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After the new update i can not find the fill bucket icon under the gradient icon anymore is the bucket relocated somewhere else. Or is this some sort of bug / error?
Go to Edit>Toolbar, click Restore Defaults and Done.
See if that gets things back to normal.
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Go to Edit>Toolbar, click Restore Defaults and Done.
See if that gets things back to normal.
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Just that easy!
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Did NOT work....this is a joke!
I've just wasted a boat load of time on this
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Also it appears that none of the edit tools are working.
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ariar61845839 If you can be more specific as to what you tried and where it didn't work (or what didn't show on your screen) someone could probably help.
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Excellent! Thank you so so much!
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thank you very much...
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thank u is working
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Not to belabor the point, but why was it changed like that? I haven't touched the toolbar settings since the latest version was installed, so apparently it installs this way. Freaking WHY??
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If you used the bucket tool Adobe has saved you from yourself by hiding it. Future users will never know about it. It's so 1990's and when you work at Adobe and were born in the 1990's removing things is a way of advancing ones career.
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Easy there, buddy, We get that you've got the whole pretentious graphic design complex going on, but us plebs might still want to use the tool for simple tasks. I wanted to use the paint bucket to fill in half shapes for a pedigree chart for my bio class, but I guess that's too 1990s of me. Thank God Adobe saved me from this egregious crime against electronic arts.
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what a load of rubbish.
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For some real fun and frustration head on over to Bridge 2023! Then go back to 2022 version that actually works! Can't agree more with you. Today is my first day in this version of PS and well...PS are apt letters. Too many UXers in the kitchen.
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R_Kelly, I'm missing my Paintbucket, as well, and I don't even show the Toolbar option under Edit:
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I don't think your missing the Paint Bucket Tool.
Just left click and hold on the Gradient Tool in the toolbox to get to the Paint Bucket Tool.
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Thanks a lot!
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No, the paintbucket does not appear. Its like its totally missing in this update. I really need that tool! I often make selections in layer-masks and then fill them with black, white or grey to hide or to show.. I cannot do this anymore! Its really frustrating!
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Heh. R_Kelly showed you where your bucket is.
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I get the same error spontaneously after my workspace completely disappeared. It was not a matter of long pressing or ALT-clicking the tool but going to Edit > Toolbar... (as mentioned above) but instead of resetting the toolbar, I moved the paint bucket took back to its rightful place. See visual below.
Edit > Toolbar...
Move to toolbar
Good luck ya'll.
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I have no Edit - Tools menu, no traingle and no 3 dots at the bottom . I cannot find the paint bucket anywhere, very fusted. Adobe stop moving things!
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What version of PHotoshop do you have sagem? You dont have a "Toolbar..." option at the bottom of your "Edit" menu?
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hi! super super new to this and it's my first time ever using photoshop. how did you move the paint bucket tool into the toolbar? it tells me to drag and drop it but it doesn't work