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After updating to CC 2019, I am not longer able to scale images evenly simply by holding shift.
I went to keyboard shortcuts and found a "scale" shortcut that was unassigned, so i assigned it to "S" as it simply wouldn't let me assign shift:
Now it seems to only want to scale evenly and won't let me scale however I want simply by dragging the corner of the image. Sometimes it doesn't go evenly when I transform with Ctrl+T and scales evenly after I press S, but wont let me go back to scaling unevenly.
Any Ideas?
Proportional scaling (without holding Shift) is now a default. Holding Shift while scaling now behaves in precisely the opposite manner, despite decades of precedent and the fact that every other application uses Shift-drag for proportional scaling.
Why? Who knows. This is easily one of the most unnecessary and counterintuitive changes Adobe has ever made.
Details and instructions for how to disable it are at the link below.
Lots of people reporting this as a bug but it's a new feature. The behaviour in previous versions has now been reversed. Default is now proportional (constrain) - no Shift required. Shift for non-proportional.
New and enhanced features | Latest release of Photoshop CC
Scaling Images with shift no longer works after update (20.0)
It can be disabled if required (refer "New and enhanced..." link above - steps from that link reproduced below).
It's a new feature. The old behaviour has been reversed. Default = proportional (constrain). Shift for non-proportional. Few people see any logic in this change.
Plenty of forum posts on this
Scaling Images with shift no longer works after update (20.0)
CC20 transform tool: Shift doesn't keep Aspect ratio
The new behaviour can be disabled.
To revert to the legacy transform behavior, do the following:
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Another possibility is that it might have been moved to a new forum by a moderator.
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JJMack, I first got an email saying the thread was approved by a moderator. Then I got an email saying it was disapproved by a moderator.
Though someone just commented on it, so perhaps they re-approved it? Idk. No nudity of course. Just a single "s***" that was starred out automatically.
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I guess the moderator did not like the jive censorship.
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props on using "jive" in a forum. +10 points
BTW, I should be able to figure out something like this WITHOUT having to use a browser.....
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patrick-vici wrote
Btw, when I tried to post this as a new forum post, Adobe deleted it. Hopefully they won't do the same to my comment above.
If you're going to make a change like this at least make it reversible in preferences.
Patrick, is this the post you are looking for?
Personally, I like the proportional scale as a default. Even so, I would like it reversible not in Preferences, but in the Options bar where it is easy to change it on the fly.
Also, just FYI, this is a user forum, so “Adobe” did not delete or move or modify your first post. If that was done, it would have been done by a volunteer who is also a moderator. If it is done incorrectly, it needs to be reported. Probably Forum Comments is the best place to report issues with the forums. Jive is the software use by the forum itself. It does not delete posts automatically, but does asterisk out some words.
In your case, it looks like it’s been resolved. If not, please post back.
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I'm so frustrated with SCALE (and other tool changes) that I couldn't explain myself. Thank you for clearly stating the PROBLEM. I use SCALE often and this is not thought through. What can be done?? How can we get ADOBE to fix this and not put out versions that are incomplete.
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How is it "incomplete?"
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Absolutely agree. BONEHEADED move by Adobe. Let's throw away, oh 30+ years of convention, for, well, no particular reason. I can't believe the geniuses who created Photoshop are this clueless. First it was a phone call yesterday to Adobe support because the character palette in Illustrator isn't working properly (touch type tool is stuck, font name doesn't show up in field), then this gem today. 2019 update is a bust so far, and for completely silly reasons. I could understand if it was some complex feature that got a rework, like Select and Mask, but please don't mess with decades of a simple convention (shift = constrain) that is shared across multiple applications from multiple app developers across multiple operating systems. Just plain dumb.
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Perfect. The problem is more the lack of standard control of the perspective than the change itself.
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This is a perfect fix that will save people an enormous amount of time.
We accept in general that Photoshop is at the end of it's product line and we all acknowledge the con of the subscription model. These latest changes are not well thought through, why not have a legacy tick box option for free transform if you have to impose this functionality on your users?
After decades of using the 'command / alt / shift' free transform functionality I now feel like I've had a stroke and have to retrain my work practice to adapt to this lesser solution. I'm relieved to find I can still use the legacy option through this forum.
Bravo Adobe! What happened to you as a kid Adobe, didn't daddy buy you a pony? Another crap and broadly useless inconsistent imposition on your audience.
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It would be great if all the transforms work in the same way. Smart objects still need shift to constrain proportions. This then, is an inconsistency.
This among other problems with GPU issues on the iMac Pro has forced me to uninstall until updates are available. (this is the first time I have been forced to abandon a new version, I've been using Photoshop since version 1!!!)
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To revert to the legacy transform behavior, do the following:
Use Notepad (Windows) or a text editor on Mac OS to create a plain text file (.txt).
