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Is there a way to disable AL (=Adjustment Layer) auto numbering? I mean, by adding an "AL" (in layers panel) it adds a number automatically to the end of the AL (SS below). Layers panel "adding Copy" is disabled.
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Not that I am aware of. This is intentional because each layer requires it's own unique name when initially created including adjustment layers. Ex Layer 1, Layer 2, Levels 1, Levels 2.
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As mentioned by @Kevin Stohlmeyer the adjustment layers and other layers use a standard/default name that includes an incremental number... I am not aware of a way to disable this behaviour.
Having a uniquely named layer helps action or script automation so that the layer is not ambiguous and can be correctly selected.
If this isn't a concern for you, one option is to create an action or script to create a layer/group/adjustment with the required default name. Simply hold down the OPT/ALT key modifier when recording the creation of the new layer to set a static layer name.
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Thanks. But I think I have to make an specific action with an specific shortcut for each AL. That's nonsense! I recommend to add an option to the AL panel option (to disable AL layer numbering).
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OK, however, there is a difference between a discussion of what is currently possible vs. a feature request idea of how you would like the software to be programmed over how it currently is.
Another approach would be to run a script that would remove the number suffix from every layer after it was added.
Or set a keyboard shortcut to run an action or script to create the adjustment layer without the number.
I couldn't find a script event specific for adding an adjustment layer, which would allow for an action or script to automatically change the layer name directly after it was added.
Regular layers and layer groups also have automatic numbering applied too.
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Thanks. Scripts, I didn't think about it. I use many of them in Ai, and one of them is specifically for changing the new layer colour to my desired colour code (I have set an action to run that script to create a new layer with my specified colour code). I think even with the help of a script it wouldn't be practical! Because (AFAIK) the script doesn't distinguish AL differences (it doesn't understand I want to apply Level or Curve, it just knows it has to run an AL!).
I am very organized! That's the reason I want the AL without a number! Those numbers are always on my nerves! I have to rename them (just remove the numbers or sometimes rename the whole AL to my desired name) at the end of my work (PSD work). That's a big hassle for me because I use them a lot (ALs).
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Scripted adjustment layers can be specific to the type of adjustment layer and a separate custom keyboard shortcut can be applied to a separate script for each of your common adjustment layer types.
A lot is possible with a single "cleanup" script to rename all of your layers.
Ideally, a script could create what you want so that the layer would be correct from the start and no "cleanup" would be required.
For example, a script could run a temp. window from a keyboard shortcut where you select a dropdown menu or radio button of the adjustment layer required and it would be created without a number, just a name like Curves or Levels etc.
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Thanks👍🏻. I remember we could make a custom panel in Ps CS5 or CS4, I don't know if there is such an option for Photoshop yet. I am not a Script specialist, but just as a question, is it possible to make a "permanent" custom panel for all ALs and force it to create the desired AL with just its name without the number at the end of its name?
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I suspect you remember using Configurator, which used Flash and is defunct.
One can create custom UXP Panels for Photoshop but if it’s worth the effort is up to you.
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Many thanks. Yes! That was "Configurator" based on Flash. I would rather make this request an idea for Ps programmers! 🙏🏼
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The UI window mockup that I posted above could be run from a keyboard shortcut to create an adjustment layer without the number prefix.
As @c.pfaffenbichler wrote, creating a "proper" panel is a different proposition.
All things considered, the cleanup via a rename script may be easier... One keyboard shortcut and then an OK, or with a custom script just a single keyboard shortcut to remove digits from all or specific layers such as only adjustment layers.
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Could you explain more? As I said, I am not a Script writer. I just modified (a bit) some of them (Ai scripts). I don't know how to write them from scratch (I had a try before). I have seen your SS (mockup), and I thought that's just an example (graphic mockup), and there is no such a panel. That's a good idea to evoke the desired AL by pressing the shortcut and selecting by mouse (from the "temp" panel).
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The layer rename script is a fully working script. A custom script could also be created if the required info was clear.
The radio button script interface to create an adjustment layer without a number suffix was just a mock-up. A script and interface could be created if it was worth doing so.
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Thanks 👍🏻. Got it.