I like the idea in Photoshop cc 2014 of using images on the splash screen. I think it would be nice if the image area was editable, so that users could put their own image, company logo, etc on the splash screen.
I absolutely HATE the Photoshop CC 2014 Splash Screen ... It would be awesome if we were offered (in the NEXT version) maybe 2-3 options to choose from??????? Please consider!
He buscado por toda la web como cambiar el Splash Screen, pero no he encontrado nada ultil. Según lo que he visto solo puedes cambiar el Splash Screen de las versiones anteriores (CS5, CS5)
Alguien que me ayude! O sera que ADOBE quiere ha bloqueado la personalización, impidiendo a los usuarios creativos desarrollar de manera general su creatividad!....
Is there a way to disable the horribly unsettling splash screen of an over processed woman in the October 2017 iteration of Photoshop.
It's an unpleasant image. It looks like all those over cooked images that indicate inexperienced photographic processing. It's everything I detest. Now I have to see it every time I load the app.
On the good side, at least Photoshop does not now steal the windows focus multiple times during launch, so if you use multiple screens you can get on with something else
Whilst it's good to be able to get on with other stuff during load, I'm still aware that this lurid mishmash of misconceived imagery is lurking somewhere beneath the surface on MY workstation. I don't want it there.
The loading screen in the new Photoshop 2018 creeps me out like few things do. I swear that picture is worse than a creepy clown. Who thought this picture was a good idea? Please get rid of it. I really can't stand it looking at me everytime I launch PS.
Just upgraded to Photoshop CC 19.0 and I'm repulsed every time I see the horrible startup splash image of the person who had an accident in a paint store. It may be just my opinion, but my opinion should count for something on my own system. Please provide the ability for the local user to change the startup splash image as soon as possible.
My request (allow changing startup splash image) was merged into a thread that started FIVE YEARS AGO??? I give up all hope of this problem being addressed.
ISTR reading that they stopped us being able to edit splash screens a good few versions ago, to prevent misuse / abuse. Something along the lines of Rolls Royce cars have to be transported in closed trailers if they break down. The sad reality is that they probably have a point. I can remember when we discovered Auto-Correct in MS Word in the lab I worked in, and the boss's computer was set so when he typed his name, it immediately replaced it with something we thought more appropriate.
Meanwhile, here's something for the aging reminiscers to go all gooey eyed over. Them were the days...
That's right. It was still possible in CS3, and maybe CS4. Mostly people wanted their own business name in there, presumably to impress clients - but we saw some horrible alterations here in the forums, people asking "how do I do this" and you just cringed...present examples pale in comparison.
Because it hasn't been necessary to remove it there - the typical user is very different. Every gamer- and youtube-kid wants to have Photoshop to play around with. In contrast, InDesign is still an application mainly used by people who make a living from it.
That said, judging by the recent splash screens, you couldn't tell the difference.
Please, please, PLEASE give me an option to disable the Photoshop splash screen. CC 2018 is so vile, I'd rather use Gimp than see this lurid over-cooked image sully my workspace.