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Introduce a warning message for exceeding the Brushes.psp 2 Gb limit (or make a backup file)

Explorer ,
Jan 13, 2023 Jan 13, 2023

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Today is not the first day I have exceeded the Brushes.psp 2 Gb limit, but today I have exceeded it by 2 Mb. I cannot constantly worry about saving my brushes or checking how large the brush packs I import are, just like it's human nature to forget about saving your work and autosave features are introduced. 

There is no warning message when the Brushes.psp 2 Gb limit is exceeded and the fact that the files still overwrites itself seems like more of a bug than a feature. If there is a way to lower the size of this file through bits of coding, I would very much like to know it (particularly in this case where I only need 2 Mb to be shaved off). Otherwise, introducing a warning message, or not allowing the file to overwrite itself if it won't be able to open on next start up, or making a backup of some sort, any of these would be wonderful features for a lot of digital painters. 

Thank you! 

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