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'backup' vs 'sync' when working with 'creative cloud assets'

Community Beginner ,
Sep 28, 2021 Sep 28, 2021

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Hi.  I'm a beginner trying to figure out the best workflow for importing iphone videos to edit in APP and other CC apps.


my 'modus operandi' has been to auto-upload all my video files using the 'google photos' ios app.  i would prefer to auto-upload to 'google drive' from the iphone but have found no seamless way to auto-back up like there is in the 'google photos' ios app.


since i startd learning APP, i started plugging in the iphone to macbook and using 'image capture' to load onto the macbook.  that was the method i used for years, right up until i discovered the 'google photos' ios app.  but as most users would agree, the 'google photos ios app' is very prone to error.  thee app would show that your 'backup was complete' but for me, there were always a few 'straggler' video clips on the iphone.


returning to the 'image capture' method, i've found that it's become way more seamless since the last time i used it.  3 years ago there would usually at least 1 'hiccup' per uploading session.  now, the 'the image capture method' seems to be operating error-free at a reasonable speed.  and then there's 'airdrop' which makes things even easier.  


but that's where i hit the first snag.  i can upload iphone videos to macbook, which has lots of 'storage space' and more than enough CPU / RAM.  my internet download/upload speed is fast.


i have an 'external hard drive' set up as 'time machine backup' so that ultimately all my video clips are secure (as long as the external hard drive has enough space and the transfers are working properly for both 'time machine' + 'iphone --> macbook'.  i also have 2 TB icloud plan to doubly back it up.


unfortunately, my 'data storage organizational system' revolves around using 'google drive' as primary cloud service.  i have a 10 TB account with 5 TB free.  when i discovered 'google backup + sync' a few years ago, i thought it was the final answer for unlimited cloud storage going forward.  but, as many others will attest, 'backup + sync' NEVER worked properly and stilll doesn't work properly.  despite explicitly making sure all settings are for using the 'drive account' to back up all my 'macbook' data over time.  to upload all macbook files to 'google drive' and never have 'google drive' sync anything back to the macbook.  but it always found a way to start dumping files back on my macbook in thse strange folder locations.  there are supposed to be 'check marks' that indicate when a macbook file was uploaded to google drive (so that you could safely delete it knowing that it would not also be deleted in google drive).  that never worked right for me either.


and so now i've committed myself to manually uploadiong files from 'macbook' to 'google drive' and finding a way to monitor gdrive duplicates (i've found that google drive only detects duplicates in the same folder so that you could be unknowingly uploading duplicates that you have since moved to other folders in gdrive).


this method is seriously hampered by the fact that no matter how much storage space u have or how perfectly your computer + internet connections are operating, organizing files within 'google drive' is incredibly slow once you start trying to move around over 100 files at a time or try to re-organize folders that contain thousands of items.  in these cases, i cant even start divvying up the files into sub-folders because just the act of highlighting files brings computer to grinding halt.


i then discovered 'multcloud'.  it's the only multi-cloud service i could find at the time.  i thought maybe i would be able to re-arranging my google drive files from this interface (with a premium account you can transfer files between different accounts in different cloud storages).  even with the premium unlimited plan, there was no easy way for me to move more than 50 files at a time without grinding to halt.  and the search function never worked for me, just a spinning wheel.



(sorry for the long windedness, i'm just trying to sort out the 'data flow' in my head to formulate my questions properly)


i've been a 'creative cloud' user for several years now, but this is the first time i'm making the serious effort to master APP..  i started reading about 'creative cloud assets' and realized that itd be a good idea to learn everything i can about them.  after doing so, im still confused....


when i open APP and navigate to 'libraries' panel, should i drag/drop video files off my macbook?  when i do this, is the file being uploaded to a 'CC cloud storage account where i have the 100 GB storage capacity?  or is it being organized but still stored on my computer?


for many years i've been operating under the premise that the 'final solution' for cloud computing would be to have my  10 TB google drive account be the central hub.  i would gladly pay the premium for the highest tier 'google storage account' and the 'all apps creative cloud' account.


but now i'm reading that its better to work with video clips stored locally or on an external hard drive. not entirely sure i understand the reason, is it something to do with the risk of access to 'gooogle drive' may cause files to become unavailable over stretches of time?  i had just idealized the ultimate goal of working totally off the cloud,  as my hard drives are going to die long before 'google' does.




which brings me to the main question?  does the 100 GB adobe storage plan mean that i can back up 100 GB to the 'adobe cloud' and safely delete them off my computer?  does working from an 'adobe cloud' overcome the comoplications that arise when working from a 'google drive' cloud?  or do all the files need to remain on the computer and the 100 GB limit refers to how large your 'shared sync data' can be?


if i can backup 100GB to adbe cloud and it is fine to use for data storage, that would be ideal., since 100 GB is more than enough space for the basic editing projects i'd be doing.  then i could just start backing up 'adobe cloud' to the 'google drive cloud' which now extends far futherer into TB to the point where i couldn't imagine ever running out of space if i tried.


*appreiate any guidance!*


what does your basic data workflow look like?  


(in form of.....)


*iphone* --> *macbook* --> *APP libraries panel*




orry for long post! 
(it's my first)



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