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I recently updated Photoshop to release 23.0. When I went to use the typing tool, it behaves oddly. The tool will create type, but nothing displays until I hit enter, then the typing displays. If you edit a line of text, it is the same thing. You do not see your edits until you hit enter.
I searched around the web to try and find a solution to this. The closest answer I could find was to disable the GPU in the preferences > general > performance settings. However, the "Use Graphics Processor" is grayed ouot. The GPU is listed as "Unknow GPU (UNKNOWN)". I am running the native CPU graphiics processor, which is the Intel HD Graphics 4000 and I just updated it The problem with the text existed before and after the GPU update.
How do I change the text settings so that I can see my typing in real time?
2 Correct answers
Added the .txt file and that fixed the problem!
Thanks so much for the help!
Try enabling this option in preferences and restarting Photoshop to see if it helps
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Ferramenta Texto não está funcionando corretamente. Ao selecionar a ferramenta e abrir a caixa as palavras bugam e não aparecem, só aparecem quando confirma o texto. Sendo que o texto deveria aparecer assim que eu escrevesse.
Versão: 23.0.2
Windows 10
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Your graphics card is likely very old and not compatible with the current version. See the workaround in the correct answer of this thread.
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Bonjour, depuis la mise à jour de la nouvelle version de PS en novembre j'ai plusieurs problèmes.
Lorsque j'utilise l'outil correcteur sélectif par exemple, l'action du rond sombre reste présente (l'ombre du cercle), pour voir le résultat il me faut cliquer ailleur, aussi ce phénomène se produit avec beaucoup d'outil lors d'une sélection je ne vois pas ma sélection, avec l'outil texte je ne vois pas le texte que je tape il me faut cliquer ailleur ou le déplacer pour qu'apparesse ce texte ..... par contre l'outil de la gomme fonctionne ....
Aussi dès que je veux faire une action dans la barre du haut Fichier, Edition, Image, Filtre... c'est grisé clair il me faut aussi cliquer ailleur pour avoir accès aux différents menus....
Il y à eu aussi ce jour là une mise à jour de Lightroom (avec les nouveaux outils de dégradé et de sélection de sujet, ciel) et depuis lorsque je veux ouvrir une image à partir de LR dans Photoshop 2022( modifier dans photoshop 2022), j'ai une erreur "Le fichier n'a pas été modifié car Photoshop 2022 n'a pas pu être lancé " pourtant Photoshop se lance une attente de 3 minute puis message d'erreur dans Lr (celui dit juste avant) je fais OK puis 1 minute après j'ai mon image dans photoshop....
Pouvez-vous m'aider car tout ceci me fait perdre un temps précieux dans le traitement de mes images.
Je n'ai rien changé à la config de l'ordi tout fonctionné correctement avant ces mise à jour.
J'ai reinstallé photoshop ça n'a rien changé
J'avais mis à jour ma carte graphique ça n'a rien changé sauf que Lightroom ne fonctionnait plus j'ai donc remis la version d'avant, et même depuis j'ai des fois du mal à lancer ligtroom il me faut redémarrer l'ordi...
Ordi sous windows 10 pro
Processeur Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
Memoire de RAM 12 Go
Carte graphique NVIDIA Quadro 600
Merci de vos retour
Cordialement Denis Cartalade
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Your graphics card is not supported in the current version of Photoshop. Update your card/computer or complete disable your graphics card using the solution in the correct answer above.
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Ok, so we all know the workaround for the text update issues but where can we find the list of graphics cards which are supported by this version?
Why are our cards not supported?
If we upgrade who is to say that that in 6 months time our card is no longer supported again?
I looked to buy a new updated graphics card and it seems that due to supply issues (covid, chips, shipping) they are almost impossible to get hold of at a reasonable price!
Currently not having a GPU activated is making the whole experience clunky... oddly enough Illustrator is happy with the GPU and works beautifully...
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@markv15871250 Your card is right on the edge of being supported. Looking at your system info, your card driver is the thing that's way out of date:
Driver date: 2016-02-26 000000.000000-000
Driver age: 69 months
Trying updating your driver. It might get some more legs out of your current card.
See the section "What are the minimum graphics processor requirements?" here:
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@pdnRPH has two graphics cards. My guess is he doesn't have the R9 M390X set as the preferred/high performance card and the Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 is being used. Step 7 of troubleshooting here: might help to set the R9 M390X as the high performance/preferred card. Or if he's launch Photoshop on a monitor that's only plugged into the Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 card, moving the monitors to the R9 M390X will help.
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In PS, the R9 M390X is selected and shown. However, the OpenCl is still greyed out in advanced even after this install of the update from Adobe late last night. Interestingly, I updated my laptop, which has an on-board Intel graphics card which is not hefty like on this $3,000 Dell and OS works! This tells me the problem lay with AMD Radeon software and OpenCl (Khronos) is somehow not within the AMD software! I have sent a request to AMD support to attack this problem!
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Fix the Windows 10 registry for Khronos? OR write new Adobe Photoshop code?
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I found the AMD driver for this graphics card. Had to uninstall AMD software with Waggnard uninstaller, then installed the correct AMD Radeon software. Now PS opens, no grey out in Advanced. All appears to work well. I have not tried many things, but the few I tried work!
Dell is calling me tomorrow to listen to what I accomplished!!
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Good news, could you elaborate? was it a Dell driver that had the issue? Then you did download a "first party" AMD driver? which one worked, it might be useful for other users!
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Yes it was the Dell/AMD driver that worked. I don't know what a "first party" AMD driver is, though. Plz tell me. I went to Dell/update and named the AMD graphics card and it show the driver needed; I downloaded it. Then I had to Clean install the AMD so it got rid of the one that was on and then reboot, then install the driver I had downloaded, and there it was. Adobe PS now works. It is interesting, though, the new downloaded driver does NOT show on my digital painting program so now I cannot utilize the digital painting program. It's all about computer code writing.
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An AMD driver from the AMD site is what I meant...
So, now, you do have the text update as you type it?
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Interestingly, the AMD driver I found on Dell update site for this machine, so I installed it. Also, Dell called me Friday to take care of this, and I had already done it. Dumb but true.
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Meu PS está com problema no texto, não atende em tempo real.
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Hi show us screenshot so we can help you...regards
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Photoshop 23.1, which was released last night, should properly deactivate cards that required the PSUserConfig file to properly deactive in 23.0.2.
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The OpenCl is still greyed out after this install. Interestingly, I updated my laptop, which has an on-board Intel graphics card which is not hefty like on this $3,000 Dell and OS works! This tells me the problem lay with AMD Radeon software and OpenCl (Khronos) is somehow not within the AMD software! I have sent a request to AMD support to attack this problem!
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Depois que meu PS atualizou a ferramenta de Texto não funciona mais normal, eu digito e demora a escrever, tentei mudar nas preferencias atráves de tutorias mais nada adiantou, tentei baixando uma versão anterior mesmo assim o erro persiste, o que devo fazer ?
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Thank you for the answer, seems more people have and had the problem with the intel hd4000 graphic card. Will this be solved in future ps updates. Would be good to know prior "trying" to change all kind of settings...
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For the folks that were having trouble with text updating in Photoshop, has the issue been resolved in the 23.1 release, or is it still happening? Thank you
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Did the update yesterday. The issue is still there. It only started with the old version a couple of days ago. Oddly, it doesn't happen with every file. On scanned photos, it doesn't work. On photos off the camera it does....until you resize it. Then it doesn't.
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Further experimenting; it will work only if done before the image has been re-sized. It will only work if the edit is originated in Lightroom. For example, opening an image from the file, and text will not work. Cheers.
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What's happening is (with Open GL on), it's highlighting entire portions of text, not the one word or two I want hightlighted. This happened after the recent update. I want simply want to highlight one word and it keeps highlighting everything before it. It takes a few tries until it actually works.
I had to turn off Open GL to get the text to work. It's not perfect though: It's still super glitchy and leaves grey boxes as I highlight the next text box/word. Also leaves blank squares. I was able to save and text looks fine, but wow this is a pretty bad update. Please fix.