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So with the new update I've lost the ability to highlight text to change it. I've searched with no luck as to fix it. Anyone having this same issue?
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Phu, yeah. This one was not posted as a reliable fix provided from Adobe support. Now it has been. You're welcome. (And I never said it would work for everyone. Hopefully they'll fix this ish asap.)
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Deleting the preferences file (%userprofile%\appData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 Settings\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 Prefs.psp) fixed the issues with text for me. Hope this get fixed in 20.0.4+
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I reset the preference AND opened an RGB document. After doing this and ONLY after doing both was I able to select text again in any document.
What is causing this??
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It sounds like something on your system corrupted you Photoshop Preferences. Could have been anyting from a hardware write error to a software bug to a RAM error. Do you use ECC Ram in your machine?
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Or maybe Adobe did someting dumb? Gee I wonder, because if it was just his preferences then why is mine and all these other people's photoshops screwed?
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I think you should use Adobe Feedback site and see what if anything Adobe has to say. User here do not work for Adobe if your preference are mess up you need to reset them. Corrupt preferences cause many problems in Photoshop. Corrupt preferences is such a common occurrence Adobe added a shortcut and a button to reset into Photoshop. Adobe releases too many bugs and all problems users have using Photoshop are not all problems in Photoshop code. Don't be a Gee wonderer become active and help us report bugs you have to Adobe use this link please report bugs you have Photoshop Family Customer Community
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I don't think you quite understand why I am unhappy with Adobe, my prefs are not messed up this is a different issue, I take your point about sending feedback on the bugs, but you need to understand that I and everyone else who uses the app for work pay Adobe a good deal of money to provide us with a functioning app, not a broken one and I do not appreciate having to add to what I pay in money with a tax on my time. The software business has long been rife with buggy releases and that is a business model that exploits the user. It needs to end.
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i totally agree with you, this is so incomprehensibly embarrassing for a company like adobe, this bug will soon be half a year old and no statement, no announcement, no help and nothing from adobe. i reinstalled photoshop, reinstalled CS, reinstalled the OS, deleted the prefs countless times, browsed all forums looking for tips - it easily took 40-50h of time in total. And I pay Adobe hundreds of dollars every year for this. I could go crazy.
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I seriously doubt anyone at HQ for Adobe is. The most of their Creative Suite that is used by executives there is most likely Acrobat, and that is a stretch. They have no concern for end users or the time that we have to slog through their issues and finger pointing at other companies for their issues. The stockholders are happy, San Jose people are very happy and we get the shaft and pay monthly with our money and wasted time.
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Adobe is a horrific company for the following reasons:
A landscape architect that has had enough.
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The more they update the more things they screw up!
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OMG this is so poor, Adobe! 20.0.4 is out and still doesn't fix it.
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I was having the same problem in 20.0.4 and I got it to work by just opening a new document tab, and starting a new text layer which worked fine and I was able to highlight text, then swapped to the other tab where it was not working and then everything was fine there. Very strange.
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WORKAROUND - I don't know if anyone else has posted this but I had the same problem. I was able to get my cursor and text highlight back after I created a new doc with text box.
I am a bit frustrated - every update moves me closer and closer to Affinity apps and I am just about done after this pathetic Photoshop CC v.20 update.
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For me, I've been able to get this working without having to reset preferences. So long as I create a new RGB doc and throw a textbox onto the document, I can then edit text in any other docs that are open. I still find it ridiculous this is even an issue but this is a quick workaround that has consistently been working for me. I'm running the latest version of CC and am on the latest version of macOS Mojave 10.14.4
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I'm Running Mojave and experiencing the text highlighting issue along with odd polygonal lasso tool behavior as well. None of the fixes outlined by others in this thread worked except for either unchecking "Use Graphics Processor" in PS preferences or creating a new RGB document in PS, then going back to my original PS document that was experiencing these issues.
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Same issue here. Changed color settings to Monitor RGB Settings and that fixed it. Try it...
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Same here... did as stated preferences performance unchecked use graphic processor cursor n selection appeared for now...
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Common adobe wheres the update?
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Of course it does not work. My issue just started yesterday. Again, Adobe and their idiocy putting out stuff that will cause issues all without testing it. Now I have projects due and cannot edit. Thanks again for your ever expanding library of ways to make work harder and more behind schedule!
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Going into preferences -performance -and turning off use Graphic Processor ad turning on LEGACY Compositing fixed my issues
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By turning off "Use Graphics Processor " you will lose some functionality that requires a GPU more info
Photoshop graphics processor (GPU) card FAQ
Try setting it to basic instead
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That's great! Just what I want from Adobe. A new machine, which I was of course advised on this forum was a garbage computer, (Surface Studio 2 maxed out). brand new. So now I can downgrade my graphics. Thanks ADOBE!
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I wonder if the new12,000 buck Apple computer would have these issues with Adobe Photoshop.
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Thanks Ged Traynor, that worked and I still have use of my graphics processor. This was the best workaround for me.