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I have created a blu-ray DVD with a subtitle track for 8 chapter labels.
When the timeline is played, all 8 of the chapter subtitles appear in the monitor panel.
When previewing the menu in Encore, all 8 chapter subtitles appear in the Project Viewer panel.
But when a blu-ray image is built and burned to a DVD, the first chapter subtitle heading appears, but none of the other 7 headings appear.
In the Disc properties of the Build panel “Set Subtitle” is set to 1.
I have compared the properties of the first subtitle to the other 7 and can see no difference.
Why does the first subtitle appear but not the remaining 7 on the same track? En CS6 Thanks Joe
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Odd problems occur with no apparent connection to a single problem. For example, always run Encore "as administrator" when doing BD disks.
Can you provide a screenshot of a timeline with the subtitles?
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File 2
File 1
Here are 3 screenshots;
The first is the monitor panel, showing the Chapter 10 subtitle appearing. This is the second subtitle on the track, and this and all the following subtitles do not appear in the DVD.
The second is the timeline and subtitle track. The subtitles are only 4 seconds each, so they are very small.
The third is the project preview panel also showing the Chapter 10 subtitle appearing.
Thanks Joe
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Not seeing anything odd there. Also a screenshot of the Encore flowchart?
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Here is a screenshot of the whole flowchart;
One other possibility. In the disc properties "Set Subtitle" is set to "1". Should it be set to "No Change" or "Off" instead?
Thanks Joe
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You're playing the "playall" straight through, and that is just a single timeline, right? The individual chapter plays are chapter playlists, correct?
How are you playing the disk. If a computer, try it in a BD player hooked to a TV.
The Submenu has an end action taking it back to the main menu? Do you relly want to automatically go back? You have "returns" set. I've seen odd problems occur when the main menu is set back to itself. Just wondering what would happen if you set that submenu to "stop" (and no time limit).
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The project is one timeline divided into 8 chapters.
The individual chapters in the submenus are each set to play and then return back to its own button on the submenu.
The "playall" plays a chapter playlist of all 8 chapters.
When I had end actions set on both the last chapter and the timeline, even though they were the same, I would get a message when doing the build check that the end action couldn't be executed because of a conflict. So I set no end action on the last chapter, and the message no longer appears.
I am playing the disk on a BD player hooked to a TV. And I verified subtitles are turned "On".
One other thing I noticed, I don't know if this is relevant or not. When tabbing through the subtitles using the arrows on the subtitle track, the second and subsequent subtitles appear in the monitor panel in the blue bounding box, as if they are still in edit mode. Does this indicate a problem? Thanks Joe
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Forgot to say: I think "1" is correct. That starts the disk with subtitles on. Everything else can then be "no change."
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I can't get subtitles to appear in the monitor window, so can't test part of that. I have a simple test project with a menu with one button linked to a timeline. One subtitle track with 2 subtitles. I can see both on preview. Also, when I build to a bd .iso image, it plays back correctly in Cyberlink Power DVD 17. Many software players do not handle many elements correctly, but I find that Power DVD does.
Is there a reason you did not do your play all as just the timeline? Not the compilation of chapter playlists?
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I tried playing the disc in a different BD player, and to my frustration got a different result. The second BD player plays the first 2 subtitles, but not the remaining six. I thought computers were supposed to be consistent. I will always wonder what the problem was. For now as I see it my only resort is to BFFI. Now knowing where I placed the chapter points in Encore, I will go back to the Premiere Pro timeline, place chapter markers and titles at the final locations, export new .m4v and .wav files, import as a second timeline into the current Encore project, delete the old timeline, reset the links between the chapter markers and the menu buttons, reselect the button poster frames, and I should be right back where I started, but with chapter titles that will appear.
I first linked the “Play All” button directly to the timeline, but I was afraid since each chapter’s end action was set to return to that chapter’s menu button, that the timeline wouldn’t play all the way through, it would just stop at the end of the first chapter. The timeline will play all the way through? Since you’re not playing a chapter button, that button’s end action has no effect? Thanks Joe
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Yes, your workaround should work.
The disk playing differently in a different BD player is not that uncommon, although more so for DVD. There has always been an emphasis on some workflows to avoid "compatibility" issues. The DVD/BD specs are very exacting. The BD spec does not require BD players to play "Burned" BDs.
> "since each chapter’s end action was set to return to that chapter’s menu button"
There are 2 main methods for doing chapters when your imported timeline is the full movie. One uses end actions on the chapter (and then overrides to counter them); the other uses chapter playlists. Chapter Playlists were not originally available; once they were, most of us avoided end actions on the chapters (and overrides like the plague). Your method is more like option 1.
Let us know if you workaround did the trick!
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Plodding through the workaround in Premiere Pro, adding the chapter titles. I am trying to apply a fade-in at the start and a fade-out at the end of each title. The Cross Dissolve effect does both. Is there a video transition effect that does each separately? Thanks Joe
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I just keyframed opacity. Or try Dip to Black (and reverse)?