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I have combined 5 video clips, each 15 seconds (for a total of 1min 15 seconds) to my project. For some reason, even though I can see these are the clip lengths according to the timeline, on the timeline it says 01;15;02. When I export, the video plays for this amount of time (it lists the total time as 01;15;02). I've attached a screenshot below. Where is the :02 coming from and how to I get rid of it?
1 Correct answer
One thing you are doing is using DropFrame timecode. Drop Frame keeps exact time to compensate for the fractional part of frame rates. I alway use Non-Drop frame timecode, as I don't need to get something say, exactly 30 minutes / 22 minutes etc.. and it's easier not to have to see the type thing you see. You can change that on the Sequence settings.
Also, you may have variable frame rate footage... that screws up a bunch of things.
You can use the free MediaInfo program to get info on your
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One thing you are doing is using DropFrame timecode. Drop Frame keeps exact time to compensate for the fractional part of frame rates. I alway use Non-Drop frame timecode, as I don't need to get something say, exactly 30 minutes / 22 minutes etc.. and it's easier not to have to see the type thing you see. You can change that on the Sequence settings.
Also, you may have variable frame rate footage... that screws up a bunch of things.
You can use the free MediaInfo program to get info on your clips. Get the program from the link below and using the 'Tree' view post a screenshot of your clip info:
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I actually do need precise timing (or as precise as frames/sec can convert to) for presenting still images for a set period of time (e.g. 167.67ms, or 5 frames) for an experiment I am running. So I don't think using Non-dropcode would work for me. And my videos are actually clips I created from still images being presented for a certain number of frames in a longer sequence.
I'll look into media tree; in the meantime, here is my screenshot for reference.
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Oh, and:
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Can we see you sequence and project settings.
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5 frames does not tell how long each frame last. For instance if you have a 60 fps timeline those 5 frames go by rather quickly. (Do the math if you like) whereas if you have a 15fps timeline, each frame is displayed 4 time longer than the 60fps timeline. You can edit audio in Audio time units, but video is limited to frames.
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I assumed because in the source window the frames went from 00:29 to 1:00 this meant that there were 30frames/sec. Is this not right? It seems when I play back the videos and time them that 1:00 is 1 second. Here is an image of my source and project panels and also images of my sequence and project settings.
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Thanks for all your input. Never mind about the 02 at the end of the video length; we decided it didn't matter for our purposes. I would be interested if what I said about frames is correct- that is, in the source window the frames are listed from 00;00;00 to 00;01.00, and the frame before 00;01;00 is 00;00;29, so I assumed that since the 00;01;00 is equal to 1 second (I've timed this) that the frame rate is 30fps? Does that sound right?
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Yes, that is right. 29.97 or 30.00 fps.
The info is available on the Sequence menu / Sequence Settings. Right at the top...
Like on your screenshot also. The drop frame timecode keeps track of the .97, wherease non-drop frame timecode just runs straight with no compensating drops of frame numbers.
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Thank you for all your help!