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P: Bring back "Shake Reduction" filter - Removed in Photoshop v.23.3.0

Community Beginner ,
Apr 16, 2022 Apr 16, 2022

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Änderungen am Programm ohne die User zu fragen - "Verwacklung reduzieren" in PS v.23.3.0 entfallen?


Mittlerweile ist man es als User gewohnt, dass Adobe Änderungen an Photoshop und Co. vornimmt.

Erst der "Fehler" seit Anfang Februar, dass die Ebenen bei der Nutzung von Color Lookup´s schwarz sind und somit nicht nutzbar (das Problem habe ich nach zwei Monaten endlich selbst gelöst) und nun fehlt schlicht und einfach wieder ein Scharfzeichnungsfilter, den viele wahrscheinlich nicht häufg nutzen, ich jedoch als finales Schärfen, diesen "Verwacklung reduzieren" mit Vorliebe eingesetzt habe.


Heute am Rechner, Bilder vom Ostersonntagmorgen mit Monduntergang, sitze hier, bearbeite und ... bin überrascht, dass ich meinen Filter nicht mehr finde.


Falls dieser doch noch irgendwo sein sollte, mal wieder irgendwo ganz hinten drin versteckt, bin ich dankbar für jeden Tipp.


Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Osterfest...

Idea No status Locked
macOS , Windows






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Apr 29, 2022 Apr 29, 2022

You can install version 22.5.7 along with version 23.3.1, so you can have both 2022 and 2021 installed at the same time, version 2021 will have the shake reduction filter



Community Expert , Apr 19, 2022 Apr 19, 2022

@John Young Photography 

As a workaround you could revert back to version 23.2.2



replies 296 Replies 296
New Here ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Just a quick note. Adobe came out and said that Camera Shake Reduction is no longer going to be supported in Photoshop stating "The technology is not compatible with newer development platforms." Such a major dissapointment. I've reverted back to the 23.2.2 version as sugested by Ged_Traynor.

Linking the article here: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/reduce-camera-shake-induced-blurring.html





Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Are we to understand you will forgo every upgrade from here on out just to keep Shake Reduction? Sad....





Participant ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Not compatible with newer development platforms. Pull the other one! Translated it means we really can't be bothered to rewrite the filter to make it work with Mx series Macs on OS 11 and fowards or Windows 11 - too much like hard work. As I said before, if a minnow like Topaz can make it work........





Community Beginner ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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@Wilson Laidlaw  


In your last post you were rhetorically quoting Adobe as saying we (Adobe) can't make the shake reduction filter work with "...Mx series Macs on OS 11 and fowards or Windows 11...".  Where did Window's 11 come from.  Was it previously reported that the filter also didn't work on Windows 11?  I thought the issue was purely limited to M1 based Macs.  


Unless the issue was also reported to be impacting Windows 11, then it shouldn't be assumed that Windows 11 is included in the "newer developement platforms" from Adobe's "reasoning" for removing the filter from all versions.  Can anyone running Windows 11 speak to whether or not it works? 


If you step back and look at this from 20,000 feet, this has Apple written all over it.  Think about it... A popular feature that works fine, and very well, on all other systems except for Apple's new flagship.  It even works in Rosetta, Apple's backwards compatiblity crutch to get apps coded for Intel based systems to work on the M1.  Now Apple wants to dump Rosetta, because the M1 doesn't need a crutch, but Adobe still hasn't figured out how to get Shake Reduction to work with the M1.  Can't have a popular feature missing from the M1 Mac version of PhotoShop, that would be a black eye.  Someone at Apple, perhaps Mr Cook himself calls someone at Adobe, wheels are properly greased and voila, problem solved!  No one gets Shake reduction.


Please know I'm not trying to start any sort of flame war.  Everything I've read about the M1 says it is an incredibly powerful processor and I am in no way even attempting to refute that.  But like everything else on this earth, it was designed by a human, so regardless of how awesome it is, it's not perfect.  Why does the solution have to be even less perfect?


