Event panel shows warning or errors. May I ask for the solution please? What is the reason?
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Apparently, your project refers to fonts that are no longer available on your system or have become corrupt. The Adobe Title Designer has replaced them with CourierNewPSMT.
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May I ask please how to find the type of fonts which are available in project?
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PPro is looking for a font family called 72.
Please use the font manager on your system to see if this font is available. Alternatively, you may try to find the (dynamically linked) assets that contain those fonts. Should be easy to spot, as they have been replaced by CourierNewPSMT.
Hope this helps.
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The term, font manager I read on Wikipedia and found software like Adobe Type, unfortunately, I have no expereince in that. May I ask please how to use the font manager to chek the or repair the corrupt fonts?
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Are you on Mac or Windows?
In Windows: Use the search magnifying glass in the left-bottom corner (next to the windows logo) and type in font. Bring up the Font manager (or equivalent, I'm doing this in my local language). In the search function you may type in 72 to see if that is available. I'm guessing it's not.
If not, find out where the font is available online (could be part of Adobe Fonts, Google fonts or any other commercial provider). Get/buy the font and re-install.
If this is not an option, the only thing you can do is replace the font you're missing with something that comes close in the assets that contain the fonts. Alternatively, you can ask the person that does have the fonts used to replace the fonts with curves in the programs used to create the assets (e.g. Illustrator).
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Thank you for your help. I learned today something new. Reinsttalled Open Sans Fonts. As I type 72 in the search box as you suggested, could not get the results, but as I typed Open Sans, then it appeared.
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These are the results of the Font Open Sans, not a font called "72", which PPro says is missing...
What is the font that you are looking for?
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Thank you for your replay. I am new to Premiere Pro. In General not getting an idea why the warning appeares as I open the project. As shown in above screenshot, it leads me to the Event panel where around 14 warnings appear!
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I already guessed that you were opening an existing project. Is this a Team Project created on a different workstation? If possible, the easiest solution is to open the Project on that workstation, or make sure that you have a local copy of the footage. I am no Teams expert, so perhaps someone else here is able to help you better.
For each clip on the Timeline, use the context-menu (right-click) and choose Reveal in Project. This will highlight the associated clip in the Team Project. Apparently, (some of) these clips are not available on your system or the media server that it is reffering to.
Are you able to re-link these files?