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Photoshop CC corrupting files (layers) while saving

Community Beginner ,
Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

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I'm having the issue that photoshop Creative Cloud is coincidentally corrupting my files while I am trying to save them. In detail this means that photoshop is deleting some or just one of the layers independent of the time I have worked on it. In the beginning it "only" happens after a couple of hours worked on it. Then I have tried to save to files more often and restart photoshop mutliple times during the days to avoid "long working duration" with the program. But then the application also deleting the layers after 20 minutes of work. Basicly the layers are just gone and I have to reconstruct them.

My references are:

iMac 27" with 16GB of memory and internal HDD on which I am working with the psd files

Operation system: Most up to date Mac OS 10.9.2 Mavericks

Adobe Creative Cloud: All updates done.

What I have done so far:

Created a new Mac user within I am working at the moment

updated every software and opertion system

not using any 3rd party plugin / or hardware except the apple mouse and keyboard

checked the RAM with multiple tools which have shown me no errors at all

At the moment I am running a harddrive scan which is looking for errors in the filesystem with disk utility

And of course: I have search the forums and google before I am opening this threat where I have already found a couple of other threats and people who are having this issue, but most of them a couple of months ago. A few of them thought this issue is related to bad RAM. Some thought it would be related to the graphic card. Others thought there might be driver or updates missing. As written above: I can already exclude the useraccount, RAM, updates and driver as well (cause it's a mac).

Additionally I want to mention that I am working within a team of creatives and my colleges are all using and doing pretty much the same like me. Using similar machines, same programs, same operation systems. And none of them have this problem. So I am hoping now that any of the adobe engineers could help me with this problem as I am not knowing anymore what I should do to get rid of this problem.






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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

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We have certainly seen other people with similar problems, but they were generally losing the entire file!  So, thinking about it, I can't remember an instance where partial corruption was loosing parts of the file.  We have also seen a lot of issues around Mavericks, but I am a Windows user so have not taken a lot of interest in those threads.

Mean while, save out to incremental file names every hour or so.  I always do this with big projects.  I also had the thought that Shadow Protect - which I use for back up - saves incremental backups every 15 minutes, and that I can apparently chose any point in time to retrieve a back up. I've never actully tried this though.

Are the lost layers the most recent work you have done on the document?  Can you correlate the lost layers with particular events?  Are you sure that the most recent saves worked at all, and that you are not looking at a previous save point?





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

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Hey Trevor,

No, there is no correlation between the loss of layers and any events. I am just working normally with photoshop and the loss of the layers is only occuring sometimes on saving. Sometimes once a day. Sometimes only twice a week.

And yes, I am sure that it occurs to the most up to date file as the corrupting happening right away after I have hit the save button. And also it progresses deeper if I am not closing down photoshop at that point. So for example if I am enableing / disabling the layers or going through them it is destroying the actual work further and furthermore.





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Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

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It has to be OS related rather than Photoshop methinks, and I am afraid I know nothing about Macs.  There is a list of 10.9 issues here


A similar issue here


Heck, there's a bunch of relevent hits HERE

Good luck





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

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Infact it's not a problem to save the file. I am able to save the file. But the action itself, hitting the save line, results not only in saveing the file, but also in destroying particular contents in it. Afterwards it is still readable and some of my saved changes are also saved. But also the other changes, made by the saveing process by Photoshop have been saved.

So to say it again: I am able to save, but it doesn't save the content, infact the application destroys it and saves this "corrupt" content.





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New Here ,
Jan 05, 2016 Jan 05, 2016

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I have been having the same problem here. Doesn't use Mac. I use Windows 7. I have the same problem as KatzInAz2‌. But instead of corrupting the file when it is saved, it happen to my PSD file! Now I have to start from scratch. And seeing that this problem STILL hasn't been solved after almost a year, I don't think I'll ever go back to any Adobe CC software. Thanks and bye.





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Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

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I have no answer, but have a few questions that might help you narrow problem down.

Is problem repeatable with the same file?  If so take this file to a college's machine and see if you get same result you see.  Use same OS version as Mavericks has a host of OS bugs affecting PS.





