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I can't believe there is not more demand for this. My web dev is asking me for over 300 video clips in both .web and .ogg - - AME does not do this.
Do you guys have this problem? Any sucess with a 3rd party plug-in of some sort. I can use Firefogg (from Firefox) but it's slow using over the web as opposed to exporting from Premiere.
I don't know if anyone is paying attention to this thread anymore, but I just put a WebM plug-in for Premiere/Media Encoder into beta. Here are a couple download links:
WebM uses Vorbis for sound, but this plug-in can't actually write a seperate Ogg file. Now that I've gotten a little familiar with the Vorbis library, maybe it wouldn't be too tough to make a Premiere plug-in.
I don't know a
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Holy crap, it's 2017 and four years later Adobe still hasn't made any kind of official reply to this very reasonable request. Why not? If there is an issue with an open license, then explain what it is. Telling your users (who pay you a metric f*ck-ton of money to use your product) to use another product is completely unacceptable.
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I use EasyHTML5Video (Easy HTML5 Video : HTML 5 Video Converter ), which is free for non-commercial and only $69 for unlimited commercial license...
BUT, I do agree that it's incomprehensible that Adobe don't include it... If they can include it in a commercial license, why wouldn't Adobe be able to do so...?
I'm really on the fence of cancelling my CC account... I had it mostly for Acrobat and Dreamweaver... I still have Creative Suite 5 and Acrobat X, so that would fulfill my Photoshop, Illustrator and possibly Acrobat needs... As for Dreamweaver, 90% of my sites are now with WordPress and I'm starting to use Pinegrow for HTML sites...
Only hesitations:
1- my designer still send me Photoshop mockup, that I use with Extract on the Creative Cloud to build my sites... So, I would only need the CC platform, but can't have it separately... Maybe a Photoshop or Acrobat only would be enough, though...
2- I used to teach Adobe products (Dreamweaver, Flash (remember it?), Acrobat, LiveCycle...) often in both French and English... Now it's only in English and just a few times a year... maybe a monthly subscription (or just using the demo?) would be enough...
3- Mostly, since I'm a freelancer, I would have to check, but I think it is 100% deductible; so, a lot of money, but that I get back when I do my taxes...
But let's be honest, there are a lot of good equivalent products out there for free or low cost...
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I am a web developer and NONE of my clients ever manage to send HTML5 video thats proper for the web, so I end up having to be a video guy too these days. I've been using other nonsense software to encode OGG and WEBM and I am very grateful to have found this post.
Too bad your links are broken and Adobe never managed to put OGG and WEBM into media encoder...
Can I export WebM and OGG files from adobe media encoder?
Turns out this thread has working links, pretty simple.
You just end up adding the following files:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore
Worked for me.