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P: Cloud Document issues on iPad/mobile

Community Beginner ,
Nov 21, 2019 Nov 21, 2019

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There is no sincronization in IPad.  My picture has 100 mb and its impossible to finish.  It’s not usable.  Please fix this.  It’s impossible to charge images in iPad from dropbox or photoshop.  The download time is not fast  and the  action is canceled.  I’m with iPad Pro 1 tb.

Bug Unresolved






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 21, 2019 Nov 21, 2019

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Hi Maurício,

It would be good to get a diagnostic log from you. Go to the home screen, click on the gear, and find the advanced section. There's a command there to generate a log which is saved to the files folder on iOS.





Community Beginner ,
Nov 21, 2019 Nov 21, 2019

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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 22, 2019 Nov 22, 2019

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Thanks, I've asked the synced team to take a look. 





Community Beginner ,
Nov 24, 2019 Nov 24, 2019

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Jeffrey this sincronization process  with  Dropbox or  adobe cloud document  is unstable and very problematic  to use. There is no pro workflow possible because we have no idea with or when the picture will sincronize.  I tried making  psdc from photoshop desktop with 100 images  and it’s very slow to load on IPad and I have to click and wait each image individually.  Cloud you please implemente off line sincronization to all images? It will make possible to work off line or “on de the go”.  That is what I need more with IPad phototshop.  From 100 imagens I can only  work with 4 imagens after many days downloading and cancelling the process. Other problem: it’s not possible work off line. Why?  So,   After that I  tried to use with Dropbox sincronization, but it’s very slow.   Dropbox sincronization is fast than making psdc from  desktop adobe photoshop. There is  less process to do. But,  it make many different copies of the same image.  And if I  click again on my Dropbox imagens it makes a new copy.  So, it’s “one way” direction. If you click on Dropbox it will load to IPad Photoshop but it’s no way to save back automatically.   It has no sense.  Dropbox is a “cloud program  to make sincronization”, but  photoshop for IPad u uses Dropbox not as a Cloud, but only as a source to load image with no connection once it was load to the plataform.  It’s not clear on interface and confuse us.  Other thing.  If you delete image  from iPad the new load from dropbox is named as a copy  with a different name.  All my workflow is based on file name.   This import process is making big mess in my job organization.  Tks  for your attention ... ( so, I bough Ipad  last year only to use Photoshop and I was waiting until now. Please I really hope you can improve those features as soon as possible. Thank you to be in touch.    





Explorer ,
Nov 25, 2019 Nov 25, 2019

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In the sense that this refers to cloud synching issues, I experience the same. A multi-layer document created in Fresco and saved to a directory in the cloud, shows up in the same directory when I access it from Photoshop ... however, it is now flat, blank and it appears not to ever be done trying to synchronize... so, yes, there are many, rather serious issues that need fixing.





Enthusiast ,
Nov 25, 2019 Nov 25, 2019

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Et pour moi, avoir créé Fresco hors PS est un hérésie ou simplement une solution pour nous faire acheter plus d'abonnement, Fresco doit être intégré dans PS mobile et dans PS desktop, cette séparation est réellement un gros frein à la création !

And for me, to have created Fresco except PS is one heresy or simply a resolution to make us buy more subscription, Fresco must be fitted in with mobile PS and in desktop PS, this separation is indeed a big brake in creation!

Yves Crausaz, Suisse, retraité actif dans le monde de la photo et des arts graphiques.





Community Beginner ,
Mar 28, 2020 Mar 28, 2020

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Ok, I was hoping that it was just my issue but I am learning that this along with a ton of other issues are what a LOT of others are also experiencing and I find it sad that a Billion dollar company like yours has problems with it software, that it should NEVER have.  
Your cloud issue is the biggest issue you have but the other issue is the wait time for the ‘What’s coming’ tools.  You advertised these items as coming soon and 6 months later I’m still waiting for them because they are a HUGE part of my work process.  Clip Studio Paint has all of these items in one app whereas you guys have these same items that make PS for iPad useless and Fresco limited in use.  Fresco would be a great app if you were to release the features already.  In the time it’s taken to release these items, other art software apps have dropped two or three versions of BETTER quality than your releasing of one item that honestly has no weight in the grand scheme of things (a ruler?????? On a digital software???) I expect more from an $11 Billion company.  Clip Studio Paint makes less money than you guys and they make you look lazy with their consistent upgrades at a cheaper fixed price.  Another is Procreate who, if they fixed their lasso tool function, would be a better app for ipad than your Fresco plus the consistent updates make them useful.  Another is ArtStudio, a newer company but they update the app on a near biweekly basis and listen to it’s users as the fixes are usually catered to them.  
I think you guys are messing up on the easy things and worried about your Wall Street shareholders, who do not use the product as creatively as your loyal creatives, and those old foggies that can’t move on from your apps because of comfort and psd files are the ‘industry standard’.  By not looking around yourselves, your being blown away by all your competitors that created themselves out of your template.  If your willing to frustrate your customers then you are not up to serving your customers.
I’ve been with Adobe products since 2010 and if I were to be honest, from 2005.  I am EXTREMELY upset that I find myself using other products over Adobe. For illustration, Adobe has fell short for me.  From the looks of the complaints you are getting, I am not the only one.  The guy in front of my comment has a point that what you are trying to do for Fresco could have been added to Photoshop and it would have been perfect.  But now that PS for IPad is USELESS to ipad illustrators and the stripping of features that Clip Studio Paint skimped NONE of, I find it really taxing to find a reason for my monthly subscription.  Especially in this new Coronavirus world where spending money on an app I do not use is just not smart.  

Fix these issues or find yourself as a million dollar company.  Or worst, out of business!!





Community Beginner ,
Apr 10, 2020 Apr 10, 2020

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I found the solution to the problem.1) Do not use the files synchronized in the cloud and you can use photoshop for the Ipad. (Either Adobe or Dropbox timing or others are not reliable). If you try to use the cloud, you simply won't be able to finish the job.
2) Convert your main file from Lightroom or from Capture One to a PSD file and include your "actions" to include all the layers you will need to do the treatment on the ipad. (Actions do not work on the Ipad. But if you need multiple commands within your workflow in general they will work on the ipad)
3) Place a USB-C device on your ipad to pass the files (Without using the cloud)
4) Save your files to your IPAD (in your preferred folder)
5) Open the photophos, work on the file, save the file as PSD and save it again in exactly the same location and save it on the ipad. When he asks if you want to replace the original file, say ok.
7) Return the file Via USB to your computer and use it.

Note: When automatically opening the file on the Ipad, a PSDC file will be generated. Okay. It's just not fast enough for a professional workflow. Ignore this file and delete it. Trust only the file saved manually via the usb-c device. In this way it is possible to use the ipad to work professionally with photos, both when you are offline, as in airplanes or in places where

I believe that in the new versions this synchronism problem will be solved and we will be able to use the cloud and the direct synchronization from lightroom. However, after months of trying in every possible way this was the only way to make the iPad suitable for professional use. Tks all.





Apr 15, 2021 Apr 15, 2021

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Well, here we are, it’s 2021, and the PS files STILL don’t sync. I cants even open files from my ipad camera roll. What’s the deal, Adobe? We pay a substantial subscription price to use these apps. I’m very disappointed in the functionality of PS on mobile. 




