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Since the release of photoshop cc 2018 (photoshop ver 19.0) thru the
current photoshop 2020 (photoshop version 21.0.2) on both windows and mac, although it's most apparent on the mac side when the Application Frame is turned Off, when using floating document windows with the option to Open as Tabs enabled, the document windows resizes depending on the size
(pixel dimensions) of the next document being opened.This also happens i with vertical documents versus horizontal documents and windows with small documents will be sized up if a larger document is opened.
In other words, for example, if you have a larger document of say 8000 px x 4000 px open and you open a much smaller document of say 640 px x 480 px, the document window will resize down to the small file just opened as shown in the screenshots below.
Large document open that fills much of the screen when opened
Document window resizes when much smaller documents is opened
This did not occur on photoshop versions cs4 thru photoshop cc 2017. which would keep the window size of the original opened document.
Is this a deliberate change?
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Still not fixed in photoshop 2021 ( photoshop version 22.4.2)
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Still not fixed in photoshop 2021 (photoshop version 22).
If anybody at adobe uses Floating Document Windows they know how utterly frustrating this issue is.
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When I use the new feature "Sky Replacement" in Photoshop 2021, a panel opens up and I can work on it. But when I try to save, the buttons at the bottom are off screen and I have to move my Windows taskbar to the side, to enable me just to click a button! There isn't any way to resize this menu! Very frustrating! How do I resize the whole box so that I can easily work with it? (See screen print...)
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Still not fixed in photoshop 22.4.2
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Still not fixed in photoshop 2021 (photoshop version 22.2)
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@JeffreyTranberry A status update would be nice if you have one. It's been a year since engineering was notified by you, so I would assume some progress has been made?
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Same here. Any news on this?
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Hi all,
We're happy to announce the MAX 2021 release of Photoshop 23.0. This update includes the fix for this issue. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here
To update Photoshop to 23.0, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating
Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected and share your feedback with us.
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Thanks Mohit, great to have this feature back. So much better for my workflow. Always good to see Adobe listening to customers.
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This was fixed in the last couple of updates to both 2022 and 2021 (mac and windows), but now seems to be broken again in the photoshop 2022 (22.3 update) on both mac and windows.
Note this is not the same issue as this:
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This issue has been driving me nuts! I keep updating hoping the bug will be resolved and nothing yet.
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Oh dear. Fixed and then broken again a year later. Please fix this, Adobe!
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Hi all, wanted to share that the team has been working on this so please test and let us know if it is resolved in future builds.
Thank you,
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Thanks, Cory.
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Still an issue in photoshop 2023 (ps ver 24.1)
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Hi @Jeff Arola thanks for letting the team know. Could you explain what you are seeing so we can make sure we are not confusing things with other issues that have been resolved?
It is possible that issues have been merged and the original issue missed or assumed fixed.
Thank you,
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The issue is improved in version 24, but not fixed, in my opinion, as it's still not behaving as it did years ago. I'm on a Mac and I keep the App Frame off and like to group documents in a floating tabbed window. It used to be that such a window would retain the size the user set it to, and opening a new document would not change it. The original post complained that a new document resizes the window, and that still happens, but now each document 'remembers' it's unique window size, so that switching tabs changes the size of the window...not the behaviour I expect, as it's not giving the user control over the window's size that groups multiple documents (which is how it used to behave). In other words, when I group documents in a window and resize that window, I want that to stick...I don't want each document to change the window size if they're grouped.
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Is there a fix for this? It's annoying have to resize the window each time tabbing through multiple files. Super time suck
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Yes, it's exactly as you write, I've already seen this solved in several discussions and I first encountered it on CC 2022 version 23.3.3 (what a lucky guy I was back then) - and even though it was written that it was solved, nothing is actually solved because it doesn't work on any computer I have access to (there are almost 10 macs). The latest version 23.5.5 (CC2022) nor version 24.7.0 (CC2023) still has this bug and it's really annoying - I want to set the window size once and not set it for each image separately 1000 times a day..
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It was only half-fixed in Photoshop 23. I'm on Photoshop 24.7 and the window size still changes when I change documents that are grouped. The window size of grouped documents should stick to the size I set it. This is how it worked when grouped documents were first introduced (Photoshop 11?), and this was before the Windows-like application frame was introduced to Mac.