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CFA files

Community Beginner ,
Jan 15, 2010 Jan 15, 2010

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Hello guys,

Could adobe give us the possibility to accept if we want .cfa or .pek file in cache ?

This audio file are too hudge it's ridiculus ? i never use them.

That remind me old avid system who encode each file you import ! unsuportable!

So Adobe any solution for the futur ?

Thanks for answers and sorry for my english.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Jan 15, 2010 Jan 15, 2010

Well, actually you do use those files. They are the conforming of the audio to 32-bit floating point for editing. The PEK files are the Waveform Display files. They are large, but that's unfortunately the nature of editing video and audio.

As far as asking Adobe to change things, you will want to file a Feature Request form. This is just a user-to-user forum, with no Adobe presence.

Good luck,




Jan 15, 2010 Jan 15, 2010

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Well, actually you do use those files. They are the conforming of the audio to 32-bit floating point for editing. The PEK files are the Waveform Display files. They are large, but that's unfortunately the nature of editing video and audio.

As far as asking Adobe to change things, you will want to file a Feature Request form. This is just a user-to-user forum, with no Adobe presence.

Good luck,






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 16, 2010 Jan 16, 2010

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Thanks Hunt for your answer,

i know what is cfa and pek files but cfa file are too much. pek file is accetable but isn't necessary to make a DVD.....

For exemple during the creation of a DVD: i import an 60 seconds audio file (.mpa file of 2041Ko ) into Encore CS4.

Encore create or conform for this mpa file a .cfa file of 28160 Ko in cache folder, more than 10 time it's original size.

Pek file is reasonable for this 60 seconds audio file (111ko).

Aberations are not finish, Encore repeate this conform operation in a random way (for exemple when i change aplication (if i clic on windows explorer and go back into encore program or if i re-open encore project etc...) so 28160ko X nTime the random way encore conform..... for only 60 secondes audio file....

I'm working on dual layer DVD 8.7 GO project where there is more than 6 hours of audio & video. Do you better understand my pipeline problem ?

So for  DLDVD 8.7GoX10 = 87GO in the best case, just to begin......for audio reasons ?

It's why it could be reasonable than Adobe give us a way to stop this audio file conformation.

Before, i made DVD authoring with Spruce DVD maestro and i never met this aberation.

Even without this bug (conform several time the same file without understand why) i just found this way of working absurde because my objective is to make a DVD, and my audio .mpa file still the same .mpa file from the begining until the end of the process.

Why an mp3 audio file must be conform in 32-bit floating point if you don't make any modifications on it ? i will better understand if i was working with soundbooth to make audio modifications .... Whatever...

Sorry for my english.






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2010 Jan 17, 2010

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My conforming file problem (conform same audio file severals time in random way) comes from  Matrox AXIO LE Hardware inside my workstation (drivers must be buggy).

In most case, i like validate my  DVD Authoring work with my client by exporting my DVD Encore project with flash incorporated export (at low size 480*270).

It's more light than DVD's video_ts folder and so quicker to upload on FTP server. My client can validate easyly the DVD project online.

This "flash" encoding methode stills too long compared to DVD encoding methode and you can't make any change without have to all re encoding!

But, one more time, that creates additional hudge .CFA files in other media cache folder when exporting DVD project in flash mode (change Format DVD to Flash).NEW FOLDER "C:\NAME OF DVD PROJECT\Cache\Adobe Adobe Encore DVD Preview Files\mlf.cache.PRV"

So, when you make DVD authoring and you validate your work with flash integrated exporter : you have the maximum CFA FILES, look the size of all .cfa files that create, it's completly crazy for only a small DVD project.....  No ?


Supermicro - BI-Xeon E5440 - 32GO Ram - 1 TO LaCie 4big Quadra - Matrox AXIO LE.





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Guide ,
Jan 19, 2010 Jan 19, 2010

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Bill's right!

You need those CFA files - PEK files will not be sufficient as they would merely carry the waveform graphical content - the "peak" image.

The CFA = Conformed Audio. Without it, you cannot use the preview functionality.

If you delete the CFA files after finishing the project, that is fine - Encore will simply rebuild them the next time you launch the project.

All authoring apps using Sonic cores do this.

Even Scenarist does it - you get a RAW LPCM file in the cache on importing all audio files.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2010 Jan 19, 2010

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HI Neil,

did you well read my answer:

I just found this way of working absurde because my objective is to make a DVD, and my audio .mpa file still the same .mpa file from the begining until the end of the process.

