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Audio Distorted on Export since Monterey 12.3

New Here ,
Jun 17, 2022 Jun 17, 2022

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This is not a bug report, I am asking the community if there is a fix for this issue. I just want to preface my understanding of the responsibility for this issue, and how it is mostly Apple's, before I explain the issue.


Hi, I recently installed macOS Monterey 12.3. I have never had issues with exporting from Premiere Pro until the first time I used it since the update.

Since updating, though, audio comes out distorted, compressed, or the less formal term crunchy. It basically sounds as if you set a 2012 speaker to the highest volume and it started blowing out horribly.

I have not changed my export settings since, and I attempted exporting directly as well as by sending it to the Media encoder then exporting from there. The audio I am trying to export does surpass -6 dB at a few points, but never reaches 0 so I'm not sure why it is so blown out. 

I've attached my export and source info, please tell me if there is a fix for this that any other M1 users know of.Screen Shot 2022-06-17 at 3.20.36 PM.png

Audio , Export






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