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When I use the "Export Frame" feature in the timeline (Shift + E), whether I export JPEG or PNG or TIFF, the same image will randomly be rendered in a poor/pixelated quality, and sometimes rendered properly.
For example the image below was me exporting that frame twice in a row:
Zoomed in to see better on the forum:
I exported it 6 times, it went like this: bad, good, good, bad, bad, bad (the images above are the 2 first).
This have been consistently happening on all my projects for the past couple of months.
I use proxies, and I tried exporting the frame with them on/off and this doesn't make a difference.
Any idea what could be causing that and how to fix it? Thanks!
Using Premiere 14.4.0 on macOS 10.15.7.
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Delete the Media Cache and Media Cache files:
If that doesn't work,try resetting the preferences:
If that doesn't work, try resetting the Workspaces:
Reset a workspace
Reset the current workspace to return to its original, saved layout of panels.
1. Do one of the following:
• Click the Workspace menu icon and select Reset to Saved Layout.
• Choose Window > Workspace > Reset to Saved Layout.
from here:
If that doesn't work, try Preferences > Audio Hardware and set Input to None.
If that doesn’t work, try updating or rolling back your graphics driver directly from the video card manufacturer’s site.
If that doesn't work, try creating a new project and import the old one into it.
Also, please help us help you:
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Thanks for the tips!
Sadly, none of that solved the issue, however trying in a new project, I noticed that the issue only happens when I have a proxy for the given video file and when the timeline
Here's a sample 1s 4K video I'm using to repro the issue:
Putting that on a timeline on a new project and creating a proxy for that video (I usually do ProRes Medium but I tried H.264 Medium as well with the same result), then exporting frames from that video, some of the epxorted frame will be randomly pixelated.
Turning proxies on/off on the timeline doesn't change anything, however disconnecting proxies in the project panel fixes it.
I also tried on Windows 10 and managed to reproduce the issue in the same way, however, on Windows only, toggling proxies off in the timeline (without disconnecting proxies in the project) did fix the issue, while this doesn't do anything on macOS.
I'm not sure what more to do at that point, probably submitting Adobe's report a bug form? Thanks!
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How about you re-read the original post and then file a bug report to the developers and ask them to deliver working software?
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After 2 years, same issue to me. With the current version, it is more difficult to have a good still.
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Lol at this so called "community expert". All he did was regurgitate generic troubleshooting BS. Meanwhile, all the normal users figured out the real solution and it's, in fact, a bug in the software that still hasn't been fixed after 3 years. This is exactly why I'm switching to Davinci. Adobe doesn't give a damn about the software or it's users and will charge monthly for nothing to ever be fixed.
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Please use the free MediaInfo and post a screenshot the properties of your media in tree view:
Many users are having issues with VFR. If the file is variable frame rate, use Hand brake to convert to constant frame rate:
Here is a tutorial:
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Same issue on my machine. In 5 or 6 clicks on "export frame" I get only 1 at full quality. The rest are proxy quality, scaled to full resolution. Any good solutions?
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Inexplicably, also still having this issue on Premiere Pro 15.4! Regardless of whether the proxy is active or not in the Program window, it will export proxy-resolution frame grabs only. So stupid.
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I've got the same problem. Super annoying.
I did find a workaround though.
When I use the export frame shortcut (shift+e, or clicking the camera icon) it's a crap shoot, and I never know what I'm going to get.
However, frames appear to export correctly every time if I do it the long way, through the export media dialog (cmd+m).
Hope this they fix this.
Hope this helps in the meantime.
Using Premiere 15.4.1 and MacOS 10.15.7
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Erm, this needs more information. What exactly do you select/enter into the "export media dialog"?
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I was having the same issue. Found that detaching proxies fixed the issue
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Your assesment was correct. I've been having the same issue. Detaching proxies is the fix. I reveal the cilp I need a still frame from in my project and then detach the proxy.
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Just updated to the lattest version v23.4. Same problem with low quality frame, even after proxies are switched off. It makes the simple job of removing tripod shadow from 360 video into an overcomplicated task. Shame.
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Incredibly it is now 2024. Adobe still has failed to remedy this simple export. My timeline is rendered, my files are rendered, my proxies are disabled, my Program Monitor is showcasing incredibly crisp detailed images, frame by frame, and my export is a piece of garbage pixelated mess.
What's going on Adobe? Are you not making enough money yet? This is a 4 year long community-wide issue and you have no remedy for simple JPEG frame exports?!?!?!?!?! It's a lottery system???