Why an mp3 audio file must be conform in 32-bit floating point if you don't make any modifications on it ? i will better understand if i was working with soundbooth to make audio modifications .... Whatever...

I have to add i understand principe for previewing but as we start audio from mp3 we don't need 32 bits mes couill audio file it's ridiculus..... we could still with mp3 audio file or ac3 codec.......

Anyway we still work with 15 Go of cfa file for a 4.2 GB DVD... and no problems with full blu ray.

And ADD this post

This is a feature which is way over due.

I have seen complaints about this from 2006!


Why is it so difficult to include an AC3 Decoder in Encore?

Even worse is the fact that you have to dig so deep to find these files which take up so much room in order to delete them after i completed a project as there is no option to delete a project in Encore which would also delete these files.

Why should I suffer the time lose for audio conforming?

Why should Audio conforming eat so much of my hard disk space?

(A 162 MB AC3 conformed to a 2.17GB CFA file!!!!)

Why is there no choice in Encore to where conformed files should go instead of being put automatically into:

C:\Users\....\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Media Cache Files which is a hidden folder!





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2010 Jan 19, 2010

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ok ?





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Guide ,
Jan 20, 2010 Jan 20, 2010

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rudo_fr wrote:

ok ?

No,  not really.

You've missed the point completely. Sorry.

The only way you could use thopse MPA files (and this is a seriously bad choice of codec too, given it is close to unsupported in NTSC & obsolete in PAL) is for Encore to conform them - or you ain't getting any previews. Whilst not having a preview function may be acceptable for you, for most people it would not be - so conformaing is the answer as the only alternative is chewing up resources decoding on the fly during playback. This is a far worse way to go, believe me. You would not believe how fast your resources would disappear, plus there would be various real time muxing issues too.

It's that simple.

Deletion of Media Cache files should not be done via explorer either - deleting stuff in hidden folders is dangerous & notrecommended - but from the preferences dialogue "Clean Media Cache" or "Delete Media Cache" - where you can also provide an alternative location too (from memory)





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 20, 2010 Jan 20, 2010

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Hi Neil,

thanks for sharing your point of view.

I just remember me when i worked with Spruce DVD Maestro (a very good software and pionner DVD authoring software) i never need 8 GO of audio cache file to build an 4.7 Go DVD authoring or to have a good preview of my DVD job...

If we need good preview of our Encore project, we can push the preview button in Encore.

Encore, as you noticed, is not a good editing system, firstable it have to do his job: Make Authoring.

We have all the tools we need to make modifications on video or audio files in CS4 suite before make the Authoring No?

Now i'm working with Encore because there are some good tools like the possibility to exporte DVD project in Flash mode.

But sometime there is aberations like this too hight audio cache files and the Encore's files cache orgnization !

Did you ever try to clear cache files with encore when you are working on severals Encore DVD projects in same time ? Personnaly, i clear cfa file manually because when i try to clear them with encore cfa files still in cache folder.

So if Adobe keep this audio cfa cache files, they have to better organize encore project (minimu vitae: organize audio cache files by project name folders....) don't you think so ?







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Jan 20, 2010 Jan 20, 2010

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Encore does have the AC3 encoder/decoder. It has for some time. For a period of time, people with PrPro had to copy the AC3 .dll FROM Encore to PrPro to Import AC3. CS4.2 has now incorporated that capability into PrPro.

As for the conforming of the Audio files, the answer is still the same as it was when Jbowden replied to that older thread. If one wants to have a Preview, the CFA files are required, because of the emulator used. Nothing has changed.

If one is running out of HDD space, the easiest method to counter that is to add additional HDD space. It is so very cheap now, that I cannot think of a good reason to not have adequate HDD space on an editing/authoring rig.

Good luck,






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 20, 2010 Jan 20, 2010

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Ok, for the moment no choice.

So in general, Adobe have to better organize Encore projects files (Flash;DVD; Blu Ray). We will see.

One exemple: rename audio cache folder by the name of the Encore DVD project or Flash project (when transcoding). I didn't test with Blu Ray project.

Like that, when you are working on multiple hudge DVD projects, you don't have to delete all your .cfa files for refreshing the project you are working on.

It's not just an HDD space problem, organization and time are more important in my eyes... anyway.

Thank you to have participate at this discution.







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