When selecting a layer and dragging a corner handle with the shift (or alt-shift) key pressed, the resize proportion isn't constrained. This started with this most recent update.
I dont care if they change something really — but I agree and think that what most people are asking for is a simple way to choose — perhaps a setting in Preferences, duh — that would allow us to choose the legacy behavior of using the SHIFT key or not.
What I cant support is them telling us that there is a sh&tty workaround — we have to fire up a text editor and write a config file and move it to a location deep within the system folder hierarchy? Seriously, now I am editing software? That is what I pay them for!
If they simply put it as a checkbox in Preferences in the next release this entire conversation would be over.
Jeffrey is a salaried employee of Adobe, with pension and benefits paid with our subscriptions... where do you think his loyalty lies? Why would he stick his neck out for us and jeopardise his pension?
I just hit them all up on Twitter. Terry just pointed to that stupid config file workaround which I refuse to do.
Let's see what the others say.
The more of us reach them on Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, anywhere on social media but in this echo chamber then maybe they will start to feel the heat.
Hell - It was at least a couple of months ago that ol' Jeff came on here and announced to the world that a fix was right around the corner and we would all be ecstatic over it. Pretty long corner I guess. What a waste. I did, however get an email from someone at Adobe wanting my opinions about the current version of Photoshop. I filled out the questionnaire he sent and when I came to the section that asked if they could call me, I said by all means, "I dare you to call me." Crickets so far.
"I just hit them all up on Twitter. Terry just pointed to that stupid config file workaround which I refuse to do. "
That's just stupid. You've got a fix that takes two minutes to execute. And it not only fixes FT, it also fixes Crop, which uses a lot of the same sort of math. What kind of principle are you standing on? I mean, to have a fix that works and refuse to use it while waiting for an official fix that may never come. Suit yourself.
I wrote exactly the same months ago - Comment all Blogs you read about 'magic new photshop update' The people write about photoshop (paid influencer or not) how genius it is - and THERE need the comments to be readable for all other user outside of this forum here.
"I just hit them all up on Twitter. Terry just pointed to that stupid config file workaround which I refuse to do. "
"That's just stupid. You've got a fix that takes two minutes to execute."
Um, no...Not really. We don't get PAID by Adobe to edit their software mistakes. We get charged $52.99 to use the programs every month rain or shine, so this is not our responsibility, it is theirs.
Quick update ... yesterday I opened my adobe account - went through to support and clicked on chat
Spoiler alert ... get a cup of tea ready ...
As I literally sat on here for an hour being passed around to 6 different departments - repeating the same message until I finally got through to someone who actually listened - said about how stupid this situation is - said how much time I lose in productivity - said I wasn't happy about paying what I pay adobe for a suite that's completely inconsistent in the way it works since photoshop was updated when I use multiple apps everyday in a professional capacity - refused to implement any workaround as thats actually against their terms and conditions (to reverse engineer or alter their software in anyway) - and finally said what are adobe going to do ... as I expect some sort of gesture from you for this total screw up
Here was some of the chat ... of the more interesting (yawn) parts ... removed the boring chit chat in the middle ...
Pronnoy Rajput: Thank you for your patience
Pronnoy Rajput: I really apologize for the inconvenience.
big long explanation of the issue ...
paul kettlewell: so basically you're going to do nothing ? Pronnoy Rajput: I apologize for the inconvenience.
paul kettlewell: thats not an answer
paul kettlewell: you're going to do nothing ? Pronnoy Rajput: If
you have any issue in using Photoshop then we have self help link,
Video tutorial etc or else I will arrange a call back from technical
paul kettlewell: i have used photoshop for over 20+ years ...
paul kettlewell: I know how it works ... please don't patronize me or insult my intelligence Pronnoy Rajput: I apologize Paul.
paul kettlewell: so can I get an actual answer you will not do anything?
paul kettlewell: Thats adobe's corporate response to a customer of 20+ years? Pronnoy Rajput: Paul I really apologize
Pronnoy Rajput: You can go through the terms and we have not changed our application paul kettlewell: here is the link to your own forum on the exact change i am talking about Pronnoy Rajput: Let me check Pronnoy Rajput: Thank you for your patience.
Pronnoy Rajput: I apologize Paul, I will arrange a call back and our dedicated team will contact you with in next 24 to 48 hour.
paul kettlewell: i wont hold my breath ... Pronnoy Rajput: I apologize for the inconvenience.
