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I'm exported a video from Premier Pro 19 as an mp4 file. When I try to Air Drop the mp4 to my iPhone, I get this message on my phone: "Failed to save item. Save to iCloud Drive Instead?" Why wouldn't I be able to AirDrop this to my photos in a normal manner? Is anyone able to airdrop their Premier Pro exported projects to their iOS device?
People have posted this question, but I found no clear answer:
Can't airdrop premeire pro 18 projects to iphone help
Premier Pro Video Failing airdrop
I was able to airdrop it when I followed these sequence settings and export settings.
I think I found it! — I was having the SAME problem. I switched this ONE thing and suddenly it worked!
Change your field order to Progressive.
Hope this Helps!
I have been trying to airdrop from an external HD and have been getting the failed error. I just dropped the file on my desktop and tried again, AND IT WORKED! not sure why. But maybe that can help someone else.
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I WANT TO KISS YOUR SHINY BALD HEAD!! Was about to punch a hole in my macbook screen I was so frustrated but changed the field order to progressive in my sequence settings and export settings and am able to airdrop w no problems now. I owe you a beer good sir 🙂
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The progressive field did not work for me but this video fixed the issue!
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I've had the same issue for a while and just found the solution. I was already using a progressive field order, with no luck. Export your video in H.265. It worked like a charm.
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I started having this problem again with the latest update as of June, 2023. I tried using the export settings above but it still didn't work. I re-encoded/exported it through the program, "Handbrake" and that seemed to fix the problem.
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2023 here. Was CONSTANTLY running into the same issue and tried eveerything from lowering file sizes in the PP export window, to Media Encoder, and eveeryhting in between. Finally, I tried the quicktime hack. Open 4K video in Quicktime > File > Export as > 4K > Choose location and export as HEVC (Most important)
It should AirDrop after that. Hopefully this helps! (Feels like everyone says that at the end KEKW)
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I have been trying to airdrop from an external HD and have been getting the failed error. I just dropped the file on my desktop and tried again, AND IT WORKED! not sure why. But maybe that can help someone else.
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Does anyone know where you Change the field order. Is it before you export it?
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yes. But changing the field order from interlaced to progressive in the export dialog will not give you the best possible quality... Been a while since I've had to do this, so a little fuzzy on the best workflow, but post back if you have any questions... and either someone else will pipe up or my brain will start working a little more efficiently. Not sure how this would impact airdrop, bwdik...
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I WORKED IT OUT AFTER 2 HOURS OF TRYING (this might not work for everyone)
So i tried all the things in this comment section thing and none worked but all i had to do is change it from vbr 2 pass to vbr 1 pass and that fixed it and it went stright to the photos app when i airdropped it. hope this helps anyone else lmao.