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This is the layer renaming script I am using now. I want to change it to only rename the layer comps. How can I modify the code?
Tthank you very much~
if (documents.length == 0) {
alert("No documents to process");
var visibility = false;
var docRef = activeDocument;
function changeLayerName(layer){
var layers = layer.layers;
for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i ++){
layers[i].name = "Layer " + [i];
@jimmy0918 – Your original code for top-level layers, modified for only top-level Layer Groups/Sets (not for sets within sets within sets etc):
if (documents.length == 0) {
alert("No documents to process");
} else {
var docRef = activeDocument;
function changeLayerName(layer) {
var layers = layer.layerSets;
if (layers) {
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
layers[i].name = "Layer Set " + [i];
Try the following code to rename existing comps using layer visibility:
Rename Layer Comps to Visible Layer Names.jsx
v1.0 7th October 2023, Stephen Marsh
Based on:
As my previous script was reactive, renaming existing comps, the following script might be preferred as it is proactive.
Create a new comp using the visible layer names:
Add Layer Comp Using Visible Layer Names.jsx
v1.0 7th October 2023, Stephen Marsh
#target photoshop
// Set the layer variable
var theLayers = activeDocument.layers;
// Create an empty array to hold the layer names
var laye
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I want the layer comps to be renamed to the visible layers. So for example - referencing the above screenshot, i would like the layer comp to be renamed "Welcome_LightBlue_Waves". Right now, it is named Layer Comp 12.
Layer Comp 12 = Welcome, LightBlue, Waves are the only layers visible
Would like the Layer Comp changed name to be: Welcome_LightBlue_Waves
Layer Comp 13 = Welcome, LightBlue, Stone are the only visible layers
Would like the Layer Comp changed name to be: Welcome_LightBlue_Stone
Layer Comp 14 = Welcome, LightBlue, Grunge are the only visible layers
Would like the Layer Comp changed name to be: Welcome_LightBlue_Grunge
etc etc
Not sure how I can show that in screenshots
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Post a cropped screenshot of the layers panel with the layers visible for a particular layer comp. It is important to know if there are layer groups etc.
You could also upload a copy of the PSD with comps, it could be resized to a very small pixel dimension.
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I can do that later this evening, but no, no layer groups. Would it be better if I added groups?
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Try the following code to rename existing comps using layer visibility:
Rename Layer Comps to Visible Layer Names.jsx
v1.0 7th October 2023, Stephen Marsh
Based on:
#target photoshop
function renameComps() {
// Set the layer variable
var theLayers = activeDocument.layers;
// Backwards loop over the comps
//for (var i = activeDocument.layerComps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Forwards loop over the comps
for (var i = 0; i < activeDocument.layerComps.length; i++) {
// Select each comp
// Create an empty array to hold the layer names
var layerNames = [];
// Backwards loop over the top-level layers
//for (var j = theLayers.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
// Forwards loop over the top-level layers
for (var j = 0; j < theLayers.length; j++) {
if (theLayers[j].visible === true) {
// Push the layer names to the array
// Join the layer names with an underscore separator
var joinLayerNames = layerNames.join("_");
// Rename the layer comp
activeDocument.layerComps[i].name = joinLayerNames;
activeDocument.suspendHistory("Rename Layer Comps to Visible Layer Names.jsx", "renameComps()");
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Worked perfectly. Thank you so much!
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You're welcome!
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As my previous script was reactive, renaming existing comps, the following script might be preferred as it is proactive.
Create a new comp using the visible layer names:
Add Layer Comp Using Visible Layer Names.jsx
v1.0 7th October 2023, Stephen Marsh
#target photoshop
// Set the layer variable
var theLayers = activeDocument.layers;
// Create an empty array to hold the layer names
var layerNames = [];
// Backwards loop over the top-level layers
//for (var j = theLayers.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
// Forwards loop over the top-level layers
for (var j = 0; j < theLayers.length; j++) {
if (theLayers[j].visible === true) {
// Push the layer names to the array
// Join the layer names with an underscore separator
var joinLayerNames = layerNames.join("_");
// Add the layer comp (String name, String comment, bool appearance, bool position, bool visibility)
activeDocument.layerComps.add(joinLayerNames, '', true, true, true);