If Shake Reduction also didn't work on Windows 11, then please ignore the above and let me know.  I will delete the post myself.







Participant ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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The filter has also been removed from the Windows version of PS, with the same message as shown for Mac users: "The technology is not compatible with newer development platforms." All this along with Topaz's ability to make a camera shake filter work (at least for Mac - I don't know if they sell a Windows version) firmly dumps the issue in Adobe's lap. 







Explorer ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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Sorry to say but Adobe have discontinued the shake reduction tool as it was not compatible with their new operating platform. This is also true for the 3D program which used to be included in Photoshop. The only easy solution is to install an earlier version of Photoshop.
Hope this helps Justin

Sent from my iPad





Explorer ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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Totally agree with you. AI incompatibility probably. Apple is very proprietary.  I believe they're in court for this as ppl using their phones have to use their Apple pay with no other alternatives.





Enthusiast ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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The "correct" answers, once again, are not answers at all. You shouldn't have to be keeping multiple version of PS on your system which hog your space and memory. It's bad enough with the latest version memory hog. If that is the "correct" answer then I would have to keep every other version back to CS to keep some of my (important) plugins functioning. Once again Adobe decides to screw users over.





Explorer ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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Once again, it's just gone and that's just it. Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US8yI3ymZEE<>





Explorer ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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I'm sorry but just bending over is not the answer. That's kind of the problem. Just bend over and waste time. U must be a mac folk.





Community Beginner ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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Why are so many so quick to just accept Adobe's excuse?  


Yes we all know that the shake reduction filter did not work with the Apple M1 CPU.  But it works perfectly fine on Intel based systems, even Intel based Macs. 


You can blame Adobe if you want, and I agree they deserve some of the blame.  But the problem on the M1 isn't new, it's been known for over a year.  I'm sure Adobe expended quite a bit of effort to get it to work; I would venture to guess that they probably got some help for Apple as well.  Apple doesn't want any bad publicity for it's shiny new silicon.  


They worked on this for a year and couldn't get it to work.  Kind of points to some sort of problem with the M1.  But if the feature doesn't exist on any version then there is nothing the M1 can't do and thus, no problem.


For those pushing Topaz, I've not heard any glowing reviews as compared to Adobe's shake reduction filter.  In what I've read Adobe's filter yielded better results almost always and it was much faster.  I even saw one person say Topaz could take up to 30 minutes to process a single image.  On my PC shake reduction takes about 5 secs for a 24mp raw image with improved results about 95% of the time.





Participant ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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Why are so many so quick to just accept Adobe's excuse?  

We are not but there is little we can do except vote with our feet. I will probably not renew my subscription and just use Capture One, which I have been using almost as long as I have PS (1999 for PS, 2003 for C1). I talked to an Adobe representative at the Paris Photo show. He professed ignorance of the issue and said he would get back to me - he didn't, presumably because they have no answer. I really question how much effort they have put into this. Topaz Sharpen AI is much better than some folks are making out. It has never taken longer than around 2 to 3 minutes to process a 45.7 DNG from my Leica M10R. 





Explorer ,
May 04, 2022 May 04, 2022

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Since missing the Shake Reduction filter I have been experimenting with other methods of reducing shake, the best being https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US8yI3ymZEE  Interesting enough I have discovered that the reason for most of my blurry images was not due to shake but to missed focus. That is a wake up call





Enthusiast ,
May 04, 2022 May 04, 2022

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VOTING WITH YOUR $$ IS THE ONLY WAY (not by silly "votes" on this page).


Those of us who've been around Adobe for decades (should) already know that (y)our words of discontent and "upvoting" features to bring back mean absolutely nothing to Adobe (a whole community voted to keep Adobe Muse and they trashed it without consideration of leaving website designers and their clients out in the cold). Those of you new to Adobe just have to look at all the forums and archives to see what a rabbit hole you've gone or are going down (but there's time to get out before you become part of the "collective"!!!). (Now) nothing changes at Adobe except when money is at stake. Chant it with me like a good Adobe Minion;  share price, Share Price, SHARE PRICE!  It used to be otherwise in the early days (1990s) when they actually cared about their users but no more because they sold out long ago.


