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Error compiling movie - Selector: 29 Error code: 512

New Here ,
Aug 19, 2023 Aug 19, 2023

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Premiere Pro v. 23.6.0, Build 65

On macOS Big Sur v. 11.7.8

Essentially: I cannot complete a video export in H.264 or Quicktime


I'm having trouble exporting my video because of the above error code message. When it started, I got the error code "Import Error - a low-level exception occurred" (Component: ImporterMXF of type Importer; Selector: 47; Error code: 5) and it specified a timecode on my timeline where the error was occurring. I went to that footage (which had no effects on it other than the LUT on an adjustment layer), and replaced the footage anyway, to no avail. Then, I tried to just render that part of the timeline and began getting this new error code, 512. These are the details:

Rendering effect: AE.ADBE ImporterMXF.SourceSettings

Component: Sony RAW MXF Source Settings of type AEVideoFilter

Selector: 29

Error code: 512


I have tried: 

- Restarting Adobe Premiere

- Restarting the computer

- Updating to the latest version of Premiere Pro (23.6.0, Version 65)

- Changing the Mercury Playback Engine to Software Only

- Turning off the LUT I was using (which, previous to today, has never caused an export problem)

- Making sure the export settings match the sequence settings, for both sound and video

- Replacing the clip(s) on the timeline with an original version the clip from my project bins


Has anybody else had this problem or know what the fork could be happening???


Thank you for any tips!







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