In Adobe Premiere Pro when custom kymap is loaded. Mark In(I) and Mark Out(O) starts also playback in the clip. This happens sometimes randomly and sometimes every time Mark In or Mark Out is either used from keyboard or with mouse under the video window. This doesn't happen when default keymap is loaded.
There is no overlapping shortcuts in custom keymap. One thing we have noticed when in Preferences -> Playback menu Enable Mercury Transmit is on this doesn't happen. But when its off, playback strats almost every time user tries to put Mark In or Mark Out.
No possibility to update from this version, and this bug is peresent in multiple machines and users.
1. We have Adobe Premiere Pro 23.6.2.
2. Running on Windows 11
3. Change to custom keymap (which was created when we had older version of Premiere (22.??) )
4. Expected to mark in and mark out just put marks to clip. But it also starts playback on the clip