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Apr 10, 2014 Apr 10, 2014

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No, the issue happens with different files as well. In the end if decided that I will reinstall the operation system from scratch after I have back uped my files. This is my last hope...





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Apr 10, 2014 Apr 10, 2014

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Before you do that, is there any tie up with the other threads I linked to above?  I'd have thought that such a serious issue would have been all over this site and others if it was wide spread though.  At least it is easy to reinstall your Adobe apps with CC (if you have a decent connection).





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 10, 2014 Apr 10, 2014

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As far as I can see there's not any connection given to the board discussions you have posted. Of course the topics and content sounds similar, but it doesn't reflect my current problem.

I have already done a application reset by deleting every related Adobe configuration files from the library. I am not expecting that the Adobe binary files are corrupt theirself.

Anyway I am having a unsolveable issue with Outlook on my machine as well, which would even occur after a change of the local user. So that's why I think it might be necessary to reinstall the OS.





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Nov 07, 2023 Nov 07, 2023

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I'm having the exact same problem. To the word.
Sometimes its just a line in yellow, or magenta, or cyan, sometimes is full on color wreck.

I've been able to circunvent the issue saving the file, checking in Lightroom if the preview shows me some issue, and if so, creating a stamp layer, as many times as needed to the preview in LIghtroom appears ok and let me export the file. I can't just save and close the file whitout doing this.





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Nov 07, 2023 Nov 07, 2023

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@lufetorres you are commenting on a 10 year old post dealing with previous OS and PS versions. Unless you are using CC2014 - please post a new thread with your specific issue and current computer specs.





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May 05, 2014 May 05, 2014

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My problem is when saving a file "Save As". When I "save as" a jpg it creates another file. Last night when working on our wedding invitations I saved the PSD file as a JPG. I do this because the print function on Photoshop does not work (sometimes it prints 800 pages of goop)

When I convert to a jpg, I then print the jpg from Acrobat and that works. However, sometime when I try to then save the original PSD file with the layers included, it gives me an error that that file path is corrupt. So I save as a different name. In this case I called it "REDUNDANT copy of Wedding Invitation.psd"

That file saved and I re-opened it just to be sure it worked. Then I was able to save it with the original title "Wedding Invitation.psd"

My fiance and I then went home. We reviewed the invitation and decided on some minor changes to the text. When I came to the office and opened the file, both the redundant and the original copy of the PSD file was flattened like a pancake into a single locked "backgroud" layer.

This is the closest thread I found to my issue. Am I the only one?





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Jan 30, 2015 Jan 30, 2015

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I am having the same issue! I was working on a collaborative poster last night and when I was saving other documents I had also opened in photoshop CC my main file (the collaborative poster document [saved as TIFF]) shut itself down.  When I tried to reopen the TIFF file chunks of image data was missing.  It looked like someone had taken the  rectangle tool and deleted parts out of every layer image I had recently edited.  I also tried to open the other documents I had been saving at the time and they all had the same rectangular piece missing/cut out of the very center of the object image with which I was working. 

I have not yet updated to Mavericks because of all of the issues I have been hearing about it.  So clearly the version of Apple Software is not the problem. Although, I do think it is interesting that Windows Users are not experiencing this problem (at least none that I am aware of).

I, however, have not had a problem until just last night around 11:15pm.  I am actually afraid to use the adobe software now incase it corrupts anymore of my files.

So I understand the whole partially corrupted part because the file still opens but image data is missing/lost.  In addition, to what you are asking--that is, is there anyway to prevent this from happening again--I want to know if there is a way to recover my files.  Since this is an issue with Adobe Software, I would like to see that they not only have a way to prevent this from happening again but that they would have a way to retrieve partially corrupted files.  I am a college student and I have been told to not only invest in Adobe Software but to trust it, but I cannot afford to be investing in a incorporation that produces buggy software.

ADOBE, I think it is time for you to chime in here.

P.S. I will see if I can find any Adobe published software that will recover corrupted files, but please keep posting, and let us know what you find out!