Our studio's path (and finances) lead us to: Instead of "whining" about what we don't like (too numerous to list here) we just started divesting Adobe products with the goal of completely erasing their software from our workflow by 2025. We started with Premiere Pro and switched over to Davinci Resolve Studio after years of using their full featured free version.  It contains, non linear editing, motion graphics, full featured audio editing and color grading and free lifetime upgrades (at this moment). So we actually dumped THREE Adobe products at once!: Premiere Pro, After Effects and Audition.  The (beyond) amazing part is the Davinci Resolve suite is full featured and absolutely free (minus a few features which only affect large studios need)!  It's best software decision of the decade so far for us. Plus, now we are much more likely to purchase their cameras and hardware because every piece of hardware comes with DR Studio!


As for PS: We're considering using earlier versions of PS for which we have the disks and are on older machines we keep around because Adobe decides to do silly things on a whim like take away (essential) features or make third party plugins unusuable. Don't let Adobe or any other "follower" tell you different. The older versions of PS work perfectly fine if you don't make the mistake and connect to your Adobe account online. Our CS4 ran perfectly on Win 10 until we connected by accident and Adobe intentionally disabled (killed) it. We still have a version running on an older non connected Win 10 rig. 

While we do still need PS (for the time being) due to our 30 years of using it and our huge .psd archive (all going to .tiff), we may switch back to the Corel Graphics Suite which we used extensively in the 90s. Their photo editing software (used to) closely match the UI of PS and did some amazing things PS couldn't. Not sure about it now though. We've tested DxO and also GIMP but weren't overly impressed with their funky UI but that was Pre Pandemic so we'll give them another try at some point. So for now we're begrudgingly stuck with PS because we create complex compositing and we know PS pretty well 😉 and it takes some time to teach an Old Dog...New Tricks...


For RAW we use Nikon NX studio which is 100% free and has far superior RAW/NEF editing. It also has U-Point technology which was developed by Nik Software which is amazing. It's just like being back in the darkroom with all our tools but even better!  Canon has Digital Photo Professional for free but it does not have U-Point tech. I'm not a Canon user so I can't attest to the quality. I've used Adobe RAW (recently) and found it absolutely sucks as it inserts "artifacts" which looks like bar codes in random areas of our images. Thankfully it was not destructive and we could open them in NX Studio.


We just started using the Libre Office suite for every day "office" tasks and also PDF creation. Best of all it's free and we think it's going to supplant Acrobat in the very near future. Acrobat has to be one of the worst pieces of software we've ever used. Such potential but Adobe has no idea how to harness it just doesn't care about it's users.


The links above will take you to the software. Most of what I listed is absolutely free with no "tricks up their sleeve". If you edit video I strongly suggest using either the free version of Davinci Resolve or purchase the Studio Version. We got Davinci Resolve PLUS their speed controller for only $299!


There are so many software solutions out there that are just as good and even better than Adobe Products. You just need to take the time and find what's right for you and if you keep condoning crap companies by just talking and not doing there is no incentive for a company to actually change for the better.


Why I responded to this thread is exactly the reason of this post: I went to access "Shake Reduction" and poof... it was gone. What are you going to do when they take away .psd compatibility down the road? Never say never!


It's all about choice... And now I choose to go away...


Good luck, happy shooting, create amazing images, respect others, be healthy & safe and enjoy life!








May 04, 2022 May 04, 2022

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Right, throw the baby out with the bathwater and stop the subscription and purchase a number of other products. That will show Adobe....

You seen the rate of subscriptions to CC?


So, doing the math and updating for year-end 2021, this gives an estimated new total of 26 million subscribers, up approximately 4 million from last year. Meaning, the run rate of new subscriptions is around 1 million per quarter – adding an average of 10,000+ net new paid members every day for the CC 2022 product line.”


Meanwhile only 23 upvotes you say is “silly”. 


Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





Community Beginner ,
May 05, 2022 May 05, 2022

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I remember a couple years ago when I connected to Adobe on my WIN 7
computer and it disconnected my older 2115 and 2018 versions. They only
said they were not going to support the older versions. They did not say
they were disabling my older versions. At the time I needed to upgrade to
keep my ability to open RAW files on new Nikon cameras. Also, shake
reduction and content aware delete are invaluable. I did go back to the
previous older version to keep shake reduction but I now can't upgrade in
the future. Thankfully, RAW conversion is a separate program.

So now I have to use 2 separate computers. One with WIN 10 and another
with WIN 7. The WIN 7 computer hosts some older plugins and programs that
simply don't work under WIN 10 and the entire setup is never updated except
for security updates. In fact Microsoft just performed a "secret" security
update just last week.





New Here ,
May 09, 2022 May 09, 2022

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I'm on Intel MacBook Pro 2019 and Shake reduction has disappeared for me as well. So this is not an issue for just M1 MacBooks. Disappointed as it was a very useful tool at times.





Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2022 May 09, 2022

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@kirsit60499276 The issue of the shake reduction filter not working is specific to M1 based Macs.  The reason the feature is no longer available to you on your Intel based Mac is becuase Adobe completely removed the filter from all platforms starting with version 23.3.  Had Adobe not removed the filter altogether it would work perfectly fine on your Intel based Mac.


Non existence of a feature and the fact that an existing feature doesn't work are two completely different things.  The question is why did Adobe remove the feature from all platforms.  The "official" answer that the filter is not compatible with newer dev platforms provided by Adobe is BS.  It worked just fine on Intel based systems, Mac and Windows, until it was taken away.


So who is benefiting from the feature's disappearance?  I guess it's no longer a black eye from Apple's "Magical" new processor.





New Here ,
May 21, 2022 May 21, 2022

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No aparece el estabilizador de imagen en filtro/enfocar





Community Expert ,
May 21, 2022 May 21, 2022

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If your referring to the Shake Reduction filter, it was removed in version 23.3


2022-05-21 11_30_59-Feature summary _ Photoshop desktop (April 2022 release) — Mozilla Firefox.png

You can have version 22.5.7 installed along side version 23.3.2 if you need to use the Shake Reduction filter





New Here ,
May 24, 2022 May 24, 2022

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Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 12.04.04 PM.png





New Here ,
May 27, 2022 May 27, 2022

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Grrr. Often, as today, this filter is the entire reason I open Photoshop.


First, I waste a bunch of time searching for it. Then I google and waste a bunch of time on statements that it's only missing on M1 Macs—I have an Intel, and it used to be there.

Regressions like this and an abusive subscription model. Seems like I really ought to get a refund from April on, since this is NOT what I'm paying for!







Community Beginner ,
May 28, 2022 May 28, 2022

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I agree. After cropping an image, the first filter I use is Shake
Reduction. I went to Creative Cloud and went back to the previous version
of Photoshop. The filter is still there. I just have to remember not to
upgrade to the latest version when reminded to upgrade by Adobe.

Adobe has been moving to "design" instead of photography for quite a while
now. With camera sales collapsing, and smart phone video surging, there
doesn't seem to be much interest in straight up photography anymore.





Community Expert ,
May 28, 2022 May 28, 2022

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I went to Creative Cloud and went back to the previous version of Photoshop. The filter is still there. I just have to remember not to upgrade to the latest version when reminded to upgrade by Adobe.


You can have multiple versions of PS installed. Turn off automatic updates and choose the option to keep previous versions when you update manually. Multiple versions means 21, 22, 23 — not the dot releases like 23.1, 23.2, 23.3.








Explorer ,
Jun 01, 2022 Jun 01, 2022

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I have a 2021 Intel iMac and the Shake Reduction feature is gone. It is NOT just a problem on M1 Macs. I have set the Plug-Ins preference to show all Filter Gallery groups and names. I quit and restarted after setting my preferences. Still no Shake Reduction filter.




