P: Photoshop Update 24 Feb 2023: Rulers not visible
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After today's update the rulers and guides are not visible and will not turn on with the crtl R. Anyone else have this issue? How do I fix this?
[Title edited for clarity]
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Hi all,
We're happy to announce the release of Photoshop 24.5. This update includes the fix for this issue. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here
To update Photoshop to 24.5, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating
Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected, and share your feedback.
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Heureux de constater que je ne suis pas le seul impacté par le problème des règles.
(Pas une raison pour être heureux qu'elles ne marchent plus !!!)
J'ai troubé un truc : pour les réafficher, voilà ce que je fais : dans le menu Afficher, je fait basculer Tout / rien.
Cela remarche normalement jusqu'à fermeture de Toshop.
Petite question : à force d'utiliser les fonctions, je ne sais plus si les règles s'affichent s'il n'y a pas de fichier chargé. Actuellement, elles ne s'affichent que s'il y a une image.
Si cette inbtervention peut servir...
Remarque sur le fonctionnement de Photoshop d'une version à l'autre : je remarque depuis très longtemps que j'ai l'impression qu'il y a deux équipes qui développent et entretiennent le logiciel. Car, je constate que d'une version à l'autre, des modifs fonctionnent bien une version sur deux. Un peu comme si, entre les équipes, les travaux de l'une n'est jamais pris en compte par l'autre. Exemple : les coins du cadre de recadrage : une fois, les marques de coin sont des traits fin et discrets qui semblent ne pas être affecté par la taille d'affichage de l'image et l'autre fois, on est « emmerdé » par des traits de coin immenses et très gênants. Avez-vous des idées là-dessus ?
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Thanks, that worked for me. I hope they fix it properly soon...
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good to hear (and that's another user's solution) originally suggested by adobe support. so, adobe is aware of the problem (and the fix).
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Windows10 デスクトップでPhotoShopを使用しています。
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It's a known issue for some users, Adode is looking into it
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After updating to Photoshop 24.2 (running under Windows 10 / 22H2) my rulers disappeared (it's not "CTRL+R") ...
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@CS68 this issue appears to affect some people
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I put ctrl R for my rulers and they dont show
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Do they appear if you use the menu directly i.e. View > Rulers?
If so, has the keyboard shortcut been changed in Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Application Menus > View > Rulers?
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Hi @vanesaenchivilcoy this has been well documented in here. Go to Preferences/Technology Preview and check "Disable Native Canvas" and "Older GPU (2016) mode".
That should resolve it.
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This is a known issue and the team is investigating. I've moved your post to the primary thread for you.
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Same problem, no rulers. I cannot use the studio driver. for some reason, it will not install, MB is only 1.5 yrs old as is the CPU and memory. and NVidia Geforce GTX 780 Ti. but they worked fine before update 24. all drivers, and bios are up to date. tried a half dozen suggestions from other sites to no avail. guides still work though, but without rulers, how to I set them for accurate guides? view>show grid, turned them back on but for how long I dont know
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Open Photoshop's preferences by clicking on Edit > Preferences > Go to Technology preview, you will find an option labeled as "Deactivate native canvas", check mark it, and then see there should be another option that is labeled as "Use older node of GPU 2016", check mark it and then restart the Photoshop
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Since I updated to 24.2 I can't see the ruler. If I activate it the current picture moves some pixel to right and down but no ruler appears.
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Sorry I found the workaround in discussions... deactivate technology preview "deactivate native workspace" and "older gpu mode"
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This is frustrating! I have done everything that is in this forum and my rulers are still invisible. I need my rulers! The Adobe team was "investigating this issue" as of 2/27/23. Have they found a fix? I have a job to do.
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@susanh3249637 @defaultw41ep1mmcm6l
Open Photoshop's preferences by clicking on Edit > Preferences > Go to Technology preview, you will find an option labeled as "Deactivate native canvas", check mark it, and then see there should be another option that is labeled as "Use older node of GPU 2016", check mark it and then restart the Photoshop
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What happened to the rulers feature?? I went to the top menu bar and checked to make sure it was on... either way it does not appear!
Anyone else having this issue??
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@defaultw41ep1mmcm6l take a look at this thread, there's also workarounds mentioned to get the rulers back.
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Thanks but I went back to an older version and got the rulers back. I will save your fix for another time when I can take a chance and update to the new version again to try it.
Susan Hawkins
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yes its visible again, thank a lot
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you're welcome.
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There's another fix in ps 23...when you press the shortcut key ctrl + R / cmd + R there are rules on the canvas but not visible...
just press 2 times the grid shortcut ctrl + " or cmd + " and they'll probably will become visible again..it is a bug but it works
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@kgladYour fix worked for me! My rulers are back! Thank you!