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Hi everyone,
A few days ago, a updated my Premiere Pro CC (2015.3)
Before this update my Premiere and my project worked well !
Now, I have an error when i want to export my sequence.
This message comes directly after lauching the export.
I've tested different solutions (other formats, import my sequence into a new project, reinitialised my presets, render, doesn't work with Media Encoder ...)
I dont' see this problem anywhere... Maybe someone can help me ?
Thank you !
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1 Correct answer
Alright, so I'm new to this Adobe Premiere world, but this problem was totally terrible. I'm not sure if this will work for the rest of you, but I tried almost everything I saw here & it still didn't work for me.
Want to know what DID work though?
I changed the name of the project file to not include any symbols like - or / and voila! It worked.
Stupid, haha but praise God! Hope it helps!
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I converted my audio file to .WAV but still get the error. I've tried everything i can think of for the past 2 hours. Still can't export. And i'm not exporting without the audio. That's just not how it works. The audio is part of the video. So please if anyone has a fix i'd appreciate it if you post it here. I'm waiting...
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You get old before someone answers in this forum. Anyway, after days of researching i came across an answer stating to move the project folder somewhere else on the hdd then it would work. And so i moved it, renamed it and Holly Cow "IT WORKED". Hope i helped, now the Adobe support Team knows the answer and they can pass it along.
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This worked for me as well. Moving the project folder to a different location solved the error code 6 message and allowed me to export both the video and audio. Thank you.
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This worked for me as well, after moving the project to a different folder I was able to export both audio and video
without any issues (after attempting all the above solutions which didn't work for me).
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Thanks alot, this helped a great deal.
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This solution worked for me. The voice recording was fine; the music file was causing an issue. Converted my WAV music background to an mp3 file via audition (opposite file type solution - but either way this worked).
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Nevermind. It worked at first but now is not letting me export with the music in background. Going to try to export it without music file. Then, try to add it to exported video in either Pr or Ae. This is horribly inconvenient and annoying.
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I'm getting this same issue, but so far I haven't had any success getting my project exported. What's the deal?
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Yer im still getting this issue with none of the fixes above working. If anyone has figured it out that would be really helpful. I work in a school and this is happening on a lot of students work and causing a bit of a nightmare.
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Hi Charliew,
I am sorry for your issues. Please provide more details and I will try to get that sorted.
FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on this forum?
Kulpreet Singh
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hopefully this answers some of the questions, this is a clear as i can be at this time.
- At the College we use premiere pro cc version 2015.3
- I have no idea if we have recent updates as only the IT department has access to this.
- Windows 7
- .MPG (Audio, stereo, 48kHz)
- Error Code: 6
- At the time the error occurred i was trying to export the final cut of the students film.
- This has worked for other students using the same cameras and file types.
- there was no other software running
- no third party effects
- The computer hardware is mostly all the same on each system. Nothing special. pretty sure most of them are running onboard graphics and have no sound cards. 64 bit, intel core 2 duo 3.00 ghz. 8GB RAM.
- Are you using Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration? Yes
- Do you still have the issue when choosing Project Settings > General > Renderer > Mercury Playback Engine (Software Only)? Yes
- Does the problem only happen with your final output, with previews, or both? any type of export including the audio.
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Thanks for sharing the details, Charliew.
Error compiling movie is a generic error and we have documented all the possible solutions/workarounds in this document:
How to fix issues that cause errors when rendering or exporting
I would suggest you to start with this and please share your observations.
-Kulpreet Singh
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Move your entire project folder to a new folder and delete all cache and temp files.
Since the guys at Adobe have no idea how to manage their temp files I wrote a batch script you can use to clear all the rubbish that gets left on your drive.
