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P: Make the brush cursor easier to see (too thin, not enough contrast with some colors)

Explorer ,
Dec 02, 2019 Dec 02, 2019

In last updates I'm having problem seeing brush (paint and healing) cursor when working with colors similar to cursor grey (grey or brown midtones for expamle).

Sometimes cursor changes to white, but for very short time and very randomly.

So it's really hard to see where I'm just gonna paint or heal. It is really annoying and tiring.

Bug Acknowledged
macOS , Windows
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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Adobe Employee , Nov 08, 2022 Nov 08, 2022

If you want to try the new Brush Cursor options in the  Photoshop (Beta) 

Screen Shot 2022-11-08 at 11.57.20 AM.pngexpand image

How to use:

  1. Create a text file
  2. Save the file as a plain text file named PSUserConfig.txt
  3. In the Text file add this…

    BrushTipOutlineStrokeWidth 3

    (0-3) This Increases the brush cursor outline.
    0 is the default in the shipping version of Photoshop.
    This Beta is using 1 as a default.
    999602978d9r.pngexpand image (Thank you Scott Valentine for making this graphic!

  4. Save the file/Place the file in the Photoshop settings folder:


For Windows: \Users\[Use

Adobe Employee , May 26, 2021 May 26, 2021

We are aware of cases that a brush icon can be difficult to see.

Making it stand out more strongly would be very useful and we are evaluating solutions for all the platforms we support.

replies 437 Replies 437
New Here ,
Nov 18, 2016 Nov 18, 2016

I just upgraded to PS 2017. One issue is that I can't see the healing brush cursor well. It gets lost in the image I'm trying to correct. It's there, it's just hard to see. Is there a way to make the cursor (circle) darker/lighter/ a different color so that it shows up better in the image?

Community Expert ,
Nov 18, 2016 Nov 18, 2016

I'm not at my editing computer now, but you might look in the preferences (Edit > Preferences from the menu).

Community Beginner ,
May 03, 2017 May 03, 2017

I have been literally been going blind trying to use the Spot Heeling Brush on gray backgrounds. I can't see the cursor! Is there some way of changing the cursor color… possibly to bright red?  This problem is particularly pronounced when trying to remove artifacts affecting images of the sky in old black-and-white photos.  I'm using Photoshop CS6.

May 03, 2017 May 03, 2017

Is this a question about Photoshop or Photoshop Elements?

You've posted to the Premiere Elements forum.

Community Expert ,
May 03, 2017 May 03, 2017
Community Expert ,
May 03, 2017 May 03, 2017

Hi Jackm

does this help at all, I fear it's all that's available in options, but may not offer all the options you'd like?:

Work with Cursors Options

  1. Click the Edit (Win) or Photoshop (Mac) menu, point to Preferences, and then click Cursors.
  2. Select the Painting Cursors options you want to use: Standard. ...
  3. Select the Other Cursors options you want to use: Standard. ...
  4. Click OK. Click to view larger image.

I hope this helps

if so, please do mark my reply as "helpful" and if you're OK now, please mark it as "correct" below, so others who have similar issues can see the solution


neil barstow, colourmanagement

Community Beginner ,
May 03, 2017 May 03, 2017

Well the spot healing brush does standout using your suggestion, but it's difficult to judge brush size with this cursor.  Being able to change cursor color would solve the problem, but apparently it's not an option in Photoshop.  Thanks for your help!

Community Beginner ,
May 03, 2017 May 03, 2017

I couldn't find a discussion group for Photoshop CS6, although the problem also likely affects Elements.

Community Expert ,
May 03, 2017 May 03, 2017

jackm4630927  wrote

I couldn't find a discussion group for Photoshop CS6, although the problem also likely affects Elements.

This forum covers all versions of the full Photoshop app all the way back when it was first released. 

Are you asking about seeing the cursor outline against tones around the 50% grey value?  I will say that the cursor is more apparent in this screen shot, than it looked in Photoshop.

