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Photoshop CC 2015 is so slow it is unusable on my system

Contributor ,
Jun 17, 2015 Jun 17, 2015

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I have no idea what is wrong here but this version of PS its horribly slow.

Here is a video i just captured about this issue:


There is not difference with GPU enabled, there is no difference if I have or not rules enabled. I never experienced something like with with CC 2014.

MacPro with 12 cores and 64GB RAM

Its there something I could do to fix this?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Feb 03, 2016 Feb 03, 2016

We have a suggestion we'd like affected people to try out.

If you have slow menus or laggy commands, can you try turning OFF font preview (Type>Font Preview Size = None)?

(If it was already off, and you still have slow menus or laggy commands, we'd like to know that as well.)



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Explorer ,
Apr 23, 2016 Apr 23, 2016

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i have another lag to add to my previously mentioned experience when working with channels.

when using the magic wand tool to make multiple selections (holding the shift key), after about 3 selections Photoshop locks up and after about 15-20 seconds function returns with all previous selections deselected.  The only workaround is to make selections...... very......slow........

as with everyone else, 2014 version works great.  2015 suffers.

windows 10, tons of memory, tons of cache, tons of processor speed.  all mentioned settings and workarounds mentioned in this thread executed.

-handsome john




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New Here ,
Apr 25, 2016 Apr 25, 2016

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Has anyone requested a credit/refund for their monthly Adobe CC payments?




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New Here ,
Apr 27, 2016 Apr 27, 2016

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I tried it to no avail




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New Here ,
Jul 30, 2016 Jul 30, 2016

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Darn, there must be some sort of online bug connection - been working great for the last few months and then bam - the super lag issue.

Might be time to cancel the subscription and get an old copy of PS off of ebay.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 04, 2016 Aug 04, 2016

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Seems that the lag is gone after Windows 10 Anniversary Update. Latest PS ver running smoothly now.




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New Here ,
Aug 04, 2016 Aug 04, 2016

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Actually, back to the same problem again : O. (Mac)

I noticed that the f.lux program wasn't completely deleted, so I terminated any associated processes in the activity monitor then deep sixed the program again.

Didn't help again, but something I did before temporarily brought the program back to normal.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 04, 2016 Aug 04, 2016

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New Here ,
Apr 29, 2016 Apr 29, 2016

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Adobe, as I can't use Photoshop 2015 at the moment and it seems nobody else can, as you've mucked it up with another pointless upgrade, how about a refund on our subscriptions. We're paid the money and we're not getting the service.

Come on Adobe sort yourselves out and stop using us customers as testers! this great upgrade should of been tested before being released!




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Explorer ,
Apr 29, 2016 Apr 29, 2016

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i wish we could. If we get software that works 50% of the time, shouldn't we get 50% of our money back?

Most of their problems i find is from their new cloud feature. Which i find causes a lot of problems and reading a lot of the comments its ONE of the MANY issues with Photoshop. And as far as i remember it was never a must have feature that users were clamouring for anyway. I rather use rulers then use this cloud thing.

But this frustration needs to be addressed. Aside from the dev's blaming the users. However, what i find amazing is regardless of Mac or PC, adobe managed to create a piece of software that is equally as buggy and undependable on both platforms and considering they were most likely coded in 2 completely different languages is an incredible feat.




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Community Beginner ,
May 15, 2016 May 15, 2016

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There seems to be no rhyme or reason why my PS acts slugglish. It suddenly started behaving itself a week ago and today it decided to start lagging again. I have done nothing different.




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Explorer ,
May 16, 2016 May 16, 2016

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Try turning off CC libraries.

Out of all the fixes, this one is ok. Sometimes if the CC lags, then the app lags too. Like if its browser app.




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Engaged ,
May 16, 2016 May 16, 2016

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I feel pretty sure that all Adobe software is so saturated "other" processes and software that it's causing the Applications to suffer and standby while all the Adobe Marketing and data collecting software does it's thing. Continually and non-stop does it's thing.

Creative Cloud is now MANDATORY and it's full of Marketing software, metrics, data logging, anti-piracy or "integrity" processes that reach a profound level of paranoia, and ultimately, worst of all, that ridiculous malware-like Creative Cloud Desktop container.

This advice of "turn this and that feature off, turn "x" preference on then off, reboot your computer while standing on one leg, light two red candles, etc., is a burden we don't need and a losing battle for the ones just trying to get their work done. A never-ending, mix-and-match puzzle game left for us to solve.

I also thing the developers and engineers are being told to focus on elements they probably know aren't the best things to be focusing on. Maybe they need to get someone in there with some backbone. Maybe they're completely indifferent to what they're creating for us today? No idea. I just want Creative Cloud to die a quick and miserable death.




