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Followup to earlier thread about PSE/ACR and Sony A7iv RAW/ARW file, but with PSE 2022

Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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I had an earlier thread, https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-elements-discussions/photoshop-elements-2021-does-or-does-n... about getting PSE 2021/ACR working with Sony A7iv RAW?ARW files, and, in that thread, I was given a solution that worked for me (by upgrading the ACR in PSE 2021 to ACR 14.1).


One of the users over at another forum was asking about PSE 2022 and Sony A7iv RAW/ARW files, and I had pointed them to that thread that I linked above, but they tried that, and it didn't work.  They have apparently been told that that didn't work because ACR 14.1 is not compatible with PSE 2022. 


Does anyone know if that is correct?


Also, if ACR 14.1 is not compatible with PSE 2022, is the expectation that a later ACR version (e.g., ACR 14.2 or greater) WILL be compatible with PSE 2022?


Or is there NO intention to have an ACR that will work with PSE 2022, and if that case, does that mean that PSE 2022 will never be able to work with the Sony A7iv RAW/ARW files directly?





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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

ACR 14.1 works fine with Elements 2022.  I suspect the other user did not follow the instructions properly. 



Community Expert , Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

but when I open an ARW file in PSE, what I see looks different than the screen shot you posted (see below).  Is that because your screenshot was with PSE 2022 (vs. mine being with PSE 2021)?

Notice that I don't get the items on the top like File, Edit, etc. like the screenshot you posted?

By @jimohaya


Hi @jimohaya 


Camera Raw is a plugin for Photoshop Elements.


When you open an ARW file (or a Raw file from any camera), it opens in the Camera Raw plugin first for you to edit the Raw file.




Community Expert ,
Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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ACR 14.1 works fine with Elements 2022.  I suspect the other user did not follow the instructions properly. 





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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Hi Greg,


FYI, the person who told them that it wasn't compatible was supposedly someone from Adobe support, I think, but I will let them know that it SHOULD work. 








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Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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@jimohaya Technically Adobe Support is correct. They're constrained to say that officially it's not compatible because there is no PSE version of ACR 14.1 available for whatever reason.


But following Adobe's workaround instructions for updating ACR by copying and pasting the ACR 14.1 .8bi file into the PSE 2022 Plugins folder does work.


Refer PSE 2022 screenshot below with ACR 14.1 installed and Raw image from Sony A7 IV open.







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Community Beginner ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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Hi John,


Thanks for the explanation!  I have a couple of questions:


1) As mentioned earlier, I was able to get PSE 2021 working with ACR 14.1, but when I open an ARW file in PSE, what I see looks different than the screen shot you posted (see below).  Is that because your screenshot was with PSE 2022 (vs. mine being with PSE 2021)?  This is what I see when I open a Sony A7iv ARW in PSE 2021 now:



Notice that I don't get the items on the top like File, Edit, etc. like the screenshot you posted?


2) One of the things that I found confusing when I updated the ACR to 14.1 in my PSE 2021 was that the steps in the link refer to directory that has something like "Elements<VERSION NUMBER>"


  • Navigate to the following folder: 

    • On macOS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins/Elements<Version Number>/File Formats
    • On Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\Elements<Version Number>\File Formats
  • Replace the existing Camera Raw plugin in Elements<Version Number> folder with the plug-in that you copied in step 8.


But, like I said, I have PSE 2021, but the path I see in my system is NOT "Elements 21", but rather I see "Elements 19":




Why is that?  Is it because when I upgraded to PSE 2020 and to PSE 2021, I just ran the installers, and it just kept the original directory name "Elements 19"?


3) Also, the snippet above from the instructions is a little confusing when it says:


"Replace the existing Camera Raw plugin in Elements<Version Number> folder with the plug-in that you copied in step 8."


but actually, I had to put the plugin .8bi file into the "...\Elements<Version Number>\File Formats" folder, to get ACR 14.1 working (I did understand the instruction, but it was a little confusing the way that it was worded).










