HalideBottlenecks.plugin”" HDRMergeUI 24.6, Copyright © 2002-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“HDRMergeUI.plugin”" HSB/HSL 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" IFF-Format 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" JPEG 2000 24.6 © 2001-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“JPEG2000.plugin”" Kacheleffekt 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Kacheln 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Kanten betonen 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Kohleumsetzung 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Konturen mit Tinte nachzeichnen 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Kreide & Kohle 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Kreuzschraffur 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Kristallisieren 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Kräuseln 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Kunststofffolie 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Kurtosis 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Körnung & Aufhellung 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Körnung 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Leuchtende Konturen 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Malgrund 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Malmesser 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Matlab-Vorgang 24.6 © 1993-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“ChannelPort.plugin”" Maximum 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Median 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Mehrprozessorunterstützung 24.6 © 1990-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“MultiProcessor Support.plugin”" Mezzotint 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Minimum 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Mit Struktur versehen 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Mittelwert 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" MMXCore-Routinen 24.6 © 1990-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“MMXCore.plugin”" Neigung 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Neonschein 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" NTSC-Farben 24.6 © 1993-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“NTSC Colors.plugin”" Objektivkorrektur 24.6.0, © 2002-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Lens Correct.plugin”" Objektivunschärfe 24.6.0, © 2002-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Lens Blur.plugin”" OpenEXR 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Ozeanwellen 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Patchwork 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" PCX 24.6 © 1989-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“PCX.plugin”" Pfade -> Illustrator 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Pixar 24.6 © 1989-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Pixar.plugin”" Polarkoordinaten 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Portable Bit Map 24.6 © 1989-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“PBM.plugin”" Prägepapier 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Punktieren 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Punktierstich 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Radialer Weichzeichner 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Radiance 24.6 © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Radiance.plugin”" Rasterungseffekt 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Risse 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Schwamm 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Schwingungen 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Selektiver Weichzeichner 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Solarisation 24.6 © 1993-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Solarize.plugin”" SP Substance Suite 21.0 © 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“MaterialSuite.plugin”" Spritzer 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Standardabweichung 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Stempel 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Strichumsetzung 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Strudel 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Stuck 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Substance 21.0 © 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“MaterialFilter.plugin”" Sumi-e 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Summe 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Targa 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Tontrennung & Kantenbetonung 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Unterstützung für Skripten 24.6, © 2002-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“ScriptingSupport.plugin”" Varianz 24.6 © 2006-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“statistics.plugin”" Verbiegen 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Verflüssigen 24.6.0, © 2001-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Liquify.plugin”" Versetzen 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Verwackelte Striche 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Weiches Licht 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Wellen 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Windeffekt 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Wireless Bitmap 24.6 © 1989-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“WBMP.plugin”" Wolken 24.6 © 1993-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Clouds.plugin”" Wölben 24.6.0, © 2003-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Standard Multiplugin.plugin”" Ölfarbe getupft 24.6.0, © 1991-2023 Adobe. All rights reserved. - aus der Datei "“Filter Gallery.plugin”" Optionale Zusatzmodule und Zusatzmodule von Drittanbietern: KEINE Doppelte und deaktivierte Zusatzmodule: KEINE Nicht geladene Zusatzmodule: KEINE Einheitliche Erweiterungsplattform - Erweiterungen: Home Screen (Geladen) - von der Datei "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/extensions/com.adobe.ccx.start-6.7.0/" CDO: 1.141.0
CmdN: 1.18.8
CDP: 1.165.0
Projects: 1.7.0 Geladen nach: 171 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 205 ms ccx-timeline (Vorbereitet) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Geladen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Geladen nach: 3886 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 0 ms Beta Feedback (Vorbereitet) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" CCX Sharesheet UXP (Vorbereitet) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Geladen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Geladen nach: 172 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 0 ms Share Panel (Geladen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Geladen nach: 173 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 0 ms Content Credentials (Geladen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Geladen nach: 2894 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 12 ms CC Libraries Panel (Vorbereitet) - von der Datei "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22/" CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.0.2 Substance 3D (Vorbereitet) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Photoshop Adjustments Panel (Geladen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Geladen nach: 3887 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 1 ms Photoshop UXP Export-As (Vorbereitet) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Photoshop Facepile (Geladen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Geladen nach: 3888 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 0 ms Photoshop In App Messaging (Geladen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Geladen nach: 3888 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 0 ms Photoshop Selection Feedback (Vorbereitet) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Plugins Panel (Vorbereitet) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" IC popup message (Geladen) Geladen nach: 2878 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 0 ms Multilayer Protection (Geladen) Geladen nach: 2879 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 0 ms Discover Panel (Geladen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Geladen nach: 3889 ms – Einfluss auf die Startzeit: 16 ms Neural Filters (Eingetragen) - von der Datei "Erforderlicher Ordner" Scanzeit: 0 ms – Einträge: 42 Erweiterungen: Bibliotheken 1.0.0 – aus der Datei “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22/index.html” Pantone Connect 1.0.9 – aus der Datei “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/Pantone Connect/html/index.html” com.pantone.v1.1.auth 1.0.9 – aus der Datei “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/Pantone Connect/html/auth.html” com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 – aus der Datei “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22/extensions/stock-panel-licensing/index.html” com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 – aus der Datei “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22/extensions/capture/capture.html” Exportieren als 4.8.15 – aus der Datei “/Applications/Adobe Photoshop (Beta)/Adobe Photoshop (Beta).app/Contents/Resources/CEP/extensions/com.adobe.photoshop.crema/index.html” Exportieren als 4.8.15 – aus der Datei “/Applications/Adobe Photoshop (Beta)/Adobe Photoshop (Beta).app/Contents/Resources/CEP/extensions/com.adobe.photoshop.crema/index.html” com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 – aus der Datei “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_24_22/manager.html” Installierte TWAIN-Geräte: KEINE





