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Hi there,
I've got some problem regarding photoshop 2024 with my iMac 5K that i've recentely update to mac os Sonoma!
While im working, the pointer ( No matter what tools i use ) it costantly glich between the normal arrow point and the tool that im using.
At the beginnig, it had happen just a couple of time, but right now it always does! and its becoming very annoing!
It never had happen before, all it started when i update my computer to mac os Sonoma.
Theres someone that have the same trouble?
Turn off spring-loaded shortcuts.
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Why, with the upgrade to Sonoma on iMac frames jump to the edges? That never used to happen and is NOT a good feature. Also, every time I attempt to select a Photoshop tool the entire image and all tools disappear to the edge. Something is really wrong here, and the biggestg frustration I have with ADOBE is that there is no customer service number to call for troubleshooting. Talk about a love/hate relationship...
By @KintamaniJohn
KintamaniJohn - I feel your pain. Unlike Apple Computer who still maintains excellent tech support (no matter what model or model year) computer your using), Adobe has NO tech support that [ I ] have found!
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When I press B for brush it defaults every time to the pencil tool which I never use, and slows me down. Does anyone know a workaround for this? I tried establishing brush presets, but this wasnt relevant to the problem. Between this and other glitches, plus Wacom's new driver bug for Intuos Pro (modifiers dont work at all when using the pen tool- they say they are working on it), my business is hurting.
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I have the same problem. For my Mac, it appeared after updating the operating system Sonoma from 14.0 to 14.1. I have 2 computers -- Photoshop works fine on the one running Sonoma 14.0; the tool switch problem appears only on the one running 14.1.
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Huh, I wasn't sure if it was Sonoma or PS 2024. It worked just fine for a few days on the previous iOS version then started to lag like crazy. And it got worse after I checked for updates and unstalled Sonoma, even the default brushes dragged with a few seconds delay. Now turning this "Application Frame" thing suddenly did work. Looks weird but at least you can actually use the softwore you're paying for 😕
@Adobe hello maybe do something about it? Been a month since you're ignoring the problem?
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Forgot to mention PS 2023 is still uninstalled on my laptop (usually it disappears automatically after the new version is launvched). And both have the same problem for me on Sonoma - dragging brushes, commads and actions.
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Same. Vexing as it is, good to know others are seeing the same thing.
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All my Photoshop 2024 issues were resolved with the Sonoma 14.1.1 update, just released Tuesday, 11/7/2023. I’m hoping that's true for most of the folks who posted in this issue. I’m glad Apple got on this!
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What fixed it?
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Someone in the thread mentioned "Application frame", I just "Cmd + F" it in PS and it did help A LITTLE.
Later Sonoma updated again so you might want to check that, too.
It still lags for me, "Shift" stopped working (not the button itself, only PS don't react to it) but it is A BIT better.
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The "hand" popped up once in a while when I was working with the latest Photoshop update and up-to-date Sonoma yesterday but was a permanent icon today. I have a project that has to be finished by tomorrow so after trying everything everyone in this thread has suggested I gave up and did a Safe Reboot and then went into Time Machine for a working copy of Photoshop 2024. Then I rebooted my iMac so my Cinema Dusply would also mount. So far it's been working fine for the past hour. The problem seems to lie with Adobe, not Mac.
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Also having huge issues- all my window/ tool pallette options in the hamburger are inactive... trying to understand if a solution is imminent, or if I need to downgrade back to Ventura?????
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It's been 2 days since I reinstalled PS 2023 on my Mac running the latest Sonoma update. So far so good... as long as I only use PS 2023. A couple of times I clicked on an image in Bridge (and my desktop) and it automatically opened in PS 2024 (I did not uninstall PS 2024). As soon as it opened innPS 2024 my tool palette was useless; I just got the hand icon. I did a Force Quit of PS 2024 and dragged the same image to the PS 2023 icon and the image opened perfectly, complete with a fully functional Tool palette. My only complaint is I have to be careful to drag and drop the image from Bridge instead of just clicking on it.
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It's pexpleses me how everyone seem to have different problems smh; and they seem to change as well. Both PS'23 and PS'24 are working for me rn after I've updated to Sonoma's latest. Both cranky but workable.
But then Wacom drivers started acting up. First calibration broke, I've reverted to older driver and now calibration is correct but I get a "Wacom driver stopped responding" pop-up every now and then but it's still responding to pen. Unrelatedly, the cintiq itself turns off like like it has no signal then back on again, all plugs are in place so that's not the issue. Anyone have a similar problem?.. I've never had anything like that up until Sonoma / PS 2024 clashed together. 🤕
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The liquefy filter is still unstable with Sonoma 14.1.1.
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Not really, lots of glitches still, and vanishing point still does not work. I updated today, my cursor was going crazy and such a lag, then I noticed there was an update. That helped a little, but still no vanishing point 😞
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I had just installed the 50% OFF Adobe All Apps Subscription (tomorrow is the last day). Trying Illustrator and Photoshop. Still on trial for 7 days. Illustrator works fine. But Photoshop is zero gravity. Once it loads, it's frozen. You can't do anything as it's not responding to any clicks and force quit is the only way out. Tried to uninstall and re-install, still no cigar.
I am probably going to cancel this deal. I realized the total cost for a year is still about $528. Still expensive considering I'm not using all the apps. So, it's probably easier to jump ship for alternative apps. I think Affinity Designer/Photo might the second best option for digital production. Unless you got money to burn, Illustrator and Photoshop are still the best apps for digital/vector work.
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"This issue (flickering cursor) has been occurring for me for at least 10 years. It applies to the majority of Mac computers I've worked on. The only common factor is that I have been using the Polish keyboard setting on an English system. This problem has been described multiple times and continues to persist. Additionally, when it happens in Photoshop, other Adobe programs also experience the same issue (Illustrator, In-design, After Effects. The only solution for me is to turn off and restart Photoshop. This helps for a while."
P.S. If you take a closer look, it's not the normal arrow point from Photoshop but the system arrow
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Same here. 2024 lags about 5 seconds behind on every click with the lasso tool and movement around is jumpy. Totally rediculous, as I revert back to Photoshop 2023 and it runs smooth on Sonoma.
Adobe need to sort this out. From Photoshop to Acrobat, nothing is working properly.
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I do not have these issues on a 2019 MacBook Pro/16GB/Sonoma and an M1 Mac mini/16GB/Sonoma. I keep Adobe apps updated and do not have a lag on either computer. There must be something going on that is different with your system.
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Hi, is your application frame on?
do you have a graphic tablet?
Other users reported it fixed their issues, but there were many updates of Photoshop and OsX since then...
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Moved from Photoshop CS6 on Mac Pro running El Capitan after years of smooth sailing.
I am now on the new Mac Studio M2 Max, with Photshop 2024.
What utter garbage! Photoshop 2024 (and Bridge...) is slower than CS6 on an older machine!
And all those new shortcuts and functions have made Photoshop unusable. It's full of problems.
As a professional for over 20 years, it's such a big step backward.
Luckily I have kept my old computer as I don't think I will last long on this new version. I also tried Adobe Support, through Remote, and the agent could not do anything about the problems (one of them is having a blank dark window opening in the background on which my "floating" images should snap as tabs, which I don't want to use). All he/she said after trying a few things was : it's the new UI/Interface and functions. Then he/she cut the support chat without any other explanaiton about the issue or other problems I had.
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Turn off tabs and the Application Frame.
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One thing solved, many thanks! Funny the guy from Adobe Support couldn't find a solution, even using the remote tool (...).