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So I am working in Beta version 24.6.0 and I am to the point in my video where I want to add some cool mogrts and the "Graphics Template" window is available but NOT Essential Graphics. Just to make sure I got the terms correct, I opened up my other PP progrma and sure enough.
So why did Abobe make the change? Graphics are not displayed under the Effect Controls inside of in the Essential Graphics panel. It is just WEIRD!!! To edit a mogrt you would ALWAYS go to the Essential Graphics panel. The "Graphics Template" is just that...a way to look at mogrts on your computer. But don't try to edit them in this panel.
Like always with Adobe, they make changes but really never tell you why they changed something. "Someone, somewhere, somehow thought up a horrible idea in a meeting and some decision maker said, "Hey, that's a great idea...let's completely change the way they edit their mogrts."
NOT funny adobe, not funny at all.
Hi @fernando alves,
We've implemented a new workflow - please open the Graphics Templates panel to access your mogrts, then open the new Properties Panel to edit the controls.
Sorry for the confusion, we're currently working on a way to highlight the change.
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Your points are valid @Randune23 ... I don't like it either when my UI radically changes in apps I use constantly without much notice. But the link that @Ann Bens shared explains the new changes pretty well. Also note that the switch to Properties Panel in PrPro is ONLY in Beta for now. There will be broader, louder announcements before the feature officially releases.
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Well for the ease of editing mogrts, I hope it stays in the beta version and never makes its way to the full PP version. As I am working on a big promo video for an event at work, for whatever reason, I opened up last year's project and since it was created in last year's beta, it opened up in beta.
So without thinking about it, I started making this year's video in beta. And that is when I ran into all the issues with the absence of the Essential Graphics panel. In fact, I opened up the current PP version and LOVED how easy it was to edit my mogrts. Ahhh, how I long for those days again.
In fact, the next videos for my YouTube channel, I am going to make sure I DO NOT start a new project in a beta version.
I read the article by Ann Bens and it's cute but doesn't really explain the move away from the Essential Graphics panel to the new Graphics Template.
Have a great day!!!
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Yeah this new version is TRASH. I have to have two panels open for text instead of one, and the second one is floating? Why fix something that wasn't broke? This is much more horrible than it used to be with Essential Graphics. Someone make them change it back
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Panels you can dock.
Its all there just in a different order.
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Hello. community,
Abobe Premiere version 24.6.0 BETA (Build 30)
Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1
Where is the "Essential Graphic" tab. I use a lot this tab. Now can not find it. If It doesn't exist anymore, what is the tab that correspond "Essential Graphics".
Thanks a lot
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Hi @fernando alves,
We've implemented a new workflow - please open the Graphics Templates panel to access your mogrts, then open the new Properties Panel to edit the controls.
Sorry for the confusion, we're currently working on a way to highlight the change.
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Thanks a lot, @Theresa Rostek !
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This is the dumbest thing, why would such a stupid change be made.... Makes no sense, I'm getting closer and closer to using da vinci resolve for editing. Stop making dumb changes, please!
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I agree, this the worst! And at the worst possible time! I'm making media presentations for a museum, right now on the biggest and most complexed exhibition we hav had in 10 years opening date november 17, and I'm currently wrestling with an artistic 12x20 feet projection covering an entire wall. I have got enough problems rigging projectors and warping wall2wall projektion to fit the archtctural structiure, and the last thing I need is to loose all the graphic tools and desperatley go wild goose chasing for them in 12000 different menues not sure to find them as they may or may not exist anymore. I got a long and strong neck but not this strong, so thanks a lot for leaving me hanging.
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I just 'upgraded' to PP 25 and I have to say, the changes to the Essential Graphics are totally unworkable for me.
It now takes me two steps to create the text and adjust the properties, instead of having the essential graphics window open to access text creation and adjustments at once.
I can not afford such a slowdown, as I edit funeral videos and have 60 templates to work from and I have to maximise my workflow as much as possible to keep up with all the jobs.
Please, this has now becom an unworkable bug and must be reversed as soon as possible.
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Also, you've taken away the X/Y centering in properties for graphics!
Why? Why? Why?
Is Adobe seriously out to make everyones workflow more difficult?
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Correction, you've hidden the X/Y centering at the bottom of the Properties panel.
Still making my workflow harder, having to look for everything in two places and scroll down, where previously it was all in the one panel at eye level.
Not happy.
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It's a really horrible change, without this guide I'd never of found it.
It also pops out as a seperate window and like some windows allow you to re-dock. This one doesn't seem to allow that.
Very frustrating change.
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STOP changing things that didn't need to be changed. Of all the crappy PP things that need to be fixed...this isn't one of them.
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Nothing is solved. Im knocking out a video to my newsletter subscribers and I can't find the fonts anywhere. This may rank as one of the most stupid things I've ever known Adobe to do. Why would you make such an essential tool so hard to find? Just admit your mistake and put it back the way it was. Hard to find fonts? That goes exactly against any great design function.. which is to make it simple. I still can't find it in the "Graphics Template" as you suggest.. I just see those templates I have never used or needed, and adobe stock, which I don't use. I think I'm going to give up tonight and just upload it with zero fonts. Thanks.
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These changes Adobe is making are driving people nutts!!!!
We are used to a workflow!!!
It works fine!
Why change????????????
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With all due respect, highlight the change by reversing it. Simple.
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I can't even figure this out, nothing appears for me even with the basic instructions. Below, why do you make these dumb changes. Literally no controls appear for me in properties
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Hilight the text or shape on the properties panel
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My Premiere 24 wasnt working properly, had to move to Beta 25, as a workaround , but the properties panel control does not give any elements in text on captions to be able to controlled.
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This was a horrible UI change. Just terrible. It makes zero sense. Put it back. I'm edging closer and closer to leaving PP behind and going back to FCPX. I should have never left.
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I'm also really confused here! I'm trying to change the font, color, etc on all my captions at once. Before I could highlight them all and go into Essential Graphics and change everything right there. Not I CANNOT find those settings anywhere and can't figure out how to change the settings on all my captions at once. I don't want to edit them all individually....
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I am having the same problems, I need a video to be ready by tomorrow and all I had with new version was a NIGHTMARE for the captions. I select them, then go to properties and it won't allow me to edit them. I understand the need to inovate and keep up but if something is working well I personally don't see the need of change.
ADOBE, if you do changes make sure to update the website on instructions guys because I'm already 2h lost trying to figure it out and I'm guessing you're not going to deduct it from the next invoice.
@fernando alves could you please assist us on this issue.🙏