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Improve the Warp tool - make it like Affinity Designer's

Explorer ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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I'm a packaging designer that does alot of mockup on round objects. So far I've been using photoshop's own warp tool, but I think it does a poor job to make the warped object look realistic - It's so clumpsy, and it feels like it works against making a natural warp. It takes too much work, even if I try use some of PS's presets. I have to make so many adjustment jsut to get the basic form right, and then the layout will be all distorted.


On the contrary, Affinity Designer's warp tool is so easy to use. First, it's a live mesh, making it easy to made adjustment. Then it just warps so cleverly, needing fewer steps and possible distortions.


Se the attached scrrenshots where I compare Photoshop with Affinity Designer. In both examples I only use the cornerpoints and I apply no split. The first step is to move the four corners. Affinity easily moves the whole object, whereas Photoshop let some of the object stick to the original place, almost like the middle of the object is glued to its place. And then I have to make so many adjustment to get the middle right, whereas Affinity will just mend the middle acordring to how I move the corners.

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