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After updating to Premiere Pro 15.1.0, my default keyboard shortcuts went missing. I attempted to transfer the .kys file from Adobe/Premiere Pro/15.0/Profile-Username/Mac, but I get this error message when trying to open it in Premiere: "The shortcut key file Adobe Premiere Pro Default Keyboard" was created on another platform and is incompatible with this version of Premiere Pro". I tried reinstalling and received the same message. Any idea why I'm getting this error?
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Hi Steve Graham,
We're sorry about the poor experience. Have you tried resetting app preferences to isolate any preference corruption issue that might be causing the app to misbehave?
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Do you have Windows set for some other language then English?
You can copy the default shortcuts to the working folder. The default shortcuts are here:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro 2024\Keyboard Shortcuts\
(For Windows, /Mac users adjust path - The EN folder contains the English Shortcuts)
Go inside one of these language groups and copy the files inside to:
%UserProfile%\Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\24.0\Profile-YOU\Win
or use this one below, you'll see your UserProfile folder, then inside that 'Win"
%UserProfile%\Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\24.0\
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I've been having an issue where no matter what my keyboard shortcuts are greyed out in Premiere and I can't load any of the default presets making my keyboard useless. I found a copy of the default .kys online I downloaded but it gave me the "created in another platform and incompatible error." However, on Mac, I went to the Applications folder > Premiere Pro folder. Right-clicked the Application Icon>Show Package Contents>Contents>Keyboard Shortcuts>en and took the Adobe Premiere Pro Default.kys and copied that to User>Documents>Adobe>Premiere Pro>15.0>Profile-user>Mac and pasted it in there. In the Keyboard Shortcuts preferences in Premiere I now have a copy of the default shortcuts but the one on the bottom I copied works and the original still doesn't load anything. Very annoying but this work around got things rolling for me.
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Thank you so much!!!! I tried everything. Just to help other online searchers. If you are missing your keyboard short for Adobe Premiere the above solution works. In the directory, just grab the settings in the EN folder. Be sure to restart the program and look for the new copied settings.
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It worked! Great job!