CS5: Couldn't load KPFColorParamSuite
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I found this error always apearing in Prepro CS5. *
What is it?
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Seems to be caused by Red Giant/Trapcode plug-ins. I get this all the time with Shine, Starglow, and similar.
Doesn't seem to affect anything; I keep meaning to submit a bug report to RG...
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I get the same using Colorista. As with Colin, it doesn't seem to affect performance at all.
One thing that has me curious though is your version of Premiere. I didn't notice this using 5.0.2. I wonder if the new and improved "effects interface" of 5.0.3 has anything to do with it.
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I've had it since 5.0.0.
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Colin Brougham wrote:
I've had it since 5.0.0.
Me to (not quite sure if that is with 1 or 2 o's).
Filed a bugreport some time ago.
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I've had the problem, too. I contacted Red Giant support about it. Their response was not to worry about it, since it wasn't really a problem, but just an error mesage. That was kinda ok, but unsatisfying.
Yesterday I took advantage of their sale, and purchased the Colorista upgrade, from 1 to 2. No error messages now. Now I understand the earlier response. In any case, Colorista 2 is great, and it is a really good upgrade.
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it is a French version.
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ToonIt really slow down the machine, and BCC 7 noiseReduction sometime crashes PrePro CS5.
Any idea on that?
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Now you are starting a different subject, start a new thread.
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I started getting this after dowloading the New Blue Film Effects Trial & New Blue Cartooner. My previews are not working anymore. Anyone else running these plug ins on CS5 Win7 64bit
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Red Giant plug-ins,as noted, suffer from the same error. But my RG plug-ins still work. Can you not re-render your sequence and get your previews back?
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Hi Jeff
I can preview and render, just two thing bothering me:
1. RG Plugins take lot of memory, I could not preview in Full Reso. and have to do a lot of guess work. Maybe that it is the way all the Third Party Plugins work. Especially BCC 7 crashes PrePro quite offten. Some time to sync image and music I have to turn it off.
2. I don't find anything doesn't work, but the "Red Error X" is always there on the right bottom : (
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I keep getting those too, great that it worked for You Bill, but i still get them with Colorista2...
I contacted RG and they allowed me to post this conversation here:
felix: "Couldn't load kPFColorParamSuite"
Sophya: just a moment
felix: sure
Sophya: We haven't found this event message to effect either the plug-in or the host. You should have no issues closing the message and continuing. Should you not find that to be the case, please let us know right away.
Sophya: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
felix: thank you. it also seems to me that the performance and the host app are not affected in any way, still it's tough, if the whole error log is flooded with this message (1 message per change in colorista...)
felix: because i constantly have to search through the error log in case i get a REAL error, after all, that's what it's for 😉
Sophya: We are working to solve why it occurs and correct it as soon as we can. Are you on our newsletter?
felix: yes.
Sophya: Perfect- that will be one of the first ways we announce any updates for Colorista II
felix: thank you so much for your time.
Sophya: Of course! Thank you for your patience.
felix: something else, since some fellow editors are experiencing the same problem, would you permit that i copy part of this conversation to our forum?
Sophya: Of course! They should be on our newsletter for any updates, as well.
felix: i'll pass it along.
Sophya: Thank you very much.
felix: thank you and have a great day
Sophya: You as well!
So they're working on it and they want you all to subscribe to the newsletter...
...like now.
Me it doesn't bother that much to get these errors, since they don't really do anything and seem to only be a bug, just that i have to check the log more regularly, in case some REAL error sneaks in between these little buggers.
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They've been "working on it" for well over a year now.
Some how I doubt the veracity of that claim.
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yepp. me too.
i've only recently been getting these errors (didn't have them with Colorista 1) so i searched for solutions here before contacting RG.
Found this thread, quite an old problem as it seems.
Still i'd like to see it solved, since i like Colorista and am not sure what speedgrade will bring in comparison to what it was before adobe bought it.
But since DaVinci is a different league ( i leave it to the "real" colorists), the MB Suite is quite a charm for quick grading and i use it regularly.
maybe too few people file bug reports at RG since the problem seems only to be the error message itself... 😕
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This did not happen to me with CS5.5. It started happening when I upgraded to CS6.
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For me its just the opposite.
Seen it in previous versions, don't see it in CS6
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Wow ...
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Premiere sometimes moves in mysterious ways
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don't see it in CS6
I still have it in CS6.
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I just started to see this error a couple days ago with PPro CS5.5 when trying to render out a time line for DVD prep. The error would stop the rendering with an unknown error, but the Timeline error list was a slew of 20 or so of this "Couldn't Load kPFColorParam Suite" error.
Fortunately, I could open the .m2v file in of all things Windows Media Player (This is in Win7, 64-bit), and look to see at what point & clip the error occured. I've Black Magic Design capture hardware, but in every case the problem was with a non captured clip that I've been forced to use, usually a Quicktime of some variety, most often an mp4 or mov.
I could convert the troublesome clip to an MPeg4 flavor of AVI, perform a Replace Footage and be good to go, at least until I encountered yet another problem clip.
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I get the "Couldn't load kPFColorParamSuite" error and used Lumetri Looks. It doesnt seem to affect the video and doesnt crash, just shows me this in the error log of Media Encoder. Using CC.
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Hi ....
Now in September 2017 the error massage still exists.
My system is ...
Mac Pro with OS X 10.11.6
and Premiere Pro CC 2017
The Trapcode PlugIn i´ve used on the timeline is TC Starglow (Trapcode Suite 11.0.3).
All seems to work and the rendering did not stop. Just the message appears.