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I've tried going into the preferences after looking at the answers on here to find the solution, but there was a change in the general setting from there being a check mark to something called; " show start work space when no documents are present ". I've updated yesterday and since opening today to do some stuff I havent been able to see my recent drawings in a small thumbnail. Now I'm not the best at being organized or naming files and what not so im just wondering if there is something to change this feature. Thank you and have a nice day.
2 Correct answers
I've had to go back to v22.1.1 in order to get it back! Wow...C'mon's like you don't use your own product.
Hurrahhhh, the recent file thumbnails are back! Obviously a glitch in the new update which Adobe have now rectified.
Now I just need to get Liquify to work without having to hold down the Alt key first (so far none of the suggested fixes have worked).
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It's so dumb to remove something so convenient! I had to go back to an older version to get it back. Really aggravating, hate that Adobe is industry standard AND so expensive because they make stupid decisions constantly
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I am running 22.4.1 and am having the same issue. Just started when I came in to work this morning. Tried rebooting and all of the Preferences/Workspace suggestions above. To no avail.
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Updated to 22.4.3 and problem persists.
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WAS on chat with tech support all morning...The only version that works is 21.2.10.
The newest verison worked once on admin mode but then it didn't. He worked remotely on my computer for about 2 hours doing many things and uninstalling reinstalling and much more.
In the end he took my computer info and will bring it to higher ups. I think it has something to do with Adobe server and not a corrupt user account.
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Any further word on this? I'm having the same problem, tried all the fixes. I'm on a Windows 10 machine, fully updated, PS 22.4.3. I'm pretty sure the problem started with the most recent update, so I rolled back to 22.4.2 and still no joy. Rolled back again to 22.4.1, the version listed in this thread as working, and no dice there either. There's also no recent file workspace option in preferences, with any of those three versions. It always worked before, including on 22.4.2 and 22.4.1, I think, so I have no reason to expect a hardware problem, nor has the graphics driver been recently changed (though it is current). Any hope of a resolution? It's a minor matter, as the recent files are still in the list in the file menu, but it was nice to have the thumbnails there when I opened the program.
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Ik heb dit probleem ook. Standaard wordt bij een upload Nederlands als taalversie ingesteld. De miniaturen van de recent geopende bestanden verschenen na de upload van 22.4.3 op de thuis pagina. Zoals altijd verwijder ik daarna meteen de Nederlandse versie. Na het opnieuw starten van PS zijn de miniaturen echter verdwenen. Ik heb allerlei instellingen (preferences) gewijzigd, maar niets heeft geholpen. Na het opnieuw installeren van 22.4.3 hetzelfde ptobleem: In de Nederlandse versie wel miniaturen, in de Engelse versie geen miniaturen.
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I can confirm this behavior! I added the Dutch language to my install, changed the interface language to Dutch in PS preferences, restarted PS and voila, thumbnails! Changed the language back to English, restarted PS, and no thumbnails. I can switch back and forth as much as I want, log in, log out, restart, uninstall/resinstall, etc, etc, till the cows come home, and the result is the same - it works fine in Dutch and doesn't work in English. It's definitely something specific to the English language version.
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Last night I went back to a file I was working on and when the home page came up there were no thumbnails of previous work that had been done visible. Since found out that my version was showing 22.4.2, but creative cloud was showing 22.4.3 installed. I duly uninstalled the old version, reinstalled the new one but still the same issue. I've tried opening PSD files then closing them but no record of them shows on the home page. Also the tab YOUR WORK is Greyed out.. Is there any way to resolve this issue please Thanks
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I'm looking at the upper right corner where we should be seeing your avatar. Either the CC app is updating or there is an issue with you login. You posted an hour ago, so the first question is: what does this icon look like now?
If it still looks like your screen shot after an hour, try signing out > quit and relaunch > sign back in with your Adobe ID and password. Let us know if this resolves it or not.
