Chad Rolfs • Adobe Employee, Feb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
This has NOT been fixed or addressed. It has been logged as a bug and a larger feature to better support keyboard shortcuts for international keyboards. This particular keyboard shortcut is not exposed in the Customize Keyboard Shortcuts dialog so it can't be re-assigned unfortunately. I will keep pushing on this. Thanks for your patience.
My mistake. This functionality was added for 21.0 and does appear to be working in English and German on both platforms. You need to make sure you're not working on the background layer, as erasing there leads to non-transparent results. Thanks, David
Hello David, please log a bug again, I am working with 21.1.2, German Version. This functionality won't work with the Gravis - Key (`), tested it again on another Layer with different Brushes.
Hey Sascha, That's very strange, because I tried it this morning. Are you on Windows or Mac? Which OS version? You're using a German keyboard layout as well as a physical German keyboard? And the ` that you're pressing is below ESC and to the left of the number 1?
Would you be available for a web-hosted screenshare? There's something more here, I think. Thanks, David
The Keyboard is German Layout, German physical device.
I've tried both, the key below esc, left of the number 1 (on german Layout, this is not the gravis, it is the Accent circonflexe (^)) and the Accent Grave (on german Layout on the left of the backspace, together with shift. (`)
I'm available for a screenshare, just need to make out the Time.
hmm, then it is a bug or not full supported with every brush. I just did a test with the standard brush and not a custom one. maybe some Adobe Member can answer the tool function better.
The shortcut is actually a new one, added recently in 21.0, that's why I wasn't familiar with it. Thanks to the current situation, I don't have a physical machine or keyboard I can connect with. At least on Windows. Using VPN, however, I don't see a problem when I set my keyboard to German. Similarly, I'm not seeing a problem on my Macbook Pro set to German either. I've logged a bug to have this investigated and it appears to be an issue in Czech as well. Strange.
The new functionality is SUPPOSED TO allow users to erase with the same brush they were painting with. Thanks for letting us know and hopefully we'll get this resolved soon. Meanwhile, if this is happening in your language too, please add a comment so I can have those languages checked as well (all my equipment is locked down). Thanks,David
I am following many tutorials regarding the latest version of Photoshop 2020. In this version there is the possibility of using the brush and erasing alternately with the tilde key. However, Tilde does not exist on the Italian keyboard, nor does that of the grave accent that you have indicated as an alternative exist. I therefore ask technical support to indicate a valid key for the Italian keyboard or to find an appropriate solution.
Not sure if this will help but it does for me on Windows 10 you need to use "US keyboard" in your preferred language not "United States-International" keyboard I hope this helps
@dmohr I believe there might be a possible shortcut conflict, as < > are used to switch to the first and last brushes, if I'm not mistaken, while the german documentation lists the English placement of those keys (shift+, and shift+.), and on the german keyboard, this key combo is wrong. There are many problems like that in the french doc for KBSCs.
Can a german user tell me what are the keys they really have to use to select the first and last brush?
Keyboard mapping issues like these abound for localized users, and most of the times, the desired function is not even listed in the kbsc editor.
How do you use the erease feature on non-US-Systems?
(By the way, programming it to be ~ for american keyboards only without any flexibility in key binding seems a total lack of basic programming skills in the first place to me...)
So "Unfortunately, it would appear that this is an issue in Italian too." is the only hellp/answer to this programming desaster by an official Adobe Rep?
I found partial solution, at least for Scandinavian keyboard.
It is possible to use different input language for different programs in Windows. So I just use UK keyboard with Photoshop. I rarely type anything in PS and most of the keys are in same place in UK and Scandinavian keyboards.
It seems it doesn't work on a french keyboard neither. But I have a mac keyboard on a Windows machine, so it is even more complicated because the shortcut should be "~" and it is not a key...
Anyway, there is a workaround, because there is a shortcut to change the "blend" mode of the brush which is "SHIFT" + "+" or "SHIFT" + "-" On top of that, there is a shortcut for each of the blend mode, and for "clear" mode, it is "ALT"+"SHIFT"+"R". For the "normal" mode, it is "ALT"+"SHIFT"+"N". Hope this works for you, even if I guess you've found a workaround since these ancient times
@CShubert what does it mean for the german qwertz keyboard (and other non-US layouts)?
I'd like to use the discussed shortcut to temporarily toggle the current brush to its erase mode while holding that key, like what the tilde (~) does on the american keyboard in Photoshop.
Using an Apple keyboard on macOS I tried many keys and combos, but none of them seems to have the desired effect. In the shortcut preferences, I couldn't find any entry corresponding to that toggle neither.
Could you give me any hint on how to use it?
That shortcut would be really useful. I'd preferably use it with the key below the ESC key (a ^ on German keyboard).