Pronnoy Rajput: As I am sharing you the link to initiate a new chat and then you will be directly connected to the technical team.
Then passed through to technical team - then passed to customer care - then to accounts - back to customer support - then to technical team - photoshop who then sorted it with billing department ...
long story short ...
They closed my old account ... credit of last three months ... 3 x $69.99 refund (was a Creative Cloud for teams account)
They then started a new account ... now paying $29.99 a month for the next year ...
Doesn't solve the problem ... but at least it's something ...
anyway update over ...
I'd say what a sh*t show ... but I think i'd probably get the post deleted ... so instead what a ... poop performance ... !!!
To be even more accurate ... I don't think it's allowed ... covered by the terms of use ...
Comes under modify ... ???
18. No Modifications, Reverse Engineering.
Except as expressly permitted in the Terms, you may not (a) modify, port, adapt or translate any portion of the Services or Software; or (b) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble ... blah blah blah ... yada yada yada ...
Although that is a pretty specious argument since Adobe can give us anything, including installation instructions, and we're not "reverse engineering," nor decompiling. We're allowed to add and delete as much as we want—that's the purpose of scripts, plug-ins, extensions, and the ability to write our own. Their own folders and files are not protected against us deleting them, either, thus altering the app often considerably, sometimes to benefit under their own instructions.
Unless Adobe provides it, of course, it doesn't come with any guarantee of working and not killing the app. . . Of course, IF Adobe provides it, the only guarantee is that they'll get around to fixing problems in the order of magnitude that they consider them to fall under. '-}
As far as "I don't think it's allowed" goes, it's a user-configurable change (it's literally named "PSUserConfig.txt") and as such within the user agreement guidelines.
Just a reminder: High vote counts are what matter most in this feedback forum.
Harassing Adobe employees and Adobe influencers on social media is not a constructive way to bring attention to the issue nor does it increase the vote count on this thread.
Also, if one feels that the feedback to response time is too slow, start a thread about that and then encourage others to vote for it.
Here's a little something from NYU's guide for managing thread discussions that seems like it could use mentioning here in light of the tone of this thread. This is meant for student discussion groups, but it applies even though this is a forum for consumers rather than students.
Civility in discussion. Students should be reminded that the objective is to be collaborative, not combative. Also, they need to know that even an innocent remark in the online environment can be misconstrued. Therefore, they should proofread their threaded discussion responses carefully before posting them and they should try to ensure that others will not take their posts as a personal attack. It will be useful if the course outline reminds students with a statement such as: “Be positive in your approach to others and careful about your words. Since we cannot see each other, it is hard to tell if you are bashful, bored, sarcastic, or just kidding. Use these discussions to develop your collaborative teamwork and interaction skills.”
I wasn't advocating for harassing Adobe influencers.
Just contacting them on Social to get their opinion and input.
Definitely need to use all channels when they are at our disposal.
Try to reach out in a decent way and ask questions. Stay positive, etc. But also be serious in stating the issues.
I have already had some great responses from Terry, Jeffrey, Scott, and other Adobe advocates on Twitter in literally minutes after I tagged them on Twitter. That seems way more effective to me than this forum.
Warren this is great and I agree entirely with that second paragraph — especially about trying to remain civil and positive and not be combative.
I admit we can all get carried away with emotion on here for sure.
But that should also illustrate how huge a mistake this change is and the level of inconvenience it has caused to a basic workflow. It would be like changing the gas pedal and brake pedal on all cars overnight.
After a thread with 1000s of posts, I'm pretty sure they ought to know what is going on by now.
If they won't fix something because of the frustrated temperature of their official form, that's another issue, and quite petty at best.
If the forum wants to moderate discussion,fine. Until then, people are human and they will vent in their own ways. It would be ridiculous for them to misconstrue the intent here.
If a change doesnt come around soon I will be forced to finally update to the latest version of Photoshop. I am still using the 2018 version that behaves correctly.
My question I guess is if i update and then do the UserConfig hack will that work with all future releases? Or will I have to continue to modify my config files with each update?
I agree we should continue to push on reverting this insane change. Not saying we should stop or back down. continue reaching on on Twitter, reddit, Social, etc.
I just personally sort of agree with Warren about trying to remain patient and positive — but that is my personal approach to stuff. But even I get heated and angry.