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Every time I press Shift+Ctrl+W to export my file it shows "An Unknown error occurred" in preview section and it is not file specific it is occurring since yesterday night I using Windows 10 Pro and Photoshop version
Hi all,
We're happy to announce the release of Photoshop 22.1.1 which includes the fix for Export As error: An unknown error
Here's the list of all fixed issue:
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Hi there,
We are sorry about the experience due to the error while trying to use Export As.
Please update Photoshop to the latest version (21.1.1) through the Creative Cloud desktop app and check if the issue persists. You can also try to reset the preferences of Photoshop using the steps mentioned here:
Please backup your preferences prior to resetting them. You can check:
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I have the same issue. I am using the latest Photoshop (21.2.3), I did resetting the prefernces and the issue is still there. I even examined the artboards with this issue and there is nothing weird about them. Basicaly this is one psd file formatted to multiple versions. So the layers are the same. Yet some of tem are causing this issue and it realy complicate my work.
Do you have any other solution apart from the obvious one you did mention in the post above?
Thank you
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Hi! Did you manage to solve ?? I'm having the same problem ://
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No I did not. I have a stupid workaround, quickexporting as png and then saving each single image according to technical specification. Very annoying.
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I'm also having the same error! As per a couple of days ago. If anyone has a solution I'd love to hear about it.
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Hello again,
after several weeks of working and testing, I believe I've found a solution. The trick is never to turn off any of the artboards in Layers before export. You than have to go one by one and check the ones you want to export. If you dont turn off any artboards before exporting, this error does not occur.
Hope this helps, since Adobe doesn't care at all :]
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Thanks for the heads up. Will try that now.
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Thank you! I was using old files that didn't have any artboards. I created a new artboard, and Export suddenly works again. Appreciate the help!
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OR .. as I found - drag your layer (that you want to export) into a new file - which may be cleaner.
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If you're on Windows like me, I find it helps to go into your task manager and close all Photoshop processes. Then start Ps again and try the export.
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Thanks alot @max5C38, it did work on me. I thought I'm gonna lose the edits cause either I can't save it, LOL. But thanks to your help, I appreciate it!
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Hello I have Photoshop 22.10 on Mac OS 11.01 and I am having the same error where i can no longer export files and also recieve program errors while using the spot healing brush. I have already tried updating uninstalling and reinstalling, clearing prefrences and even went as far as restoring my computer back to factory seettings and reinsatlling and I am still have the same issue what can i do?
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I have the same problem with my version of photoshop (22.1.0), I have the problem when I want resize in export as. I can't resize now...
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Neither upgrading nor resetting preferences worked. I'm still getting 'An unknow error has occurred' when using Export As.
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ADOBE NEEDS TO ADDRESS THIS!!! It makes the program totally useless. I was designing and exporting just fine until it stopped suddenly working and now I have useless psd files that get me know where with my work. Have tried all community suggestions: 1) checked preferences; 2) didn't hid any layers; 3) updated software; 4) uninstalled and reinstalled; 5) merged all layers into one. Nothing is working. Please Adobe fix your flagship product!
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I am having the same issue. I just had a new update happen yesterday. It was fine earlier today and working but then just now it stopped working and I get the error message. I too would love to get a solution on this.
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I am also having the same issue. Just updated to Photoshop 2021, and now I cannot export anything without this error message. Photohshop really cannot be used to its full potential with this problem, as I can't export my work as PDFs now - which is what I needed it to do.
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Same problem here. Turns out that exporting is kind of a essential basic function, huh? It's finals week, so thanks for the heart attack, adobe.
I'm using "save for web" as a workaround for .JPGs.
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Same! I was using this feature a few hours ago and now I get an error.
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Okay found a solution after scratching my head as to why it wouldn't export. Simply go back to the previous version, this new update is unstable. As soon as I went back, everything worked fine and could export large files with ease and no more error.
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Going back to the older version was what did it for me—thanks!
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I'm still dealing with this , I've tried all the recommendations but they didn't work. What's working ( for the moment anyway) is flattening the image and exporting it that way. I don't have any idea if it's going to continue to work through. This problem is popping up with some files but not others.
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this works for me:
Go to Edit>Preferences>Performance and uncheck the graphic processor option from there and relaunch the application. This will fix the problem with the healing brush as well.