As you know, cursors and paths automatically show as black up to 50% grey, and white beyond 50% grey, and with a one pixel thickness.  I can imagine that can be a problem on high def displays.  With paths one trick is to add a lay and fill it with black, and set the layer's opacity to 50%.  This forces a white cursor that shows quite well — especially against busy backgrounds.

What I am not so clear about is that once you touch down with the healing brush you can see the extent of your brush strokes, so I might be missing the point.  If you still need help, perhaps you can paste a screen shot here to demonstrate.

Community Beginner ,
May 03, 2017 May 03, 2017


Place a 15 px spot healing brush cursor in the grey area identified by the white line -  it will nearly disappear.  Working on such images (this is part of a restored WWII photo) for hours at a time causes significant eye strain.  A colored cursor (e.g. red) would be much appreciated.

Community Expert ,
May 04, 2017 May 04, 2017

Hi Jack

Thanks for your thanks - please would you be so kind as to mark my earlier reply as "helpful". it's thanks that make the world go round ';~}

As you do not have the option to alter the cursor colour, why not change the image temporarily whilst you get rid of the faults?

How about this, add a  temporary "adjustment layer" to your original image that needs to be retouched, using that layer, adjust the tone or perhaps even add colour - your cursor will show now. next finish the retouch and discard the temporary adjustment layer.

I hope this helps

if so, please do mark my reply as "helpful" and if you're OK now, please mark it as "correct" below, so others who have similar issues can see the solution


neil barstow, colourmanagement

Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2017 Nov 03, 2017

Any word on this problem getting fixed? Any brush using a "Normal Brush Tip" in the PS Preferences, is virtually impossible to see on a 50% gray. That's a lot of neutral colored backgrounds, metals, etc. that professionals are trying to clean up. You guys fixed the pen tool with the latest PS 19.0. Thanks. Can't you help us with the brushes? We can't see what we're doing. Thanks.

Explorer ,
Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

Hi, i am using PS CC on Imac 5K and i am having really hard time to see the healing brush cursor on grey background. Please see attached picture. The cursor is on the middle... I found an old discussion where it was suggested to add a temporary adjustment layer in order to modify the tone of the image but I cannot believe there isn't a better solution. I work mostly on (36mp Nikon d810 flat) pictures that have grey floor and have to remove dirt from it, I would like to speed up the retouching, not making it more complex adding layers. I have already looked in the cursor preferences.

Thank you,



Community Expert ,
Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

Odd that the cursor doesn't turn more black/gray like it does on my system. (I'm using Windows 10 x64.)


Maybe it's a video driver issue? I know you Mac users don't have much control over this other than what Apple doles out, though.

Community Expert ,
Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

I just tried this on my Mac and I can see the brush fine.

Community Expert ,
Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

It presents no problem on iMac. Have you tried resetting the tool?

Explorer ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

what do you mean by reseting the tool?

Community Expert ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

With the Brush chosen, right-click in the far left of the Options bar

fig copy.png

Participant ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

Been working on a lot of B&W images here this week and having this same trouble, the healing brush nearly impossible to see. After 15 minutes my eyes are buggy. Having the ability to make the outline of the brush red or cyan would be a very simple fix.

New Here ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

Add adjustment layer temporary till neccery

Explorer ,
Apr 09, 2018 Apr 09, 2018

I have tried but no difference.

Any other idea?


Advocate ,
Apr 09, 2018 Apr 09, 2018

Just out of curiosity, is your caps lock on? The caps lock toggles the brush icon into a more accurate cross-hair which can be difficult to see. This may not be your issue, but I thought I'd at least eliminate the possibility

Explorer ,
Apr 09, 2018 Apr 09, 2018

caps lock off,

if i turn it on a cross appears

Advocate ,
Apr 09, 2018 Apr 09, 2018

Hmmm....if you can see the cross hair it may be that your brush size is ENORMOUS and too big to see on screen at normal magnification. Check your brush size please.

Explorer ,
Apr 10, 2018 Apr 10, 2018

size is ok (32)

please see the following video that shows better the problem:
