i keep getting this message when i try to do anything in photoshop a second time what i mean is when first opened photoshop works when i close the first image the go to do anything else i get the message: Could not complete your request because of a program error.i have uninstalled and reinstalled photoshop cc but no difference i have taken a couple of screen shots which i hope will give you more information
i hope you can solve this problem as i am at my wits end
But I already tried that. I clicked on the "default" button wherever it appeared in preferences and it notified me that the changes will take place on next PS launch. So I closed PS and restarted it but still the same.
That doesn't sound like you reset preferences at all. There is no such button to reset preferences in the shipping version of Photoshop.
Either hold down control-alt-shift while launching Photoshop and say "yes" to deleting the prefs, or just delete the files in the Photoshop preferences folder.
No there's no "reset" button, but is a "default" button in a few categories within preferences. But I didn't know it doesn't reset it, never have faced any issue before so no experience with technicalities. Thanks for info, I'll try it.
I'm having the same problem. Have tried deleting the preference files from the Library, disabling third party plug-ins and deselecting 'Enable generator'. Nothing works. This is the error log I get:
That error should be cleared with resetting preferences -- it means that something is holding onto some layer data with a color mode that is not valid for layers.
Thanks for your reply Chris. I thought that in order to reset preferences you had to delete the preference files. Is this not correct? If not, how does one reset?
PS error prompt: "Could not complete your request because of a program error." (OK button)
Desktop Mac Pro running OS X Version 10.7.5
PhotoShop vCS4 v11.0
Lightroom v4
VERY likely Culprit ---> Fonts and PhotoShop
Possible root cause in my case:
LightRoom hang began this maybe??
My instance of this issue only began happening maybe 1 month ago. I think I am correct that it only began happening after my install of Adobe LightRoom v4 hung my machine during an Import of jpegs. This curiously ALSO hung the Finder. While able to Force Quit Lightroom v4 at that time I was curiously UNABLE to ReLaunch Finder. Full freeze. Hard Power off. Hard power up. I'm pretty certain that power up was when I first began to notice this error with PhotoShop then starting up for the first time following that LRv4 freeze.
CONDITIONS of occurrence:
Only happens when PS4 is started up.
AND in that instance ONLY happens IF a document is opened.
AND in that instance ONLY happens IF the document has had the Type Tool clicked (or text actually added to the document) and then saved.
IF I open PhotoShop CS4 with no document, error does not present itself.
If I create a new, Untitled document, leave and return to PS4, the error does not present itself.
IF I quit PS4 with that new (now saved as) document left open, relaunch PS4 with that document auto-opening, the error does not present itself.
IF I click the Type tool, the error instantly presents itself.
IF I quit PS4 without saving that document, relaunch PS4 with that document auto-opening, the error does not present itself.
IF I quit PS4 after adding a letter and saving the document, relaunch PS4 with that document auto-opening, the error instantly presents itself.
My instance of this issue happens (only) when I first fire up PhotoShop CS4 and open a document that has some sort of text in it.
The error produces a variable number of repeated prompt(s) each saying the same error. However the variable is 7 (OR) 8 recurrences. I dismiss each with (OK).
Once I have:
- Fired up PhotoShop CS4 (WITH A DOCUMENT)
- Left the application (clicked on an open browser window for example)
At that time, PhotoShop produces the first instance of this error.
I switch to PhotoShop again, dismiss the 7 instances of the error (sometimes 8 instances of the error) and it does not occur again for the rest of the day.
If I quit PhotoShop, and then launch PhotosShop, THEN the above repeats itself.
I ALSO have PhotoShop CS5 installed (have had both versions installed for years now without conflicts or issues....). PhotoShop CS5 DOES NOT exhibit any of these issues.
No resolution on my part yet. I have long since forgot how to chase down Font issues in OS X (I've not added any or modified any in months and months... years?).
Does this spark any ideas to chase down? Anything I can provide to assist resolution?