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Community Expert ,
May 17, 2016 May 17, 2016

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A recent episode of "Silicon Valley" on HBO reminded me of this situation. Richard Hendricks and his genius software engineer cohorts, Gilfoyle and Dinesh are suffering working for a CEO who is now running the company Hendricks started. During one conversation the old CEO Jack Barker tells Hendricks the product they're really selling is their stock, not any great software that advances computing. Investors are the real customers, not computer users.

I know I have repeated this before, but Adobe has the creative computing industry over a barrel. That will continue to be the case as long as there are no truly viable alternatives to industry standard applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and After Effects. If anything, more of Adobe's applications are rising to "industry standard" level due to missteps of rivals. Premiere Pro is nearing that status thanks in part to Apple's mistakes with Final Cut X. Adobe's competitors simply have to try a lot harder. They're not doing good enough to challenge the near monopoly now.

The only short term alternative many of us have to digging out older perpetual license versions of Adobe's software and trying to get by with that. Changes in new computers and new versions of operating systems kills compatibility with that stuff unfortunately.




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Participant ,
May 17, 2016 May 17, 2016

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Really hoping for Affinity stepping up it's game as a competitor. Especially after announcing the Beta for Windows short time ago.

Adobe needs some real competition or at least, have to lose all professional Users for good.




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Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2016 May 17, 2016

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Sorry, dumb question - how do I disable CC libraries in Photoshop? Can't figure it out.




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Contributor ,
May 18, 2016 May 18, 2016

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I assume considering this post is still going there is no fix for this bs yet?  Just got a new machine and this is brutal. 




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Explorer ,
May 18, 2016 May 18, 2016

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You can turn off the the libraries function in plugin's. I went another way, i find the libraries caused the most problems for me and seemed to speed PS up.

Another thing i found is art boards is the death of this app, its like they released this features before it was done and figured they'd fix it with a patch later... except the patch never came. sigh.




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New Here ,
May 18, 2016 May 18, 2016

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I thought I had a solution, but it reverted back to not working very shortly after I turned off the Libraries.

I do want to say that all of my colleagues working on identical Windows systems have had no significant issues with Photoshop CC 2015.

So in my case it could be something else, not sure yet.

My issues surfaced with a new install on a new laptop. One of my coworkers thinks it's possible that there is a problem with my 'profile' on the machine. He said he had seen that before.

Because I have been busy I haven't had time to have our IT guy look into it. When I do I will certainly pass along any insights I glean.

Meanwhile as an interim solution I installed a CS6 version of PS and it is working like a charm!




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Community Expert ,
May 18, 2016 May 18, 2016

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Can you add another user profile?




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Community Beginner ,
May 20, 2016 May 20, 2016

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I'm using the 2014 version after updating to an older version, so I don't think I have the CC libraries plug-in to disable anyway?

I've noticed that it definitely seems to be acting okay most of the time when I first start up PS, but after a certain amount of time using it (which can widely vary) it will suddenly decide to start lagging, about 1-2 seconds between trying to perform most functions, etc.

I also THINK that there may be some correlation between having Illustrator open at the same time as using PS,  though I'm not entirely sure if this is directly involved or just a coincidence. Leaning towards it not being a coicidence but not sure just how severe the impact is or if it's related to other issues still.




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Participant ,
May 21, 2016 May 21, 2016

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I have the same Results with Illustrator slowing down PS even more.




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Contributor ,
May 21, 2016 May 21, 2016

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Same.  Was working on a large image file and it was flying.  Close the file down and then realized I needed more work on it, opened back up and everything went terribly slowly.  So frustrating.     




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Community Beginner ,
May 22, 2016 May 22, 2016

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Well that's kind of the opposite of what I was explaining. It usually only bogs down after using it continuously for a period of time, not after I restart it. Anyway.




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Enthusiast ,
Jun 03, 2016 Jun 03, 2016

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I was facing a slow photoshop cc2015 from the day I installed it (sorry, don't remember the version but in which a woman appears with blue fluid smoke on the startup screen with 25 years of photoshop written).

I updated today (to the version 2015.1.2 - 64 bit) to see whether if it helps, but the situation is still the same. My photoshop cs5 (64 bit) stil works faster. I am also running all updated graphics drivers. My windows 8.1 (x64) is also updated.

I am using i5 processor - 3230 CPU @ 2.60 GHz

, 8GB RAM, Radeon HD 8570 2GB graphics.

I also did the following settings as told by someone in this post only

Preferences>Plugins>Enable Generator = OFF

Preferences>Plugins>Allow Extensions to Connect to the Internet = OFF

Preferences>Plugins>Load Extensions Panels  = OFF

Preferences->Technology Previews>Enable Design Space Preview = OFF

My hosts file is 4.75 KB in size.

But still the situation of slow photoshop cc 2015 remains the same. What should I do?




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New Here ,
Jun 13, 2016 Jun 13, 2016

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I was having huge lag times with PS CC until I removed Avast Anti Virus..... Considering I have a brand new iMac (8Gb ram) this was not good. I know must resolve anti Virus problem.........




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