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Auto-Fade In? Audio Track is clipped at the beginning

Community Beginner ,
Sep 15, 2024 Sep 15, 2024

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I've looked all over and can't find a solution, I'm hoping that someone here might have a solution.


This consistenly happens across different projects I'm working on, the audio or dialogue track fades in when the sound starts in the clip.  The length of silence at the beginning of the clip/segment/track doesn't change anything.  I'm am using .WAV files.  The result is that if the text/words start with "As", the entire word is dropped from the .mp4 export.  Or the word "Therefore" sounds like "erefore".


There isn't a transition or fade in that I can see, DeNoise isn't being used, in the Sound Elements tab nothing is selected (meaning it isn't trying to clean up dialogue).  I'm not using noise cancelling headphones, but am wired directly to external speakers.


If I replay the clip several times in a row, or rather only let the first few seconds play, and then replay that segment again and again, by the 4th time Premiere Pro will stop fading in the track and I can hear the first part of the clip.  But if I wait a few seconds and play it again, it reverts to the Fade-in/Fade-up, and when I export using Media Encoder, the audio track is exported with the faulty audio.  Any thoughts or fixes I could check?  Thanks!!!


Basically, how to I get Premiere Pro to play this audio clip at full volume from the beginning?


Screen Shot 2024-09-12 at 12.13.29 PM.pngScreen Shot 2024-09-15 at 3.27.21 PM.png

Audio , Error or problem , How to




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 15, 2024 Sep 15, 2024

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If I add a sound effect before the audio clip, the clip surprisingly plays normally as intended.  Meaning you can hear the entire word and there is no fade-in/fade-up.







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Community Expert ,
Sep 16, 2024 Sep 16, 2024

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When you check the audio in your Audio Meters, do you see the fade? If not, it might suggest an issue outside of Premiere, like an audio limiter or sound settings problem.

Additionally, your audio looks quite loud in the timeline, which could cause peaking and result in drop-outs.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 16, 2024 Sep 16, 2024

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Thanks for the suggestions!  Much appreciated.  I pulled up the Audio Workspace and checked the audio meters.  I don't see a fade.  Right from the start of the main audio segment, it shows as just shy of clipping (assume this is the same as peaking) at -1 ish, then drops lower.    I even dragged the db slider down and replayed the segment at a lower volume, and it still fades-in the first word (Not on the Meter, but audibly, sound wise).  


I do have the audio showing louder, but beyond the first word (which doesn't clip), the volume output remains between -6db and -3db, with the majority bouncing around -5db.  I'm thinking this is a good range....


I'll try looking into an audio limiter or sound setting next, thanks!  The only catch is that videos export into mp4 format with the fade-in.... which is weird.  

Another thing I noticed is when I playback the clip, if I start the audio where 1 is marked below, the sound playes normally, going from one clip to the next without any fade ins.  When I playback the clip starting at where I marked #2, the audio track fades in.  So odd!  At this point, if there isn't a ready answer, I might just include a little logo or jingle at the begining of each video to get around the issue. 


Screen Shot 2024-09-16 at 2.18.22 PM.png




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Community Expert ,
Sep 16, 2024 Sep 16, 2024

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If you're not seeing the fade in the audio meters, it's likely a system setting outside of Premiere. To verify this, export the audio and play it on another device, like your phone. If the fade does not appear there, the issue is with your computer's sound settings, not the file.

Keep in mind that solving the problem inside Premiere may only address an issue specific to your machine, and the audio may work fine on other devices or systems.




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