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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Everyone, please update to the latest Ps beta: Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.0.0 20230801.m.2265 3a00623 x64






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Explorer ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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Hi Cory,

Has the issue with not being able to export from Lightroom to Photohop Beta 25 been resolved?  
Is this a LR or PS Beta issue? 






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Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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No, the issue not being able to export still exists.





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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New Here ,
Dec 07, 2023 Dec 07, 2023

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Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.5.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
Number of Launches: 3
Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit
Version: 11 or greater 10.0.22621.1848
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:6, Stepping:1 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 4
Logical processor count: 8
Processor speed: 1995 MHz
Built-in memory: 16273 MB
Free memory: 10421 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 11994 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
Crash Handler: Adobe
DCX Version: 7.1.3
SAM SDK Version: 4.1.4
ACP.local Status:
- SDK Version:
- Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible
- Core Sync Running:
- Min Core Sync Required:
Live Edit Client SDK Version: 4.0.0
Content Credential Helper Version: NA
D3D12Warp renderer: Disabled.
Manta Canvas: Enabled.
Alias Layers: Disabled.
Highbeam: Enabled.
Image tile size: 1024K
Image cache levels: 4
Font Preview: Medium
HarfBuzz Version: 4.3.0
TextEngine: Unified Text Engine
======= GPU
Native API stable: True
OpenGL API stable: True
OpenCL API stable: True
GPUDeny: 0
GPUForce: 0
useGPU: 1
useOpenCL: 1
isGPUCapable: 1
GPUName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M
IsNativeGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1
IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1
HasSufficientRAM: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 4,065 MB
Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB
UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1
UseOpenCLChecked: 1
Windows remote desktop: 0
Windows available feature level: 11.0
Windows required feature level: 12.0
Windows has required feature level: 0
Display: 1
Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=768, right=1366
------- Sniffer output
[0 ms]
Launch GPUSnifferThread

[1 ms]
Start RunAllAPIs

[1 ms]
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=107031110 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.5.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

[1774 ms]
Start sniffer 2023-12-08 13:02:58
# Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.5.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=107031110 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 24.5.0 20230524.m.2185 0e7139d x64

{58 ms}
Start platform native
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,366, 768)
Dimensions: (1,366 768)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M index=0)