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Explorer ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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I have tried it multiple times. Deleted installer then down loaded again. I seem to have creative cloud program on my computer that keeps sending me updates but I have never intentionally wanted that. It shows this with camera raw 14.1 listed and Adobe acrobat DC 
I have added some topaz programs to the plugins as well. 
The file I am copying from step 7 is dated Dec 1 and not matter how many times I have downloaded new version replaced it it stays same. 
In the final location it says updated Dec 26 which is the day of my first attempt. Does not show more recent attempts like multiple today. 
Should I delete all the topaz programs from my desktop for the moment. Or delete the new elements 2022 and reinstall . I will try and post this on the Adobe forum as phots from my iPad. .

Sent from my iPad











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Explorer ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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I notice the file I copy is larger then the final file yet it does not paste into the final location for Elements 2022 .  It will not let me move file under an administrator as says in use else where so when I skip the administrator it is the smaller file. Do not know how to make this work?





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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Greg S - I think that Barbara is the person I've been trying to help over on the other forum.


Barbara - I think that the .8bi file in the "Elements 20\File Formats" directory needs to be that larger 157,647 sized file.  


So it looks like the reason you are not seeing the new ACR 14.1 in PSE 2022 is because the old .8bi file is still in that "Elements 20\File Formats" directory.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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Barbara - Assuming you are running Windows (and not a Mac), you could try something like the following in order to be able to copy the bigger .8bi file:


1) On keyboard press Ctrl-Alt-Del

2) Select Task Manager

3) Look for the "Adobe Photoshop...." (cirled in red):


Click the End task button at the bottom right (cirled in red)


That should kill the Photoshop Elements, then try copying the larger .8bi file into the Elements 20\File Formats directory.









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Community Beginner ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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Barbara - Here's a 2nd suggestion.  I have only had this suggestion work one time, but maybe it will work for you.


1) browse to the "Elements 20\File Formats" directory where the older/smaller .8bi file is in.



2) Right-click on the "Camera Raw.8bi" file, then click on "Rename".  The file name will become editable:



3) add something to the file name to rename it, like maybe "bad-", then hit Enter.


If you don't get an error popup then the file will be renamed, so then you can copy in the larger .8bi file into the same location.





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Explorer ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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It worked but had to close a few adobe related tasks.  Fantastic.  Now I just need to get my folder to recognize my files on import.  I can get rid of the Capture 1 express program as did not have clue how to use as so familiar with elements.  All will be much better oragzized now.   Thanks Jim and everyone else.  I did talk again to adobe support and my creative cloud app needs to stay to make everthing run smoothly.  Also mentioned that camera raw not available for photosop elements as an update and  that still seems like a rip off to me.  Agian thanks.  





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Explorer ,
Mar 03, 2022 Mar 03, 2022

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Today my Adobe photoshop elements 2022 would not work and message poped up saying I needed to reinstall. After I did I had not camera raw14.1.  Gather new version out 14.2  when I tried to replicate what I did before there are no file formats under Elements /file formats in program files to move new camera raw14.2 to.  Help as now I cannot access my ARW raw files from SonyA7IV camera.





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Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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but when I open an ARW file in PSE, what I see looks different than the screen shot you posted (see below).  Is that because your screenshot was with PSE 2022 (vs. mine being with PSE 2021)?

Notice that I don't get the items on the top like File, Edit, etc. like the screenshot you posted?

By @jimohaya


Hi @jimohaya 


Camera Raw is a plugin for Photoshop Elements.


When you open an ARW file (or a Raw file from any camera), it opens in the Camera Raw plugin first for you to edit the Raw file. That's what you're seeing in the screenshot you posted. You don't need to do any editing in Camera Raw but the option is there.


Then, in the Camera Raw window, click Open or Done and the image will open in the Photoshop Elements Editor. That's what you're seeing in the screenshot I posted. Mine opened in Camera Raw first. I then clicked Open and took the screenshot from the PSE 2022 Editor window.



But, like I said, I have PSE 2021, but the path I see in my system is NOT "Elements 21", but rather I see "Elements 19":

By @jimohaya


Yes, that's Adobe marketing version numbering versus Adobe engineering version numbering. That has always been confusing for end users. Unfortunately, both (!) conventions are used by the files and folders on your hard drive, but not at the same time. Sometimes it's "Elements 2021", other times it's "Elements 19". In this case, the workaround instructions use the engineering version number.


