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I downloaded a editing pack and it automatically downloaded as an XML file. I tried searching for converters for XML to prfpset but most of them do cost money. With this XML document, I cannot import the editing pack preset that I installed. Is there any way which I can turn my XML file into a prfpset so that I can import it into my premiere pro?
Wow this Jboonk did not create these presets. He 'borrowed' them from somebody else.
Go to the makers original site and download from there.
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Cannot just change the xml extension to prfpset.
Best is to contact the vendor.
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i do not think its the vendor. i downloaded JBoonk's editing pack, and it downloaded as an xml although the name was .prfpset. maybe you can try it out and tell me what happened when you tried it?
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Wow this Jboonk did not create these presets. He 'borrowed' them from somebody else.
Go to the makers original site and download from there.
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did you find a way to fix it?
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Copied this vid right here, i know you have probably found a solution but this vid saved a lot of work
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Thank You it works.
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Thank you so much. it was short, easy & efficient. Thx again 🙂
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Thank You so much mate it works.
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Great, it worked.
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Now, this is helpfull
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worked!! thanks
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thanks, man.
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Thanks, It works well.
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If you are using android it will be easier , just put xml file in the phone storage and rename it with ES File explorer, (available in Playstore also in apple store) cut the XML part and add '.PRFPSET' in the last, and you are done.. hope it helps Take care
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This really helped me. Thankyou
And also here's a link of a video using the above solution -
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I had the same problem and I could easily solve it by simply downloading the file individually and not in a .zip for me that doesn't make sense but hope it could help someone
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Yes. This worked for me ...Thanks
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This works like a charm. Thank you!
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Hey I found a way to fix this. All I did was duplicate the file and deleted the xml part so that the prfpset was the only thing at the end. I duplicated the file just in case it got corrupted or anything, because I didn't know if it would work. Well, it worked for me. Good luck
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transfer Downloaded File in mobile and just rename the file as NEWPRESETS.PRFPSET
now transfer this renamed file in PC and import in premiere
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Go to the 'view' tab in file explorer and make sure that 'file name extensions' is enabled, and that they actually have a .prfpset extension. Could be the file is called PerfectMasks.prfpset.xml, in which case just rename it to take the .xml off the end.