# devices: 2
Device 0
Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 4,065 MB
VRAM: 4,065 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 8,531 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: 2017-12-04 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 72 months
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 5018

Device 1
Name: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Pro Graphics 5200
Preferred: FALSE
Power Envelope: UNKNOWN
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 2,259 MB
VRAM: 112 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 2,147 MB
API version: 12.0 (12.0)
Device version: 12.0 (12.0)
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: 2016-09-29 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 87 months
Driver version:
D3D-ID: 3366
End platform native
{967 ms}

{967 ms}
Start platform OpenGL
# displays: 1
Display 0
Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
Main: TRUE
Built in: FALSE
Stereo: FALSE
Bounds: (0, 0) -> (1,366, 768)
Dimensions: (1,366 768)
Physical size: (0 0)
Pixel size: (0 0)
Dynamic range: (0 1)
Potential dynamic range: (0 1)
Reference dynamic range: (0 0)
Attached Device: (DeviceID name=GeForce GTX 950M/PCIe/SSE2 index=0)

# devices: 1
Device 0
Name: GeForce GTX 950M/PCIe/SSE2
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 1
GPU accessible RAM: 4,263 MB
VRAM: 4,263 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 8,531 MB
API version: 4.6 (4.6.0 NVIDIA 388.57)
Device version: 4.6 (4.6.0 NVIDIA 388.57)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: 2017-12-04 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 72 months
Driver version:
GLSL version: 4.60 (4.60 NVIDIA)
End platform OpenGL
{1256 ms}

{1256 ms}
Start platform OpenCL
# displays: 0

# devices: 2
Device 0
Name: GeForce GTX 950M
Preferred: TRUE
Power Envelope: DISCRETE
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 4,294 MB
VRAM: 4,294 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 9.1.112)
Device version: 1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 CUDA)
Vendor name: NVIDIA
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 26 GB / s
Compute score: 364.335
Device name string: GeForce GTX 950M
Device vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
Platform name string: NVIDIA CUDA
Platform vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation

Device 1
Name: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Pro Graphics 5200
Preferred: FALSE
Power Envelope: INTEGRATED
Attachment: UNKNOWN
# attached displays: 0
GPU accessible RAM: 1,708 MB
VRAM: 1,708 MB
Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB
Shared System RAM: 0 MB
API version: 1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 )
Device version: 1.2 (OpenCL 1.2 )
Vendor name: INTEL
Driver date: UNKNOWN
Driver age: UNKNOWN
Driver version: UNKNOWN
Bandwidth: 61 GB / s
Compute score: 330.948
Device name string: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Pro Graphics 5200
Device vendor string: Intel(R) Corporation
Platform name string: Intel(R) OpenCL
Platform vendor string: Intel(R) Corporation
End platform OpenCL
{1687 ms}

Exit code kExitNormal
End sniffer 2023-12-08 13:02:59
[kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]

[1775 ms]
Finish RunAllAPIs

[1985 ms]
Start GetSnifferResult

[1985 ms]
Finish GetSnifferResult

------- Sniffer output
======= GPU
License Type: Subscription
Serial number:
Composite Core (enable_composite_core): on
Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on
Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on
Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off
Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off
Document Graph (enable_doc_graph): off

Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\
Temporary file path: C:\Users\andhu\AppData\Local\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
Startup, 476,1G, 303,0G free
Required Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\Plug-ins\
Primary Plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Plug-ins\