In short,

PSE 2019 (marketing) = version 17 (engineering)

PSE 2020 = version 18

PSE 2021 = version 19

PSE 2022 = version 20



3) Also, the snippet above from the instructions is a little confusing when it says:


"Replace the existing Camera Raw plugin in Elements<Version Number> folder with the plug-in that you copied in step 8."


but actually, I had to put the plugin .8bi file into the "...\Elements<Version Number>\File Formats" folder, to get ACR 14.1 working (I did understand the instruction, but it was a little confusing the way that it was worded).

By @jimohaya


Yes, agreed.


Steps 7 and 9 are accurate but Step 10 would perhaps be more precise if it said:


"Replace the existing Camera Raw plugin in the Elements<Version Number>\File formats folder with the plug-in that you copied in step 8."






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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Thanks for answering ALL of my questions!!









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Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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@jimohaya said:

But, like I said, I have PSE 2021, but the path I see in my system is NOT "Elements 21", but rather I see "Elements 19":


What you see is correct. Elements 2021 is version 19 and Elements 2022 is version 20.  The confusing change in names is a marketing ploy that the developers didn't buy into.  😉





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Explorer ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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Hi Greg, My screen shot is like Jims', missing a few tools that yours seems to have--- not sure how to make them appear.

Just happy I have it now, thanks everyone as was not easy for me to do.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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Hi @Barbara224160921ej5 


Camera Raw is a plugin for Photoshop Elements.


When you open an ARW file (or a Raw file from any camera), it opens in the Camera Raw plugin first for you to edit the Raw file. That's what you're seeing in the screenshot you posted. You don't need to do any editing in Camera Raw but the option is there.


Then, in the Camera Raw window, click Open or Done and the image will open in the Photoshop Elements Editor. That's what you're seeing in the screenshot Greg posted. Greg opened his Raw file in Camera Raw first and subsequently took the screenshot from the PSE 2022 Editor window.





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Guru ,
Dec 30, 2021 Dec 30, 2021

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I know you've seen this..... how are things one year in the future?

2021-07-21_183213 (1).jpg





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Community Expert ,
Mar 04, 2022 Mar 04, 2022

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One of the users over at another forum was asking about PSE 2022 and Sony A7iv RAW/ARW files, and I had pointed them to that thread that I linked above, but they tried that, and it didn't work.  They have apparently been told that that didn't work because ACR 14.1 is not compatible with PSE 2022. 


Does anyone know if that is correct?

By @jimohaya


It's not mainly a 'compatibility' issue, it's that the Photoshop and the Elements ACR modules are different, even if they have the same version number. So, the only way to have the 'latest' ACR version available to Elements was to include it in the installation file for Elements, not only updating the plugin. Since PSE2020 if I remember well, Adobe has published a workaround which you have used yourself to update the list of supported cameras, NOT the ACR module itself.

From what we can see in this and other forums, perhaps a quarter of the users attempting the workaround are not able to follow the correct steps.


Now, back to ACR 14.1 a PSE update has been released a few days ago wich also updated the ACR Elements plugin to 14.1. You should have been notified for this automatically. I don't see any reason why you can't update to 14.2 with the workaround, but the vast majority of Elements users don't get any advantage from more recent versions than 13.3 which was installed with PSE 2022. It's only for support for new cameras. I can't say anything for the ACR updates for versions bought from Mac/Wijndows stores.







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Community Expert ,
Mar 04, 2022 Mar 04, 2022

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Also, if ACR 14.1 is not compatible with PSE 2022, is the expectation that a later ACR version (e.g., ACR 14.2 or greater) WILL be compatible with PSE 2022?


Or is there NO intention to have an ACR that will work with PSE 2022, and if that case, does that mean that PSE 2022 will never be able to work with the Sony A7iv RAW/ARW files directly?





By @jimohaya


As mentioned in my other answer, everbody should have received the notice of the 14.1 update for both PSE and its ACR module.

Except for the last few years, there was no safe workaround to update the list of supported cameras. Elements was limited to the available version (PSE specific) when the PSE version was launched. Very often, a new free ACR update was offered during the first year. That did not mean that users with new cameras could not use them. Adobe has always offered the free DNGconverter which can batch convert a whole folder of your proprietary raw files to the universal DNG format recognized by nearly all editing softwares. An additional batch step, but free with the same quality. Note that some camera manufacturers are smart enough to use DNG natively instead in their own limited raw formats. For those, no need to wait for the creation of a converter for each and every new camera model.






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