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New Here ,
Feb 09, 2015 Feb 09, 2015

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I came here to see if anyone else had a corrupt PSB file. Yes I had the issue today. I saved the file and reopened and it turned things black and chopped up holes in layers. Anyone from ADOBE solve this issue?





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Feb 09, 2015 Feb 09, 2015

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We haven't seen Photoshop cause the problem.

But we have helped customers identify a lot of bad disks, bad server volumes, and OS bugs that can corrupt files when saving to file servers.





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Mar 25, 2015 Mar 25, 2015

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Hi, Chris

That's a pretty general statement.  Can you describe in more detail a couple of instances where this was the case and steps taken to resolve it?  What are some tests sysadmins can perform to identify, in way that would affect Adobe apps, suspect hardware or storage?

- cal





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Apr 04, 2015 Apr 04, 2015

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I'm having the same issues listed here!  Chris can you recommend some of the bug fixes to try?  Really hope this can be recovered.  It would be a huge loss to loose these files.

- Brynn





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Mar 17, 2015 Mar 17, 2015

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I have the same problem, have been working on a project for 3 days that needs to be delivered in the morning & everything has gone black, help! I recently installed photoshop cc have never in 20 years of using photoshop had a problem like this, what is it??? is my work lost for ever???





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Mar 22, 2015 Mar 22, 2015

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Not to sound like an idiot, but I thought I was having this problem. The truth is that Photoshop opened with the History tab active instead of the Layers tab. Since I was in a rush I didn't realize it and just went into panic mode.





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 30, 2015 Apr 30, 2015

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I'm having the same problem. After I save as (a copy) a PNG file, the original PSD file gets corrupted after a few saves. I don't save it, and try to reopen, but it's still corrupted.

I'm working on a Mac OS 10.6.8





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May 11, 2015 May 11, 2015

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I have been having a similar problem with Photoshop CC 2014 corrupting irreparably files after saving them on my Mac(s).

It is impossible to say when, but here is my workflow, maybe it will help someone think of possible fault points:

1) Adobe Creative Cloud with the latest version of LightRoom and Photoshop (note that this happened in previous versions), on a 27" iMac with 24GB RAM OSX Yosemite (10.10.3)

2) In Lightroom, select a set of Raw files (Canon CR2) and create a Collection

3) Export the files as Photoshop PSD files and add to the Catalog in a separate folder

4) Press Command-E and select 'Edit Original' - this will open the file in photoshop

5) Do edits in photoshop (sometimes extensive, but usually flatten the image before saving, as I don't keep the layers in my editing.

6) press Command-W or Command-S to save and close the file.

7) at this stage LightRoom will identify the file as corrupted and unreadable and neither LightRoom or Photoshop are able to open the file. Lightroom shows the exclamation mark and a message "Lightroom has encountered problems reading this photo. You will not be able to make adjustments to the photo." and the Photoshop says "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document."

8) In this case I have to repeat the process from step 3 and hope that this time it will save the file correctly.

This happens frequently but at this stage it appears to be a very random occurrence so I am unable to pinpoint what action triggers this.

Happy to generate and supply corrupted files for analysis to developers if needed.





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New Here ,
Jun 18, 2015 Jun 18, 2015

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My PNGs started breaking too. I'm on v.10.10.3. Just updated to Photoshop 2015 CC today and this problem started. Any ideas how to fix this?





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 20, 2015 Jul 20, 2015

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Still happening, but now it's just random. If I leave a file open in photoshop for over an hour it will become currupt, I'll close it without saving and re-open the file and it's still corrupt. I tried opening a different  file from a few years ago, and it opens corrupted.

Files open fine in Photoshop CS5.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 23, 2017 Jan 23, 2017

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I'm having the same issue. Corrupted files in Photoshop CC.

I seems to be only on files that I use the "Image Assets" feature. The file looks fine when I finish, but when I re-open the PSD file, all is corrupted and unusable.

However, if I open the same file up in an earlier version of Photoshop (CS5) it opens fine and looks correct.

This issue has been going on for quite awhile hasn't it Adobe? Your flagship application is broken and yet there is no word about getting it fixed. Very disturbing.





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