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Choppy Stuttering Playback - ProRes and H.264

Contributor ,
Oct 16, 2020 Oct 16, 2020

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So I've been away from my main editing computer for months now and was stuck with my laptop for a while.  I finally got it back up and running and have begun work on some projects.  The first one I did was H.264 4k footage (from a GH5 and Osmo Action Camera) and was a complete pain to edit. Lots of dropped frames and simply annoying to edit.  Now before I went away my system did marginally well with H.264, it would chug once an edit got pretty heavy (a lot of clips/cuts/effects) but NEVER immediately at the start of editing. But I assumed maybe it was an H.264 issue and wrote it off.  On my Laptop I had started to notice it chugging pretty badly with h.264 footage but assumed it was the laptop.

Now I started a project that is entirely ProRes footage (also from the GH5 but recorded on an Atomos Inferno).  This footage edited BEAUTIFULLY on this exact computer just a couple months ago.  Now? I've got ONE clip on the timeline and it cannot play a 22 second clip without stuttering and stopping repeatadly.  I mean this is just ProRes 422LT 4k footage.  I've edited this a hundred times without issue in the past.

Funny part?  I have a third project I started that is all Blackmagic BRAW footage from my BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4k, and that edits just fine (before effects are applied).  

I searched and it sure seems like there are a bunch of recent "Stuttering Playback" posts and no adequate answers.  The go-to response seems to be "Create Proxies".  That's fine for a low spec computer with H.264 footage, but a computer working with ProRes footage that edited buttery smooth just a few months ago?  Seems to me like some recent update has a flaw or two.

PC Specs:
-AMD Ryzen 7 2700X (8-core CPU @ 4Ghz)

-32GB DDR4 3400mhz RAM

-AMD Frontier Edition Graphics Card w/ Pro Drivers (8GB RAM)

-2TB NVMe SSD (drive where footage is stored)

-500GB NVMe SSD (Cache Drive for Creative Cloud files only)

-Premiere version 14.4.0

-Fresh install of Windows (Just reformatted the Windows drive this week due to a driver issue.)


Attached is a Screenshot of the Windows Task Manager while the clip in question is playing back.  Average 15% CPU usage, 3% on the GPU, 12GB of RAM.  The System isn't starving for resources, Premiere just isn't using them. Earlier in 2020 it really seemed like Premiere was getting better about using the Computer Hardwar available to it, seems like maybe a serious backslide has occurred.



Editing , Error or problem , Hardware or GPU , Performance




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