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UPDATE: January 29, 2021
Since the innitial post back in October of last year we have made a ton of progress and some of the details originally posted here are no longer acurate. I have updated the post to be more accurate to the state of things today.
Here are some important changes to be aware of
Thanks to everyone for testing and for all your awesome feedback! - Francis
The captioning workflow in Premiere Pro is getting a complete makeover and you can be the first to try it out! We have a new text panel for editing and viewing your captions as text. Captions now have their own track on the timeline so they can be edited just like video. Styling uses the power of the Essential Graphics panel so you can make fantastic looking captions.
Best of all – we will be adding speech to text and auto captions powered by Adobe Sensei – coming later.
Some important things to know before you start testing this feature
So, if you’re good with all that, read on . . .
Enabling the Feature:
Quickstart Guide:
Download this sample project to follow along PR New Captions Workflow
Play around with visual styles in the Essential Graphics panel and try editing the text in the Text panel. Read on for more detailed info on the various pieces of the workflow.
The Text Panel
Open the Text panel from the Window menu. This is where you interact with text and it has two tabs – Transcript and Captions
The Caption track - working with captions in the Sequence
We have completely reimagined the way captions work in Premiere Pro. If you have used captions previously in Premiere Pro, this is totally different – much better we think. Please tell us what YOU think by leaving a public comment below.
Create and delete caption tracks
There are a few ways to create a new caption track. You can drag an SRT file onto the Sequence or use the “Create new captions track” button in the Captions tab of the Text panel. To delete a caption track, right-click on the caption track header and choose “delete track”
Drag an SRT file on the sequence
Dragging an SRT caption file onto the Sequence will automatically create a new caption track at the top of the Timeline.
Keyboard Shortcuts
To see all the keyboard shortcuts available for captions, open the keyboard shortcuts menu from the Premiere Pro menu and search for "caption". Here are some notable ones. There are many other which do not have default assignments.
Captions tracks
This can hide the caption track area or solo just the active caption track if you have more than one. It is useful if you want to declutter your timeline. It does not turn off the active caption track from rendering in the program monitor, however.
This will enable/disable Program Monitor viewing of the Caption track selected. Only one Caption track can be active at a time, so when you make one track active, the other tracks will automatically be disabled. You can also choose to disable all Caption tracks. Inactive Caption tracks will dim making it easier to note your active Caption track.
By default, this will show the caption track format (eg Subtitles, CEA-708, CEA-608, etc.) You can right-click the Caption track header and choose Rename to choose a custom name (same functionality as A/V tracks)
Additional caption tracks can be added by right-clicking in the caption track header – choose “Add Track”. You can also delete or rename a caption track in the same way.
Caption tracks will always be at the top of the sequence. Additional caption tracks are added on top. This will continue until you have reached 25% of the Timeline vertical space, then the tracks will stop “growing” and scroll bars will appear to the right. Caption tracks will never take up more than 25% of the upper space of the Timeline. This is dynamic, so if you increase or decrease the Timeline panel height, the 25% will adjust accordingly.
Lock the track to prevent editing. This functions the same as A/V tracks.
The Caption track header has a ‘Toggle the track targeting for this track’ button with same functionality as A/V tracks.
The Caption track header has a ‘Toggle Sync Lock’ button with same functionality as A/V tracks.
Editing timing of caption items on the track
You can use all the familiar editing tools that you are used just like editing video and audio.
Styling with the Essential Graphics panel
Open the Essential Graphics panel from the Window menu. This is where you choose things like font, size, color and position. Make sure you have at least one caption selected. This will activate the Edit tab of the Essential Graphics panel. If you have created and stylized text in Premiere Pro before, the following should be very familiar to you. However, for captions we are adding small enhancements such as zones, and vertical text alignment.
Align and Transform
Transcribing the dialog into captions
You have three options for transcribing your audio and creating captions: speech to text, use a third-party service, or do it by hand.
Speech to text
Use a third-party service
If you already have a workflow that uses a third party transcription service, you can bring in that file. SRT is the best option.
Do it by hand
For short sequences, doing it by hand may not too much trouble.
Exporting your sequence with captions
There are three options for exporting captions: burned in, sidecar file, or embedded into the video file.
Happy captioning! Once again, we welcome your feedback. Please leave comments below.
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Found 'Transcriptive' extension does this!
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Is there any way to show multiple caption tracks at the same time? I understand it might be a narrow request but is there some way to bypass that "one eyeball at a time" lock? I would like to be able to burn in subtitles from different speakers who speak at the same time but keep their styles different.
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This has been requested by many users.
See my post above for a link to a workaround using nesting.
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Is it possible to have two different caption tracks showing at the same time? I couldn't find out to turn off "Toggle Active Caption Track" I saw someone mentioned a nesting work around, I was just wondering if the main issue had been solved.
I originally just wanted to have two lines of captions with different fonts, colors and styles, but I found every time I tried to change the style it would select all of the text. Is there a way to work around this?
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The main issue has not been solved.
This was probably the post you saw about some ways nesting can be used:
See this post for a workaround using nesting:
You can also create additional "blocks" within a caption segment, and the blocks can be styled differently. See Trent's post here and the discussion that follows:
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Thank you this is exactly what I was looking for! 🙂
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I have just noticed something in the transcript part. I have made choices concerning splitting captions and return to line. Once everything is set and I push the create caption choices are not respected. Would be great if my work was respected once captions are created.