Installed components:
ACE.dll ACE 2023/07/11-03:51:57 79.4142c44 79.4142c44
act_tracing.dll Copyright (c) 2021 Adobe. All Rights Reserved 1.0.58
AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library dfba77e
AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.5.0
AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2023/06/13-10:02:10 79.69c1538 79.69c1538
AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program
AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.1887391 79.1887391
AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2023/06/25-20:01:55 79.1462899 79.1462899
AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2023/06/25-20:01:55 79.1462899 79.1462899
AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2023/06/25-20:01:55 79.1462899 79.1462899
AGM.dll AGM 2023/07/11-03:51:57 79.4142c44 79.4142c44
AIDE.dll AIDE 2023/07/11-13:54:27 79.43e3035 79.43e3035
aifm.dll AIFM 1.0 23.68434
AILib.dll Adobe Illustrator 2024 28.0.0
aiport.dll AIPort 1.0 23.68434
ARE.dll ARE 2023/07/11-03:51:57 79.4142c44 79.4142c44
AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2023/06/25-20:01:55 79.8fc6e4e 79.8fc6e4e
AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2023/06/25-20:01:55 79.8fc6e4e 79.8fc6e4e
BIB.dll BIB 2023/07/11-03:51:57 79.4142c44 79.4142c44
BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2023/07/11-03:51:57 79.4142c44 79.4142c44
boost_chrono.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_regex.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_system.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
CoolType.dll CoolType 2023/07/11-03:51:57 79.4142c44 79.4142c44
CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL
DirectML.dll DirectML Redistributable Library 1.10.1+230125-1155.1.dml-1.10.177341d
dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2
dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaaudiodsp.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacore.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0
dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvametadataUI.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvanet.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvaui.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dvavulcansupport.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
dynamic-torqnative.dll Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
filterport.dll FilterPort 1.1 O
icucnv71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuin71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
icuuc71.dll International Components for Unicode Build 14.0.04ee3a5
ippcc.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcck0.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccl9.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippccy8.dll ippCC. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Color Conversion. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcore.dll core. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Core Library. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcv.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvk0.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvl9.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippcvy8.dll ippCV. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Computer Vision. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippi.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippik0.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippil9.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippiy8.dll ippIP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Image Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ipps.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsk0.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsl9.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippsy8.dll ippSP. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Signal Processing. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvm.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmk0.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvml9.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
ippvmy8.dll ippVM. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Vector Math. 2021.6 (r0xbffe3c5b)
JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2023/06/25-23:50:00 79.15070c2 79.15070c2
libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A)
libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0
libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
libzip.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
LogSession.dll LogSession
mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 22.0.0
Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.14.20230410.1.429e1e3
mkl_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_core.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_sequential.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx2.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_avx512.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_def.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
mkl_vml_mc3.2.dll Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.1
MPS.dll MPS 2023/06/27-19:07:31 79.51aea8a 79.51aea8a
onnxruntime.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 1.14.20230410.1.429e1e3
opencv_world452.dll OpenCV library 4.5.2
pdfport.dll PDFPort 2020/11/19-11:34:27 79.625377 79.625377
Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.7
PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 11.5.2
PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)
PSRes.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop 2023 24.6
ScCore.dll ScCore 2022/08/18-12:50:45 82.4 82.4
ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Toolkit 1.0.2zf
SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.e4a3cd5 79.e4a3cd5
svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler Mainline
VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library
VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library
WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support
WRServices.dll WRServices Build
Unified Extensibility Platform uxp-7.1.0-11-16f02e5
UPIC 2.6.0

Required plugins:

Accented Edges 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Adaptive Wide Angle 24.7 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf”
Angled Strokes 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Average 24.7 - from the file “Average.8bf”
Bas Relief 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
BMP 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Camera Raw 15.5.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Camera Raw Filter 15.5.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi”
Chalk && Charcoal 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Charcoal 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Chrome 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Cineon 24.7 - from the file “Cineon.8bi”
Clouds 24.7 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Color Halftone 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Colored Pencil 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Conté Crayon 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Craquelure 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crop and Straighten Photos 24.7 - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li”
Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Crosshatch 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Crystallize 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Cutout 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Dark Strokes 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
De-Interlace 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dicom 24.7 - from the file “Dicom.8bi”
Difference Clouds 24.7 - from the file “Clouds.8bf”
Diffuse Glow 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Displace 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Dry Brush 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Entropy 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Export Color Lookup Tables 24.7 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Extrude 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
FastCore Routines 24.7 - from the file “FastCore.8bx”
Fibers 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Film Grain 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Filter Gallery 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Fresco 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glass 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Glowing Edges 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Grain 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Graphic Pen 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halftone Pattern 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Halide Bottlenecks 24.7 - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx”
HDRMergeUI 24.7 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf”
HSB/HSL 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
IFF Format 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Ink Outlines 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
JPEG 2000 24.7 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi”
Kurtosis 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Lens Blur 24.7 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf”
Lens Correction 24.7 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf”
Lens Flare 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Liquify 24.7 - from the file “Liquify.8bf”
Matlab Operation 24.7 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Maximum 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mean 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Measurement Core 24.7 - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me”
Median 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Mezzotint 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Minimum 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
MMXCore Routines 24.7 - from the file “MMXCore.8bx”
Mosaic Tiles 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Multiprocessor Support 24.7 - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx”
Neon Glow 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Note Paper 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
NTSC Colors 24.7 - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf”
Ocean Ripple 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
OpenEXR 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Paint Daubs 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Palette Knife 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Patchwork 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Paths to Illustrator 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
PCX 24.7 - from the file “PCX.8bi”
Photocopy 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Picture Package Filter 24.7 - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf”
Pinch 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Pixar 24.7 - from the file “Pixar.8bi”
Plaster 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Plastic Wrap 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Pointillize 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Polar Coordinates 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Portable Bit Map 24.7 - from the file “PBM.8bi”
Poster Edges 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Radial Blur 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Radiance 24.7 - from the file “Radiance.8bi”
Range 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Render Color Lookup Grid 24.7 - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be”
Reticulation 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Ripple 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Rough Pastels 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Save for Web 24.7 - from the file “Save for Web.8be”
ScriptingSupport 24.7 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li”
Shear 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Skewness 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Smart Blur 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Smudge Stick 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Solarize 24.7 - from the file “Solarize.8bf”
SP Substance Suite NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialSuite.8li”
Spatter 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Spherize 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Sponge 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Sprayed Strokes 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stained Glass 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Stamp 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Standard Deviation 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Substance NO VERSION - from the file “MaterialFilter.8bf”
Sumi-e 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Summation 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Targa 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Texturizer 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Tiles 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Torn Edges 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Twirl 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Underpainting 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Vanishing Point 24.7 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf”
Variance 24.7 - from the file “statistics.8ba”
Water Paper 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Watercolor 24.7 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf”
Wave 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
WIA Support 24.7 - from the file “WIASupport.8li”
Wind 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”
Wireless Bitmap 24.7 - from the file “WBMP.8bi”
ZigZag 24.7 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf”

Optional and third party plugins: NONE

Duplicate and Disabled plugins: NONE

Plugins that failed to load: NONE

Unified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:

Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
CDO: 1.138.1
CmdN: 1.18.5
CDP: 1.162.1
Projects: 1.7.0
Loaded at: 151 ms - launch time impact: 16 ms
ccx-timeline (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12252 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Beta Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
CCX Sharesheet UXP (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Cloud Value Dialog (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 156 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Share Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 159 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Content Credentials (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 11367 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
CC Libraries Panel (Prepared) - from the file "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\"
CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.1.0
Substance 3D (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12254 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Adjustments Panel (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12257 ms - launch time impact: 1 ms
Photoshop UXP Export-As (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Photoshop Facepile (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12259 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop In App Messaging (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12261 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Photoshop Selection Feedback (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
Plugins Panel (Prepared) - from the file "Required Folder"
IC popup message (Loaded)
Loaded at: 10763 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Multilayer Protection (Loaded)
Loaded at: 10765 ms - launch time impact: 0 ms
Discover Panel (Loaded) 2306.76.0.24 - from the file "Required Folder"
Loaded at: 12264 ms - launch time impact: 1 ms
Neural Filters (Registered) - from the file "Required Folder"
Scan time: 0 ms - entries: 24


Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\index.html”
com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html”
com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\extensions\capture\capture.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
Export As 4.8.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html”
com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\manager.html”

Installed TWAIN devices: NONE





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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How to get V25? Adobe Creative Cloud only up to 24.7? 







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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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@Aduy it appears you have a enterprise account so you need to contact your IT Admin and make sure they are allowing you to update:







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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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Thanks for the reply! So if we don't make any changes in the Admin Console...When will v25 be available in CC? After 30 days?







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