Difficulties exporting in adobe premiere pro "run out of application memory"
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Hi all, I'm working with Adobe Premiere Pro (version 2020) on a MacBook Pro High Sierra, version 10.13.6. I never had any issues till recently. Editing is no problem, but I have difficulties exporting the final video. The Error message reads "Your system has run out of application memory". I checked all my memories and still have lots of space left. The footage is on an external hard drive (Transcend), but I also tried a different hard drive and made the same edit on the laptop's internal hard drive. The same problem keeps occurring. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks.
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Restart and try again with only Premiere Pro open (so, no Google Chrome), making sure that only the Sequence that you are exporting is open.
If you encounter this message again, try rendering the Sequence from start to finish such that any Red or Yellow in the Timline is Green (use Squeence Render In to Out to turn Yellow to Green) and then when exporting make sure "Use Previews" is enabbled.
Other things:
- How much RAM does your Mac have?
- Are your sourc footage clips using a mezzanine CODEC (ProRes, DNx, or Cineform)?
- Is your curent Sequence Video Previews set to match your source footage mezzanine CODEC?
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Hi, thank you for your reply. I tried rendering first, as you suggested, but I get the same message "run out of application memory", so I can't even Render in to out. What would this mean?
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It means what it says, Premiere Pro is out of memory.
While the minimum requirement of RAM is 8GB, the rcommended amount is as follows:
Apple silicon:
16 GB of unified memory
- 16 GB of RAM for HD media
- 32 GB for 4K media or higher
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Hi, thank you for your reply. I have 16GB RAM. The bizarre thing is that some projects export perfectly (also 'difficult edits with extra sound layers and video effects), while others don't. Even another version of the same footage (sent to me via wetransfer) might make a difference. If the problem occurs, 'something' suddenly boosts the memory usage during the export to such an extent that I have to close Adobe Premiere. For other videos, the memory pressure graph stays a nice green line. I thought it was related to the codec, but that doesn't seem to be the cause either. Please let me know if you could if any assistance here. Thanks anyway!
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Are you running Premiere Pro 23.1? Under macOS, there is a known issue where a Sequence might not release memory as it should. The fix is to use Creative Clould Desktop to roll back to version 23.0 (the 23.1 project file should open) or install and use the 23.3 beta if available in the Creative Cloud Desktop Beta tab (acces to the public beta can be limited for Adobe IDs that have an Enterprise account administrator).