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Ok guys so I am rendering a 29.53 min documentary and adove is telling me it is going to take 124 hrs to render?!? Now mind you i just remdered this same file the day before and it took 2.5 hrs same color grade effects and all thebonly difference is I added an adjustment layer with an unsharp mask to the whole file. Why is this happening I have a 2017 - 2018 Mac book Pro everything is updated to Catalina and adobe to to the latest CC. Please help!
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I think that's just the 'reletive time' time. I sometimes see it will take days to render. Once it's been rendering for a short while, it should come down to an hour or so.
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You might set your preview (render) format to match how you want to output, then render your entire sequence and when you export your sequence make sure you select use previews. Also, make sure you don't have a wayward clip way down past the end of your sequence in the timeline. Had a panicked call from a client a while ago with exactly your problem. I rushed over and we banged our heads against the wall til the wall and our heads were bloody til we discovered she had a clip a couple hours down in the timeline. Shift-z when the timeline is active should toggle to a full view of everything in the sequence....
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also, not sure how difficult the adjustment layer would be to render. You might tyr turning the adjustment layer off and see if the export time drops substantially.
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"the only difference is I added an adjustment layer with an unsharp mask to the whole file."
UNSHARP MASK adds a LOT of render time unfortunately. Should not be THAT much, but a lot. Perhaps it's a combination of things - the perfect storm - causing this? Try exporting without Unsharp applied to an intermediate codec like ProRes or DNxHD. Then import that new clip into new project and apply the Unsharp Mask. Hard drive speeds can play a role as well.
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And I should also ask, what are you editing, HD, 4K? If we can see a screen grab of Export Settings that can be quite helpful as well
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[Screenshot fixed by mod]
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Idk why that posted sideways
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Unsharpen mask is a cpu intensive effect.
Also turn off Max Render (increases rendertime) and Previews (wrong codec).
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Assuming you have an appropriate GPU in the computer, you can uncheck the Max Render Quality, adds time.
I see now the issue - Unsharp Mask takes forever with I can't even image the time it takes with 4K footage. Well actually I takes 124 hours apparently.
Do you need to deliver the doc in 4K or would HD work? Exporting to H.264 takes a lot longer than many other formats since it uses Long-GOP compression. You might find that a multi-step export process could be much quicker in total than the current all-at-once workflow. But will require a lot of fast storage.
Export without Unsharp to intermediate clip. Apply Unsharp to intermediate clip and export again to another intermediate. Then encode that final intermediate to H.264. It's good practice anyway to have a HIGH QUALITY master clip rather than the only copy being compressed H.264.
I think that exporting the COMBINATION of color grading, Unsharp, and going to H.264 all at once may be exponetially increasing the render times versus doing it in steps.
Try a short sample of say 1 minute or 5 minutes this way and see how the processing times are.