Why....why.... why!
there beem minmum of 5 updates of which has passed since the rise in individuals reporting upon this same problem of the Transform effect not acting accordingly, even when placed with no shutter angle change in some instances the Anchor Point won't align with the motion sections Anchor Point Coordinates. yes I've heard of all the workarounds like nesting prior to apply the effect, Etc. Though none have resolved my problem entirely as they are very volatile in their effectiveness from Project to project in my experience.
I don't understand how a software that have been around for less time like DaVinci Resolve has no problem with Transform effects, But the editing software that has been the main contestant in editing software industry being Premiere Pro, has yet to address this issue
I honestly don't understand how people have not gathered to try to apply joint pressure to Adobe to fix this bug .
And yes I have heard that Nvidia graphic cards apparently are the ones that have the problem most frequently, but that too does not make sense as Premiere Pro is partnered with Nividia And thus have all reason to sort this problem for NVIDIA based consumers of premiere pro.
please excuse me if this message comes off emotionally strong it's just that this bug is literally the bane of my existence
It's literally brought me to the point where I am genuinely considerihg learning DaVinci resolve from the ground up just for the sake of avoiding this problem, As I'm seriously losing hope that Adobe is going to address this bug.