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Choppy Playback & "Media Pending" message when stopping/restarting Multicam playback

Community Beginner ,
Dec 12, 2016 Dec 12, 2016

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Hi All,

When I'm editing a 3 camera multicam sequence I find that if I need to stop the playback to make a change to the position of an edit, when I begin playing the footage again the video playback is occasionally choppy. This happens more frequently if I need to do this often, to the point where Premiere feels like it needs to stop and think for a while before it allows the footage to playback smoothly.

I think it's a problem with data throughput, but I wanted to put it to you guys before I make a decision. I feel like it could either be that the processor in my laptop (Intel i7-6700HQ) either can't respond fast enough to the frequent requests to pause and play the footage, or that the USB 3.0 external hard drive cant serve up the footage fast enough.

I'm leaning more toward it being a problem with the external hard drive as the laptop is only a year old, however I'd like to hear any other advice people may have on the issue.

If it is the hard drive, would the problem be solved by getting an external raid array (G-SPEED XL, Drobo, etc.)?

Many Thanks in advance!






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Dec 12, 2016 Dec 12, 2016

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Hi Lloyd,

Please help me with the exact version of Premiere Pro (check from the help menu) and your system specs.

Try these steps and check if that makes any difference:

Open your project, click on File > Project settings > General and change video renderer to 'Software Only Mode' and delete previews.

You can also try cleaning up the media cache. FAQ: How to clean media cache files


Kulpreet Singh





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