~ Jane
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My icon looked like that as well, but it was just because I never set an avatar on my Adobe account. I imagine a lot, if not most users, also haven't added a personal avatar, so I doubt that's probative here. Nevertheless, I followed your suggestion to sign out, quit, and relaunch, and no luck. I then added a personal avatar, quit, and relaunched again. Still no luck. Can't say if the poster you responded to is in the same boat, but it didn't change anything for me. I have recent files in the file menu, but no thumbnails on the home screen, nor option in preferences to use the recent files workspace.
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Hi Jane here is a screenshot of the top right corner of my home page
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I've just done as you suggested signed out and back in still the same issue
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Try the steps on this Help page. It has a few more steps.
Creative Cloud desktop app won't open | Progress wheel keeps spinning
Also see this page:
Creative Cloud freezes while opening or displays a spinning wheel
If this does not work, contact Adobe Customer Care:
How to contact Adobe support
or send a tweet to @AdobeCare for support.
~ Jane
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After the latest update from Adobe for Photoshop. I have had the same issue the same as everyone else on this forum. Tried several attemptes to get around this problem of missing thumbnails, and finally resorted to installing 21.2.10 before getting them back. I think Adobe has to be mindfull of it's customers when going ahead with these updates, that some people use this feature including myself on a regular basis and this only causes a lot of disruption to our workflow. PUT IT BACK ASAP
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This is a user to user forum so you're not really addressing Adobe here, you can add to this thread on the Adobe Feedback forum which in monitored by Adobe engineers.
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Recent Files are missing and so is the option to set Recent Files back that used to be in the General Preferences section.
Is this a bug or did they seriously remove this feature?
That was one of my most useful tools!!!!
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I don't use the home screen so can't verify the issue, but I've seen post on this commumity and it's been reported on the Adobe Feedback forum
What Happened to the Recent Files on the Home Screen???
Recent Work Not Showing, Home Page Has Nothing On it.
Home page thumbnails of previous work not visible in photoshop
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I think this is a bug associated with the update given how many are commenting about the same issue. I was on chat with tech support all morning and got nowhere. This thread has been more helpful in the 5 minutes that I have been reading it over the 45 minutes with tech support. 😞
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The only solution I see for right now is rolling back the version of the software to 21.2.10 (per stephie1957) or 22.1.1 (per 000rick000).
A few weeks ago I had to roll back to 22.3.1 when the "Save to Copy" absurdities started. I've been using Photoshop for almost 20 years now and have never had to rollback the software to get it to work again (until this year). Maybe it's time to start using alternative image editing software since Adobe's current software engineers are totally incompetent. I don't want to give money to Adobe anymore since they no longer want to serve their customers. Even just look at one of the rude comments on this post from D Fosse a "Adobe Community Professional". Is this really happening?
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The "Save to Copy" thing is ridiculous! It's supposed to be so that we don't accidentally overwrite a file, but I've never had that problem once in 17 years of work. So yeah, thanks for that piece of idiocy. Why are all these measures put is that make workflow suffer?!

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FYI, go into your Preferences>File Handling and select the "Enable legacy "Save As"" and if you want, the "Do not append "copy" to the filename when saving a copy" boxes. That will get you back to where you were before the update.
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I made the mistake of updating photoshop again only to find another valuable resource missing. This time it tis the recent files panel that used to be the opening screen.
I have already wasted an hour trying to find a way to restore it - to no avail.
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We're sorry about the trouble with Photoshop. Would you mind telling us which macOS version you're working on? Is the application opening directly with the toolbar to the left or do you see the home screen but not the Recents panel?
You can go to the Preferences for Photoshop, then General & check if the option to Auto show the Home Screen is enabled. If not, enable the option & relaunch Photoshop to check if that helps.
If the issue persists, you can try to reset the preferences of Photoshop manually using the steps mentioned here: Preferences
Please backup your settings prior to resetting the preferences. You can check: Migrate presets, actions, and settings
Let us know how it goes!
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I have the same problem. I am using Mac OSX 10.15.7 catalina. The "auto show the home screen" box was already checked.
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McOS Mojav 10.14.6