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Richard, that was a good test. It would hard to pull off with no ability to edit the timecode. This goes with the more general question of whether and how we will have any control over the process for creating captions out of the transcript. So far it is "automatic" and "no control (or knowledge) of the rules." Another option is to override with a "manual based on edits." And another options would be to have options for rules (max characters per line; max lines per caption segment, etc).
Feature request...
See this thread:
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Thx Stan,
When I split a sentence, the timecode is adjusted and follow the word where I have cuted wich is great. I mostly review my text in the Transcript part before creating the captions and I think this is great and also being able to replace words, wich is great too. I don't think the first option is useful " override with a "manual based on edits " since I would consider that if I make a change, I want to keep it when I create captions. The other option " options for rules (max characters per line; max lines per caption segment, etc)" would be great for sure !
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I updated to the latest premiere beta this morning and tried to edit some captions and premiere went sort of wonky on me.
It was working fine for about 10 minutes into the show and then i tried stopping playback to change a word and the caption window lost its mind and went blank for a bit and then changed the sentence structure of everything and was scrolling for a bit on its own highlighting some words that had played earlier. then once it finally stopped it had completely changed the caption lines and did some bizarre grouping into very large paragraphs of text. I saved and closed and launched it again but it comes up the same now. As you can see in the screenshot the captions in the timeline look normal as before with short single line text with a few words on each line. However the caption window has grouped some of them into long paragraphs, and has even changed the timecodes for them. It sort of looks like the transcript window text instead of the caption text.
I am not sure what i should do next?
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So i have continued editing captions and it seems to toggle back and forth at times between the normal caption display with the short accurate lines and then after i make an edit or even after saving my project the caption window will reset and display the captions as long sentences or paragraphs instead of the individual lines.
Also it is behaving very "laggy" like when i try to edit a word it becomes very slow and takes a couple seconds to edit a word now.
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> display the captions as long sentences or paragraphs instead of the individual lines.
Wow. That is bizaare! Were these based on a PR transcript initially?
I'd file a bug report and pass on copies of your project file. I would do some "save a copy" so you have some iterations. The captions are saved in the caption file.
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I updated to the new Beta version this morning but still have the same bizarre bahavior with the caption window.
It seems to cycle back and forth between the proper single lines and the large sentences or paragraphs at random while i play or attempt to edit.
Any time i click on a caption in the timeline or click on a word in the caption window to edit it then it will revert to the proper single line display of the text. but afterwards it randomly goes back to the incorrect view.
For example i edited a word and then it was playing fine. but then i hit stop and clicked ctrl-s to save and then pressed spacebar to play again and when i did the caption window went blank for about a second and the sentences/paragraphs version came back.
Also something else i noticed is that in the paragraph view when i am playing it highlights the proper single word as it is playing as premiere has normally done in the past. However when i get it back into the normal single line view mode it no longer highlights the single word but highlights the complete caption line of text now during playback.
here are 2 more pics showing the difference.
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Today's Beta release appears to have fixed this bug. I edited for a bit with it and can no longer replicate the issue.
Good job and thanks so much for taking care of this!
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Appreciate its all linked... appreciate even more that the option exists (seriously, thank you)... but would it be possible to get direct access to diabling 'Smart Quotes' in the Text Panel instead of having to go to the Essential Graphics panel to switch them off? It's not super intuitive.
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Heads up, we are making some changes to the trascription back-end that will make speaker identification no longer function. Update to the latest beta version to keep using this feature. More details here:
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Hi - just started using the automatic transcript function and find it to be a huge assset. However, one of the sequences I tried transcribing is now playing back at twice normal speed. Even the source clip is playing at twice normal speed when I match frame back to it. I have checked audio hardware and sequence settings and don't know what else to do. I would like to try deleting the transcript and starting over but I can't even figure out how to do that! Thanks.
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I have a question about Track Style of captions which is in Essential Graphics window. Is it possible to delete old styles? Also, I'd like to share styles with my team - is this possible? Is there a location somewhere on my mac with these presets - just like for keyboard layout or different export settings Documents/Adobe/..?
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> Is it possible to delete old styles? Also, I'd like to share styles with my team - is this possible?
See my post here:
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Found it! So the new saved Track Style just appears in the project window and from there it can be deleted, renamed or exported and likewise one can import styles created by others. The styles will then automatically appear in the Essential Graphics dropdown menu. That's pretty neat! 🙂
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the fact that it "happens" in the project is already a good idea ...
BUT, for "big network" (hundreds of users, multi-sites connected, interconnected NAS-SAN storage, sharing of projects and skins,...), how could we exchange-share-propose a set of styles in a dynamic and permanent way?
Could you consider this in the same way as you did with the Graphic Essentials (integration of a patch with folder management for example)?
Thanks for your attention, Vincent.
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@Pyjama10 I agree. Sharing them via Libraries would work great for me, but others have other needs. 🙂
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Here's the user voice link. I see that you added a comment there.
The rest of you; Upvote it!
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Can't transcribe any more.
As of today I get a greyed out "Transcribe" button. Could be something to do with the switchover from early adopter to all access. The error initially shows "User not approved..." , then "Received bad network response".
This is on 15.2 and 15.4.
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I tried everything! But cant get superscript to work in captions. Once I click on superscript it decreaes all the text.
I dont think its working properly?