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Many of our images need to be exported to transparant PNG's for the websites of our customers. Please Adobe, is it possible to add PNG to the Image Processor in addition to the current JPG, PSD and TIFF options. It would make my day (maybe my year 🙂 ). To be clear, I'm talking about the Image Processor accessible from Bridge > Tools > Photoshop > Image processor.
Try Image Processor Pro instead:
It's fixed in the new Adobe Bridge!
Thank you Adobe. The new Export To function in Bridge is exactly what I needed.
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You can raise a feature request at the link below , where it will be seen by Adobe staff.
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Thanks, done that.
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Try Image Processor Pro instead:
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It seems like that's Windows only, I'm on Mac.
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Its cross-platform.
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Download and install the Image Processor Pro... from the Web. It is a free Photoshop Plug-in once installed you can use it from Bridge menu Tools>Photoshop>Image Processor Pro... and from Photoshop menu File>Automate>Image Processor Pro... It support more File Types and can save more output files then the Photoshop Script Image Processor...
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Thanks, but this does look like it's Windows. There doesn't seem to be a Mac version.
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Try this one. It work fine on Mac, you should just follow the instruction.
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Download Image Processor Pro from the web its much better
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It's fixed in the new Adobe Bridge!
Thank you Adobe. The new Export To function in Bridge is exactly what I needed.
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The new solve Export To is great, but it's slow as hell.
Image processor pro still works great as of CC 2022
Install how to is here:
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Where should I be able to find this function?
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Gooie dag, I guess this is meant by export to in Bridge:
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Thank you very much for your answer
I tried using this
And it works very well there's just something strange that when I want to go to PNG 8 bit it keeps it at 24
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I am just writing to say thank you. I got here via google search 😉
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A custom extension of the Image Processor script including PNG by the late Mike Hale is available here:
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I am looking for a tools that can bring pngs from 24 to 8 and keep the folder structure.
This is data from a website and I want to be able to overwrite the structure at once
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I'll update the code from the late Mike Hale's script to use PNG-8... However, I need to know what indexed colour conversion options are required? Please post a screenshot, similar to below.
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The only one of these listed tools that currently saves into PNG-8 is:
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I had used the one you sent a screenshot of and it worked great.
Only problem was that it does the save PNG in folder option and does not overwrite the image in the folder itself
so if you do a whole folder structure you get an extra folder PNG everywhere with the example
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You'll need to write your own script or use an action with Save for Web for more granular options.
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Ah, then the edited version of the late Mike Hale revision to Image Processor will likely be what you need. Once I know the Indexed Color conversion options I'll post the updated code for PNG-8...
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I don't know what is useful for the Indexed Color conversion options
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I don't know what is useful for the Indexed Color conversion options
By @timovanhilst
Then I'll just use the settings from that screenshot.