I just downloaded OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) last week. I am using Photoshop Elements 11. When I try to open a .pdf file I get the message "Could not complete your request because of program error". It seems that many of the comments above were for different versions of either OSX or Photoshop.
Sounds like a permissions issue. Try creating a new Admin user account and run Photoshop from the new user account to see if the problem goes away: http://blogs.adobe.com/crawlspace/201...
Jeffrey, although this topic was being discussed a year ago, I wanted to provide the following feedback because I figured out a way to circumvent the error message and still save my file in the edited condition.
I got the error message "Could not complete your request because of a program error" when I attempted to save a file that I had edited (it should be noted that at the same time, I had 2 other similar files open that I had also edited for which the error message didn't pop up.) This is precisely what happened:
I had finished editing my photograph - I clicked on "Save as" and the error message popped up. So I tried clicking on just "Save" - same error message popped up. So, I clicked on the "X" to close the file - a window popped up to ask me if I wanted to save the changes I'd made - I chose "yes" - and then again, the same error message popped up. (isn't it odd, how a situation like this compels you to scold the computer program; as though it actually can hear you?!!). After inquiring of the program, "So why did you ask me if I wanted to save the changes, when you had no intention of letting me do so?" After that, I
ruminated on the situation .... I had spent a lot of time meticulously working on perfecting a colorization of an old black & white photo - and my result was superb, and not only did I not want the hour's work to be unsaved; but who knows if I could get it that perfect again? Compelled to save my work, I decided to try another approach - and it worked! Here is what I did:
I created a new file, the exact size of the one I couldn't save; and gave it a similar name but not the exact same name. I clicked back onto the image and used the lasso tool to encase the entire image. Using the "move" tool, I slid it
over to the new file. Then, I clicked "Save as" to save the new file, and, voila' !
It let me save it! Yay! Resourcefulness, that's the key - and don't ever give up or lose hope - you can always find a way to prevail; sometimes you just gotta
find another way to do it. I have always applied this principle in life, but computers and programs have a world of their own - and yet, the same principle worked!
Just thought I'd share this "fix", as it were; with you and the folks over at Photoshop. I didn't actually fix the program glitch - I just circumvented it. While I've got you on the horn here, I wanted to tell you how much I love working in Photoshop. I shall never lose the sense of wonder at the technology we have availed to us today, and although I'm an old-timer, I embrace it! I have learned that I have a propensity for graphic art - particularly for colorizing old black & white images. I am careful not to overdo the colorization to the point where you can tell it's fake color - I painstakingly work on it - and I have learned how to colorize eyes really well; they look very real and natural. The photograph I was working on that is the subject of this message was a very old black & white photograph of Bela Lugosi as a young man - without his Dracula regalia and make up on. Placing the black & white photo next to the colorized photo, you see Bela come alive with color - it's amazing, and I did an excellent job, if I do say so myself. Let me know if you want to see it - just email me. My appreciation and gratitude go out to all you folks over there at Adobe, for creating the really neat and useful Photoshop and sharing it with all of us out here!
Most of those are from an automation plugin or extension panel. The last set from USheet are probably the program error you're seeing. Unfortunately, it doesn't really tell us where the error came from, just where it happened.
Please create a copy of your Photoshop preferences folder, then reset your Photoshop preferences. If that solves the issue, then zip the prefs folder you copied and email it to me.
Thank you Lloyd; you made my day! I guess I do have a good outlook on life. I'm kind of goofy and silly for my age, but it keeps youthful exuberance alive, and I strive to be happy. We can think things into existence, like happiness. And I have mastered learning how to deal with the loss of those who were dear to me in life. All you have to do, Lloyd; is close your eyes and conjure up a memory of a time and place you were with them while they were alive - you stay there in that place for a minute or two, and it is as if you are really there once again! Our memory banks are amazing things that serve us so well. Don't ever underestimate the power of your mind, and all that is in there.