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I updated my premiere pro to the latest version Premiere Pro CC 2018.
I can't open Color Tab now.
Here is the youtube link
Hope I can get the solution soon.
Thanks folks,
When you switch workspaces and get a blank screen, try going to the menu Window > Workspaces > Reset To Saved Layout. Any experience you may have to do this a couple of time before the problem stops.
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When you switch workspaces and get a blank screen, try going to the menu Window > Workspaces > Reset To Saved Layout. Any experience you may have to do this a couple of time before the problem stops.
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Hi MtD,
It works!
But, then the editing tab got the same problem.
I do the same like you told me to do.
And it works.
I will post an update if the problem still there.
Thank you
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It´s dosent work for me! any other things i can try ?? Need a fix NOW !
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Having the same issue. Is there a fix yet? Mid 2012 Mac Pro on Sierra.
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That didnt work for me and now also editing is not showing up. Only my save layout....??
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If all else fails, nuke the sucker, right?
Use the Adobe CC Cleaner Tool to uninstall and clean-up after the uninstall. Then reboot, and from the CC Desktop app, download/install a fresh copy of PrPro.
Adobe CC Cleaner App