Type the text below in the text file:
TransformProportionalScale 0
3. Save the file as "PSUserConfig.txt" to your Photoshop settings folder:
Windows: [Installation Drive]:\Users[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 Settings\
macOS: //Users/[User Name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 Settings/
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idiotic at best. Easiest fix is to uninstall. Going back to 2017. Adobe can keep this 2019 [removed]. I really don't have the time to haggle with stupidity. Scale This!
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I have to agree with a lot of the comments here; I don't comment on things like this, and have always chosen to simply get used to changes, even when they were not ideal for the way I use Photoshop. But this one is genuinely problematic for me. I have used PS since PS 3.0, and for as long as I can remember, Shift has LOCKED proportions, both in Illustrator AND Photoshop. So to change it now in Photoshop is reversing years and years of muscle memory for many of us, which is inviting an awfully high chance for error, some of which can be costly (For example this morning, when I held down shift out of pure habit, and then, not noticing I was in Free Transform, but dragging close enough to 45º that I didn't notice proportions were off by just a few percentage points, I built my entire file at the wrong proportions; then 45 min later, I had to start again from scratch). I get that this is somehow for making life easier for mobile users, but personally, I think it is a bad change overall, especially considering (I imagine?) the vast majority of us are not mobile users. Sorry guys.
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You can follow the steps given by Adobe to revert to the previous behaviour.
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Thanks for the lolz patrick I agree. I'd also like to add that my scale constrain doesn't work regardless of what you do since the update and it wiped all my old settings (took me months to get Ai set up right). I actually would prefer the new way but man for everything cool new thing Adobe add they break something else.
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Yeah I went to test that inconsistency within Photoshop and sure enough, same rules don't apply between a smart object and a shape layer. Sorry if this was already said but the fact that the other Adobe apps didn't make the change is baffling. Gotta mind-flop between Photoshop and Illustrator. Doing this PSUserConfig.txt fix RIGHT NOW.
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Adobe have you even tested this with designers? At least an option in settings preference to revert scaling back to how it was. We have datelines to meet not toy around with a useless change. I'm fine with change if its for the better, this is just pointless. Why not make paste command+q and and copy command+w while you're at it as well?
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Exactly! This is not Forge of Empires. Some of us use Adobe software for serious work for clients. Adobe, please keep this in mind. Unless Apple is about to pull off a miracle in technological advancement, I don’t think designers will be using Creactive Cloud on an iPad anytime soon. (Apple‘s spellcheck can’t correct ‘ioped’ to iPad... APPLE’s spellchec (which can’t correct this to spellcheck). No, no miracles anytime soon I think.) That’s the lesser reason why i don’t buy the ‘mobile’ compatibility excuse. The main reason being the two plstforms (there’s Apple’s miraculous spellcheck again) are so different. I really hope Adobe keeps that in mind as well. There are probsbly many good reasons for the two platforms to have distinct interfaces customized to their respective devicrs. Reasons I couldn’t possibly think of, but I sure hope Adobe will.
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This is my biggest gripe. Sure, implement a new feature if you want, but make it consistent. I hate how some objects have their dimensions locked by default now, but others don't. Absolutely no f***ing logic to this and now I have to, what, keep track of which object type I'm resizing and make mental note of whether to hold Shift or not...ridiculous "upgrade"
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I rarely comment on Adobe forum because I rarely have an issue but this is a horrible update because it is SO incredibly inconsistent with everywhere when you hold Shift to keep proportion.
Please revert back to the time where you keep Shift to resize proportionally. This new update make no sense AT ALL.
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Exactly. It's the inconsistency that's the problem. Resizing Smart Object from Illustrator reverts back to the old method where you have to hold down shift. Argh!!
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Agreed. They really screwed the pooch on this one, not because we have to change our way of doing things (not a problem, we do that most updates) but because it's so poorly implemented.
Personally I'd prefer it if the strongly marketed CS initiative to align functionality in all apps were fulfilled instead of being abandoned for CC. When it comes to the basic operation of these apps there's still so much in AI and PS that could (and should) be identical.
How would one trust a UX app from such a company?
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patrick-vici kirjoitti
Here is the REAL problem with the matter - the inconsistency:
1. If you drag image corners, it defaults to LOCKING dimensions. Shift allows free transforming.
2. If you drag a rectangle shape, it defaults to FREE transform. Shift then locks the dimensions!
Then... the only way to DISABLE it is to write some code in a text file and upload it to your application? Seriously?
Exactly. Well said. And, in addition, when working between InDesign and Illustrator, that default to FREE transform for everything it just makes these design change decisions hard to understand.
I will be editing the text file (sigh). For all of my three Macs (sigh).
Shame on you, Adobe designers.
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OK guys, I think we can give this a rest now.