1. In Windows. Open Notepad.
2. Copy the following code.
del "C:\Users\PROFILE NAME\AppData\Local\Temp\*.*" /s/q
del "C:\Users\PROFILE NAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Media Cache\*.*" /s/q
del "C:\Users\PROFILE NAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Media Cache Files\*.*" /s/q
del "C:\Users\PROFILE NAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Peak Files\*.*" /s/q
del "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SLCache\*.*" /s/q
rem ...TO HERE
3. Past into the Notepad window.
4. Change "PROFILE NAME" to match yours.
EXAMPLE: If you login as "Bob"... Your user profile will be located in C:\Users\Bob
...which means PROFILE NAME becomes Bob...
...del "C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Temp\*.*" /s/q
...del "C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Media Cache\*.*" /s/q
...del "C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Media Cache Files\*.*" /s/q
...del "C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Peak Files\*.*" /s/q
...del "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SLCache\*.*" /s/q
5. Select File | Save.
6. Choose a location like your generic projects folder (Folder where you store all your projects).
7. Name it something simple like CLEANUPTHEMESS.BAT
8. Change "Save as Type" from "Text Documents (*.Txt)" to "All Files (*.*)"
9. Hit Save.
10. Close Notepad.
11. Open File Explorer and Browse to where you saved the file.
12. Right Click on it and click on "Run As Administrator".
13. Now you watch it cleanup.
First run will take a while.
14. Now go to your projects folder and delete all the Adobe folders... EXCEPT the Autosave Folder... Don't want to be left with only one version of your file that could be lost or corrupted.
If anyone is proficient in writing Batch Scripts I'd love to get your feedback on how to remove the Folders that stay behind and have to be removed manually.
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So after attempting to move the project file to different locations 4-5 times it appears the problem has been solved. The only way i managed to export with the audio was to move the project file to the desktop and specifically export to the desktop too. I have no idea why this would be a fix. all my media was stored in the same location and didn't change. i didn't change the project file name or anything, i simply exported from the desktop to the desktop. weird. If anyone can explain why this is the case i would be really interested, however at the least the problem is now solved.
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Thanks CharlieW this solution worked for me, even though it's completely illogical. I just moved my .propj file onto desktop, exported the mp4 to the desktop and it finally worked. I didn't move/edit any of my linked audio files. Thanks for posting your fix.
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No Problem, i still have no clue why this work around works, but im really glad i found it! i had a class of about 15 students all panicking on deadline day because they couldn't export. Glad to help
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After several attempts I noticed one of my assets in my After Effects' comps was wonky (by that I mean looked jagged visually).... though it was "linked" properly I went into the AE side of things and re-linked the needed asset and then exported without any time outs or errors. I would suggest this route in lieu of moving folders around.
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Same issue with premiere, exported to Media Encoder instead and that worked.
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check the audio decibels.. if it cross more -3, make the audio gain reduce and maintain below -3 and try to take the output. It worked for me!!
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"I moved my .propj file onto desktop, exported the mp4 to the desktop"
This worked for me as well.
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Just had this problem today and looking for help.
Start of Problem
I worked on a project at home with the files in DropBox. When I got to work, I transferred all the files to my local hd. When I reopened and tried to export, I kept getting an error about a missing AE filter (AE.ADBE MPEG.SourceSettings but I don’t think it matters).
My Solution
After checking around and trying to move the project file somewhere else (didn’t work), here is what I did that worked for me:
- Zoom into the project timeline to check every movie’s “fx” label.
- If there was a red underline on it, I reimported that video by dragging and dropping into Project window under new Bin.
- With the movie selected, I made a “Replace with clip…in Bin” on the timeline.
- Once all the red underlined movies were replaced, I removed all the old clips and moved the new clips into the proper bins.
- Export = Joy.
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It's 2019. this has been an issue for 2 years. Come on Adobe...
I had to move the project before it would export. Why??
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Alright, so I'm new to this Adobe Premiere world, but this problem was totally terrible. I'm not sure if this will work for the rest of you, but I tried almost everything I saw here & it still didn't work for me.
Want to know what DID work though?
I changed the name of the project file to not include any symbols like - or / and voila! It worked.
Stupid, haha but praise God! Hope it helps!
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I can confirm THIS WORKED FOR ME!